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Everything posted by Smitty

  1. There is no taboo that I know of. It's simply a specialty food, that can be hard to cook correctly. Since just about everyone can cook a chicken and they are easy to breed, we have quite a bit of chicken.
  2. li - i don't know exactly how Griz is using it (I read his post about it too) but IME, it's a side effect of being doted on by parents and grandparents, that ONE child. There's a behavior associated with it, as well. The common moniker for it is 'empress' at the house. Is basic concept of getting one's way, all the time, regardless of the consequences, and pitching a fit (crying, screaming, hitting) until one gets her way. usually without any fear of later punishment (as there is no punishment for an empress). Now, you've got a pile o degrees, surely you've witnessed this type o behavior in China ? I know I have, but it's not 100 percent across the board. It would just be easier to say that they are spoiled.
  3. Good Luck to you and you hubby Erika!
  4. It seems to be split between logical reasons, and because the VO didn't sleep well the night before.
  5. KFC and MickyDs are the worst food in the world....
  6. Mostly, just to agree with dnoblett, I'll add that most people don't care about China, or even have an interest in China. They just see 'Made in China' on just about everything. Most politicians are not capable of leading, and just go which ever which way the wind is blowing.
  7. Another difficulty is the difference between the printed form, like would be in the dictionary, and the way you keep writing it with your finger as you try to count the strokes to look for the radical, or just total stroke count. Also some characters are of course combinations of several radicals, and trying to figure out which radical is the one you want. Perhaps it gets easier with time?
  8. Won't be in Seattle until Thursday, and then next week is 'Jesus in China' about the underground churches.
  9. Bully for him! Definitely a man of foresight and concern.
  10. What about an International Drivers License?
  11. Ok, I was just wondering if there was a greater reason for hiring the attorney, than proper processing of the paperwork.
  12. Being somewhat new to this, what did you need a stateside attorney for?
  13. I was showing a picture from it, to one of my coworkers. It's the one of the cookie cutter housing development with the big buildings in the background. I was somewhat surprised by his comment that only the rich could afford those houses(and he might well be right), but like you said the cynicism, and perhaps uninformed view would have been the one I would have had just a few months ago.
  14. I was wondering if anyone has seen the China issue of National Geographic that came out in about May? Or did I just miss (edit)the thread about(/edit) it? One of the casuals at work brought it in, and I snagged it, about a month ago, but I haven't even given it much of a look-see until now. National Geographic May 2008 China Issue Desktops to download - Select May 2008
  15. That's great for him! You two must be very proud!
  16. Being tall, I loved the hood at the apartment I was in. The 'vent' for the recirculating hood blew right into my face. Oh well, it was cheap.
  17. You have my heartfelt congratulations for your family!
  18. Does China want to be understood? I don't think you can overturn a few hundred years of 'stay out of our business' by suddenly throwing your arms open to hug the world.
  19. I doubt it. In a year the Olympics and the quakes will be memories, yet I think that people will still be picking on China, if they haven't found someone else to pick on.
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