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Everything posted by Smitty

  1. Sweet! Gives the preferred answer in the test, but still doesn't work with Traditional Han. Thanks again!
  2. Thanks again Jim, and give my thanks to your daughter! I was even more curious after looking into West Coast Rogers translation thread. I post my results there with the stock translation widget, and neither matched the prefered Google translation. I'll give this one a try and see what I get.
  3. Thanks for looking into this Jim! Do you mean this one?
  4. So, this thread has peaked my interest in Badminton I checked out Google for some badminton vids, and saw this one: Looks pretty entertaining. I could watch that! But it still looks like someone had too much space to waste on a pingpong table, but not enough for a tennis court.
  5. And I just plugged the Google translation into the widget to get a backwards translation. Traditional Han was undefined, and Simplified Han was "My wife is the Chinese." So, Roger, it looks like your wife is the embodiment of China!
  6. Thanks for the info/links guys! Also, from the translation widget, the Babelfish translation looks like the Simplified Han. Traditional Han would be ÎÒµÄÆÞ×ÓÊÇhÕZ Or maybe not. That's what the computer gives me.
  7. So I remembered that the Dashboard has a translation widget, but it only does Simplified Han, and Traditional Han as translated by Systran. Are either of these options worthwhile? While I don't care for the Dashboard, and prefer Konfabulator, is there a better translation widget for the Dashboard?
  8. I'm not a native Chinese reader or speaker, but I'd go with the Google translation. Where abouts at Google did you find translation service?
  9. Well, I guess a cork removal tool is something I should remember to bring to China!
  10. I could never get into badminton as a kid. I just don't grasp it. I'd rather play tennis.
  11. Can you call them for support, or if it's a laptop - bring it in to a branch(do they have branches? )?
  12. Now after reading the article, I don't have any more feelings one way or another on the issue of Tibet. The way some idiots act in the course of their protests, is despicable with out any doubt. Hopefully they will enjoy some time in jail with some other quality individuals. There are always those whose passion for whatever event/thing it is that they love can push them beyond reason. I feel sorry for them, more than anything else. Especially in this case. These idiots will always be known as attacking a disabled athlete, and a woman at that(of course the concept of chivalry is most dead anyway, so what does that matter? ), so their karma will be their reward. Wait, I don't feel sorry for them. That implies some sort of acceptance. I feel pity for them for not being able to control themselves. Maybe they should be sentenced to wear adult diapers as a sign of their lack of self control... Just a quick question - After looking at the pictures, shouldn't the torch be burning?
  13. Did you ask about the DS-157? Why would she need it if it's only for males?
  14. Actually, you don't need either of those for any podcast. All you need is something that plays .mp3 files. Go to http://chinesepod.com/lessons/ Click on the title of the lesson, and then you only get to download the 64k version, but that should get you going.
  15. I believe that the classic Greek ideal age gap was twelve years.
  16. It was posted a bit back, and I think that there were links to the original articles in that thread. Where is the RandyW service when you need it?
  17. Cuzin' Chawls, I done contacted a shippin' company today and got pricin' for a container to ship over a 59' DeSoto with BIG fins. Cuzin' tsap seui Have oyster will travel Well inside cuzin' tsap's hilarity here is a good point... How the heck do you get your stuff over there anyway??? The last time I looked into this I found that there are lots of empty containers going back to China from our shores and if you can fill 1/8th of one or more with your junk its a good deal. What do you do once it gets there??? I have no idea... The Brits who are always moving to Hong Kong recommended the "removal" company (that would be a moving company to us) of Allied Pickfords but I understand that going that kind of route is pricey as they have to pack everything themselves ... Let me know the container ID info, and I'll try to be extra careful with it when I handle it!
  18. While not specific to China, or any country, I found this a few years ago, when I was researching Cartagena. http://www.escapeartist.com/
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