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  • Location
    Northern California
  • Interests
    China, China and China. Oh, I also like shooting, motorcycles, sailing, snow sking and travel. I also try to make money in my spare time.
  1. DMIKES4321 sells this type of tea. Correct you are and I'm looking at a stack of 30 bricks of prime 2004 ChangYun as I type this. Thanks for the plug. My website has been down while I've been re-orienting my product mix. I couldn't sell the high end geen and white teas fast enough so I lost a small fortune to spoilage, but the Wulongs, Pu'er's, red tea (NOT that stupid rooibos stuff) and medicinals don't expire, so I'll have the site (www.newchinateahouse.com) back up in a few weeks. Meanwhile, if anyone wants a good Pu'er, drop me a line here and I'll fix you up! Thanks again, Tony! Best Regards
  2. My wife's interview could be scheduled within the next 60 to 90 days, but it's becoming apparent that I'm going to have trouble showing adequate income over the past 3 years (I was a mortgage broker, need I say more?). Can anyone give me some advice? I can probably come up with something via my tax returns (which I haven't filed for the past 5 years; I have an attorney working on piecing my financial life back together, but I don't have the money [thousands of $$$] to do that kind of work over the next couple of months). Does anyone know anything about sponsorship? How much money does the sponsor need to have? I'm assuming their liability would be as great as mine would be as far as guaranteeing the financial well-being of my spouse. Could I "take over" the responsibility of sponsorship after I finish my convoluted and expensive tax issue, say in about 12 months or so? All advice will be greatly appreciated.
  3. Welcome Vivian!! It's just GREAT to have your perspective here. I'll be looking for your posts so please don't be shy! Once again, Welcome Aboard!! Best Regards
  4. Hope your ticker holds out there Mike. Dave, I appreciate your concern and thank you. I'm through the worst of my real estate nightmare now, so I think I'll be doing better soon. Nothing a trip to Nanning can't fix!
  5. New record by my ticker: 6.887/1.000, RMB to dollar. It's approaching a 25% increase in value since mid-2005.
  6. The value of the RMB is going up when you get fewer RMB per dollar. The fewer RMB per dollar, the higher it's value against the dollar, hence, it is rising in value. In currency trading, the references are to value, not numbers. Value of the RMB is considered to be going UP when the dollar drops, and it is the dollar that's dropping right now. Interestingly, the price of gold is considered to be going up as the dollar inflates. That's probably because gold is one of the standards by which currencies are judged. Best Regards
  7. Wow, highest I've ever seen it on my ticker - 6.898/1.00
  8. Hell, this happens in my neighborhood every weekend!!
  9. California as a 'redemption value' for plastic, aluminum and glass containers. Among his other businesses, my 13 year old son collects recyclables on a regular basis and takes them to the recycling center. He averages about $7.50 per week. Not bad for a few minutes work. Clever lad. He also has a candy delivery business and a lemonade cart for the summer. While other kids wait at their stands, he pulls his cart around the neighborhood and delivers, door to door. Maybe I'll be able to retire soon...
  10. Another trendy, brain dead celebrity bites the dust. Seems Christian Dior has dropped Ms. Stone from their ads in China. Not enough financial pain for saying " is that karma -- when you're not nice that the bad things happen to you?", so I don't think it's really STRONG karma. I've never engaged in the mindless worship of celebrities (America's substitute for 'royalty'), but I DO enjoy seeing them pay the price for their ignorance and arrogance. Seems particularly appropriate in this case, being as Sharon was "not being very nice to..... good friend(s) of mine". Moron.
  11. I would add "STUPID" to your list of descriptives. I think Sharon was shorted on brains when she was given all the looks. I seem to remember some conservative Christians being condemned for suggesting that AIDS was punishment for homosexuality. I think someone also said something about the 9/11 attacks being punishment for our nation falling away from God. All these statements are incredibly stupid, but I don't think Princess Sharon's statements will ignite quite the outrage of the others.
  12. Good stuff, Rog. Asiawind is a great site. I'm about to take back all the bad things I've ever said about you!! I was very interested in Hakka before I knew my Wife IS Hakka. First time we met I asked her a question about it and was astounded to find out her heritage. She was surprised I'd ever heard of it. She's trying to make me Hakka now, a little at a time.
  13. Do you think there is an element of denial in this? I'm just curious. The topic of death doesn't come up with us. When I engage in 'black humor', Lao Po scolds me and tells me we will be together forever (I happen to agree). Interesting topic.
  14. Good article, Tony. Interestingly, the strongest arguments I've heard against this happening are from educated Chinese. I've written about it in another thread, but many I've talked to think the differences in language structure and learning are so deep that China will never bridge the gap. I'm not sure if I am in total agreement with my friends, but their arguments are pretty persuasive.
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