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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. IMHO we have a few versions of the same thing on the table. It is time to pick one and get it sent. Ms. Harty cannot read this while it is in revisiong. As this letter is specific to Ms Harty, any one wishing to send this to senators or congressman could easily do so with modifications. My personal opinion is that individual letters may not get read. This is why I included a sample signature page. I believe we will have the greatest impact if we all send a sig page to one members address and he/she sends a copy of the letter with all sig pages to the appropriate address. I would gladly do this if noone else has the time. However, gathering the sig pages will lilely take a week and if we cannot get large numbers we will have no impact. As to administrators of CFL. YES, we definalty need them to read and varify that we have not misrepresneted CFL in anyway. Time for talk was then, time to do is now!!!!!! Someone step up and get 'r done!!!!!! How about some input from some of the rest of the old timers here??? Just 'caus you have you darlin' with you doesn't mean you have forgotten the terrible wait.
  2. Hey all, I have made a few minor changes to the "Letter" (hope ya'll don't mind). Also, I included a sample signature page that each peerson would need to send to a central point to be included with the letter. Read it and see what you think. If this letter is to be sent the time is NOW when a trip to China is freshin Ms. Harty's memory. Trigg To: Maura Harty, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Consular Affairs From:Members of a concerned group Subject:Guangzhou visa processing Dear Ms. Harty: We, are of writing to you as members of “A Candle For Love” (CFL), a growing online community of nearly 2,000 law abiding, taxpaying U.S. Citizens. We are joined by the common bond of a lengthy and unpredictable wait to receive immigrant visas for our wives, fiancee's and children. The purpose of this letter is to address a few of the current immigrant visa processing issues at the American Consulate in Guangzhou. These issues have caused what we feel are unnecessary hardships for us and our loved ones. We ask that you take a moment to read our honest and concise assessment of the current situation and that you consider possible solutions. 1) Wait Times for K1 & K3 Visas: The wait time for the K-1 Fiance Visa and K3 Visa is among the longest in the world. Our members wait an average of 13-months without a good reason or understanding why it takes so long. We would deeply appreciate your help in investigating and helping us to understand this situation, especially in light of the fact that K visas processed in consulates in other countries are done significantly faster than those processed at Guangzhou. China has the world’s largest population. Is it time that a country of this size and importance has more than one consulate to handle immigrate visas? Countries of lessor populations and immigrant demand have multiple consulates. Some of our members have recently enjoyed hearing you speak in Beijing about the improvements in handling student and business visas from China, with over 180,000 student visas per year typically processed and issued in a matter of days or weeks. We are sure that you would consider the petitions of US citizens for their loved ones to be at least of equal priority as those from Chinese citizens. 2) Denials without appeal: Many of our members are being denied visas for no apparent reason. They are denied and not allowed consultation with a member of the IV Unit to resolve these denials, or to know why they are being denied. Your help in resolving this communication deficit would be greatly appreciated. 3) White Slips changed to Blue Slips: There are a growing number of cases where white acceptance slips are being given to the wife or fiancee of a U.S. Citizen immediately after the interview, only to receive a blue slip the following day, and the visa denied — without explanation or consultation. This is very confusing to those of us at CFL. We would like to give our support to your visa officers. However, this becomes increasingly difficult when they over rule themselves with no given reason. You can easily see how this reflects negatively on the consulate staff. Again these cases directly affect the lives and future of US Citizens and their loved ones. These items are simply a few occurrences we wish to bring to your attention at this time. As the US consulate in China is considered US soil, we ask that everyone who enters is treated with the basic human rights of dignity, respect, and non-discrimination that is fundamental to our way of life. We ask for no special treatment, rather, the same consideration, care and service that anyone requesting a visa in China would and should expect. We appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to read our concerns. If there is anything that we can do to assist you in your monumental task, please feel free to contact us at any time. Respectfully, The Members of CFL. Sample signature letter:: This is in regards to above letter, I C. Trigg Minnick affix my signature and endorsement. Dear Ms Harty: I am presently finished with the visa process and have procured a Visa for my then fiancee through the consulate in Guangzhou China. My interests are in assisting you in any way possible in order to bring parody and thoroughness to the spouses and fiancee's of my fellow US citizens. If there is anything that I may do to help you or if you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to contact me at ------ Sincerely, C. Trigg Minnick Ph. D., N.C.S.P.
  3. Well, it has been nearly 34 years since i was there. I'm sure the eating experience has changed considerably. My wife and i are planning a trip in the next year or so. It oughta be interesting to say the least. Sure hope nobody recognizes me!!!!
  4. Dude, if your gonna talk the Viet Nam eating experience then you haven't lived until you have eaten monkey brains with the 'Yards", and if you refuse to eat them you maybe won't have lived then either. Yummy stuff!!
  5. Well Don, I assumed this was a group letter. "We the members" does conote that CFL is 100% behind the letter. How about "We, the undersigned, are members of CFL, a group that ...." There is no lie in this statement and it in no way infers that all the members ,and owner, of CFL are expressing these views.
  6. We could tell you about cheetos-but then we'd ahve ta kill ya!!!!!!
  7. I like it. You may need to work on the salutation. I'm not sure what her official title is. Typo "while slip=white slip. Ending-post signature "If there is anything we/I can do in assisting your office or should you have any questions concerning this matter, please feel free to contact me/us at your convenience at (phone number, Address etc..... Let's do this thing!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Time is slipping away--let's do it!!!!!!! Set a time and day---soon would be good. then let's rock!!!!
  9. Yea Thomas, My wife messed up by giving this woman too much info. I was prepared to move to China so I had no problems caloing her bluff but I think everyone needs to be very very careful when giving out personal info-we got away with it but I'm starting to think others have not. Given the corrupt nature of some of the modern Chinese authority types, it is somewhat normal for our SOs to believe these "agents" when they tell them they have connections in the consulate. Maybe a very good idea for people to warn their SOs not to discuss anything with anyone before calling hubby!?
  10. First of all Chuck, let me say congrats. I'll bet your glad all that is over. As for all this third party nonsense. This brings back a memory from our visa days of a year ago. My SO went to GZ for something maybe about 2 months before we had our interview. she talked to one of the "agents" who work outside the consulate. The 'agent' told her she could get us the interview within a month (for $500.00) because she "knew" the right people at the consulate. My wife had given this person a lot of personal info. My so then called me and told me about it and I told wifey "Hell no" As I was sure we would have P4 within a month anyway. Well, my SO told the lady and the lady told my wife that she would call people she "knew" at the consulate and make sure we never got a visa. I called this lady and told her I would report her to every possible agency in the known universe--she backed off. We refused to give in to this extortion and had the P4 a month later and no problem getting the visa. Point here is do any of these people really have people the "know" in the consulate??? Can these criminals actually stop a visa in progress??? If anyone has any info on this it may benefit greatly those who are waiting. Trigg
  11. Gheeeeeeez, I hate to see all this stuff about diet. When this thread started I was chuckling at all you healthy eaters. I always kinda thought watching what you eat was a little too trendy for me. BUT, I have been feeling a bit tired lately so off to the Dr. I go and he tells me I have type II diabetes, likley swallowed too much Agent Orange during my four tours. Anyway, I make the big mistake of telling the wife. She calls Mommy in China and Mommy tells her what I cannot eat. Seems the list is long and contains every food that I hold near and dear to my heart. Why oh why did I not keep my overweight food loving mouth shut??? Never was very good at that!
  12. yes Hank, I think yopur right. It's time to put the best pieces of the letter toghether and send it. Time for talkin' was then. Time for doin' is now!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. No matter how hard I try to understand GZ's position I can see no reason why they won't tell the USC why they are putting his life on hold for 6 months or more. I can see no reason other than they just don't give a flyin' fuck!!!!!!!!
  14. That is excactly why I got mop slapped--and nothing else
  15. Occasional they will ask for such a tape. If she has it with her the delay will be short. if not the delay could be lengthy. If you can, make the tape--too much evidence never got anyone rejected!!!!!
  16. WAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaHHHHhhhhhhoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B) YOU DA MAN!!!!!!!!!!! (but not for long)
  17. Fifity one!!!! Fifty one????????????? Say it ain't so Carl, say it ain't so. But you look so much older!!! I hate to think I'm older 'n you. Say it ain't so! Happy birthday friend!!!!!!!! Trigg
  18. You make a good point about the unethical issue. The word that best desribes it is unprofessional. In that they did not properley review the data prior to their original decision. Once they are sure enough to make the decision, why do they even re-open the file??
  19. Opposum???? Ss that the same as Pos'm??? If it is it's real good. 'Specillay if ya can git it after it's been run over many many times---makes it more tenderer. Racoon??? Is that same as a Coon?? Thems real good but ya gotta get 'em fresh. Two or three weeks in the road and they get hard to cook right.
  20. I thought I lost if but I just couldn't find it. Still can't. Used to know where it was then I dealt with GZ and DHS and UCIS etc...Now I haven't got a clue where it is. Come to think of it, I haven't got a clue what it is I lost--but I'm sure it will be found-whatever it is, or was. Has anyone seen it?? Does anyone know where it is??? Does anyone know what it is? Do I need it? How will I know When I find it if I don't know what it is that I may or may not have lost?? I don't really think I've lost it-maybe I never really had it?? Maybe I don't even need it-but how do I know if i don't have it or never had it?? Is anyone looking for it?? If i can't find mine, can I use someone elses??? Help, life needed.
  21. Two possible ways to sign it are 1) Have one person keep the letter and everyone who wants to sign it send a 'signature page' to that person. Possibley with a sentence explaining where they are in the process 2) Have everyone who wants to sign it email the holder giving their full name, credentials etc. . Include these typed at the signature page with a memo 'all signatures are on file with xxxxx'
  22. Remember Rick, you promised me the mags and porn-------and Harley. Trigg
  23. If you se Western union, DO NOT use their web service. They charge around 10%. Use the neighborhood store 12$. Actually the cheapest way is ATM card but WU is good.
  24. WAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-freakin'Hhhhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooooooooooooooo!! B) Soon you will see that all the jokes are in reallity factual reports--congrats man
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