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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. This is just in case my Daddy Trigg is Sleeping 178867[/snapback] Ahem! Ugh Mikey, reminding the official wahooer is my job. I am the official reminder to the official wahooer. I thereby execute my authority by reminding the official wahooer that an official wahoo is in order. 178869[/snapback] Mikey just don't know no gooder--bad genenetics n' all. Being the official wahooer and having been officially reminded by the offical reminder, I am officially sure that is is officially 5time for you official wahooo soooo, here goes! WAAAAHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now wudn't that worth the wait??? Welcome to our nightmare-think your gonna like it!!
  2. Oh yeaaaaaaa, welcome to our nightmare--think you'r gonna like it!!!! Buwhahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!
  3. Congrats.. One thing to consider as Randy mentioned is what two more deductions could do to your taxes this year. Another thought is keep the Feb 18th date for the family, but have another legal justice of the peace wedding. This way you could get the AOS started earlier and some extra money to help pay for the Feb 18th gig. 177817[/snapback] maybe not two more deductions. For certain things the stepdaughter/son may need to be what IRS considres a PRC which includes 183 days living in US but does not include PRC status from UCIS???????? The 1,000 dollars child tax credit needs the above criteria--not sure about a regular deduction.
  4. You will do well to listen to Frank. If he says it-it's so. Follow up quickly and you may save several months time! Good luck
  5. ENOUGH with the PC crapola !! IT'S FREAKIN' CHRISTMAS!!!!!!! So, have a merry freakin' christmas!!!!
  6. And a Merry Christmas to you and yours GUZ. We appreciate your being here to answer our questions--though we rarely say.
  7. I feel an official CFL Wahoo comin' on!!! Yup, and here it is!! WAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! So?? what took you so long??? you have been officially whaooed by the official CFL wahooer. Any other wahoo and/or wahooers representing themselves as official CFL wahoos and/or wahooers should be considered to be fraudulent and treated accordingly.
  8. AND NOW the the official wahoo as presented by the official CFL wahooer (insert drun roll here) WAAAAAHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. I just loves it when a plan comes together--good work Carl!
  10. I've used travelers check in China with no problem at all. Wifey had a debit card I gave her but the process of using it was more than her old brain could take. First time I told her to use it--she got it eaten by the ATM!!
  11. Hey Syl, if you remember we had the same thing with the step daughter. we waited and waited and finnaly I called UCIS and they filed whatever they file to trace everythin--well 5 days after I called--WaLa, green card. Maybe ya need to call 'em??
  12. Hunter dude--5 months is the pat answe on their website but they seem to have gotten much quicker lately-more like 2-3 months after you send back the P3 items. Good luck
  13. I can see valid points on both sides but for now let's just let this thread die and focus on how we can show Jany our support. I'm locking this and letting it fade into the sunset.
  14. Welcome to out nightmare--think your gonna like it!!!!!!!!!!
  15. It's called a prenuptual agreement. It protects both of you in case one tries to divorce the other and take the others money and property. It is somewhat common but some say it does no real good.
  16. I've had high blood pressure since I was in my twenties. I don't mean a little high i'm talking 170/120. that's stroke range and beyond. After she was here for a year I see my family DR. He is AMAZED, not only was my BP normal, my choloesterol went from the upper 300's to 160. He said I'm getting younger. Wifey said it's chinese food nd the nasty tasting soup she forces me to drink at supper time. Soon I may be back in grade school--or better yet, breast feeding!
  17. One well deserved official supersized CFL Wahooo comin' up. And now, let's get ready to WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! CONGRAT to you both-now get'r home and get'r
  18. I see Jany came online again--then left. Her email to me the other day said she was having some computer troubles. hope she gets them fixed so she can say hey!!
  19. I'm thinkin' she will be suprized. she didn't know about our Jany/Cindy Christmas fund thing!
  20. She's readin the "I heard from Jany thread!!!!!!!
  21. Just saw her name. HEY JANY!!! Good to see you here!!!!!!
  22. Good idea James--our stories doesn't alway get looked at. The thread is called "I heard from Jany" and is pinned at the top of the 'our stories' forum.
  23. I wonder if the potential point-of-entry problem also exists with the CR-1 visa? I would assume because it's a "permanent resident visa" entry would be (almost) guaranteed. In other words, even though US officials will surely reserve the right to deny entry to anyone they decide they don't want here, cases where someone with a CR-1 visa is denied entry should probably be extremely rare. Is that the case? 174657[/snapback] I surely wouldn't change from K1 to CR1 because of issues at POE. Frank's point is that the entire adventure if seeped in the uncertain. I know of no one who has been denied with a valid visa at the POE.
  24. 174630[/snapback] HUH??? You can indeed get the SSN before you are married. I'm not sure how long after marriage you must send in the AOS forms--30 days does not ring a bell.
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