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Everything posted by frank1538

  1. Give EMS a few days, but if she doesn't received it soon, start following up. Sometimes, GZ sends the P3 to the wrong address or the address they have isn't good enough to get the packet delivered. Jingwen had a problem with her address, and it cost us a few weeks to get it straightened out with the consulate.
  2. Wonderful news. Time to loosen the knots in the stomach. Best wishes to you both.
  3. Ah, the memories of completing the P3 long distance. It's almost required that the USC be involved in this phase. Good job and good luck for the rest of the journey.
  4. Guard the visa/passport with your life. You're lucky in that you now have a few weeks to get your place in order before WeiQin arrives. Not nearly enough time, but maybe enough time to collect the garbage that's been piling up for the past year while you guys were working through the process.
  5. Congratulations! I guess love...and a good publicist...conquers all. Have a wonderful life.
  6. I think the I-360 requires that the widow(er) have been married for at least two years.
  7. Welcome to the chamber of secrets where perception and reality are never in sync. By falling for a Chinese woman (I presume), you have fallen victim to what is usually the slowest of the slow for visa processing. Prepare to wait and prepare to get to know your fiancee well before the visa is issued. It is an unfortunate fact that fiancee visas for Chinese citizens can take a year of so to process. It is also unfortunate that Chinese citizens may not be able to travel freely to countries where even non residents can get married and get a visa to come to the US within a month (non resident DCF countries like Gibraltar, I think). It is an unfortunate fact that the consulate in GZ is overwhelmed with processing. It is an unfortunate fact that one small mistake can cost you months in the process. It is an unfortunate fact that our Department of State has its own priorities that don't include fiancee visa. But............ It is fortunate that you met a Chinese woman who will probably change your life for the better. It is fortunate that you will experience things that very few people in the US or the world for that matter, will ever experience. It is fortunate that love knows now boundaries. It is fortunate that a commitment to a year long process will usually strengthen the bonds between you and your fiancee. It is fortunate that you visited her in China, a country of wonderful contrasts of old and new and of people who are just as awed at seeing you as you are of seeing them. It is fortunate that love conquers all. Welcome to CFL. Pull up a chair and stay a spell. Pretty soon, you'll be an old timer and can share your experiences with the newbies. PS. I'm curious about the significance of the CCTV9 in your e-mail address?
  8. I'm glad you finally got the birth certificate thing fixed. Now get that passport and get over there. I wish you luck and hope your expectations and reality are the same when you finally meet.
  9. Most excellent. I remember when Jingwen got her P4. Seems like we were waiting and waiting then, all of a sudden, it was headless chicken time. I brought all the financial documents with me - didn't want to take a chance with the mails. I also brought all the correspondence that I had that Jingwen didn't have - tons of it. Get the forms filled out and ready and make sure your notarial documents are current enough. Schedule your medical and don't forget to get the visa fee paid and get the receipt. You're almost there. Good luck. Oh, and one other thing...stash the Cheetos.
  10. Carl. I may have missed something along the way, but I think it's important to understand where the widow is in the process. How long was she married before her husband's death? Was the I-485 filed? Has the AOS been approved? Is she a conditional permanent resident? Her ability to remain legally in the US may turn on this information.
  11. Webcams are a godsend. Jingwen and I were on-line at least twice a day for hours on end, chatting about the wait, the forms, the house, food, music - you name it, we talked about it. The webcams gave her an opportunity to see her new home, the yard, the car, watch me cook, etc. I used translation software a lot during the waiting months. As many of you know, translation software is not the most reliable, and this made for some fun times. The translation that I particularly liked was in describing the slowness of GZ. I forget the exact words I used, but invariably the translation kept coming out "bird brain" which I guess is an apt description of how some people over there act. Of course, there's always Cheetos to help pass the time.
  12. Wow. Two P3's at once. Congratulations impatient and nygatl15.
  13. This certainly sounds like a turn for the better. If both can go to the interview together, you should be able to get the okie dokie subject to the security clearance for the daughter. I can't remember if you're going to be at the interview, but it might be a good idea to arm your fiancee with all of the correspondence you got from Harty so that the VO knows that the only thing lacking is a security clearence resulting from GZ's screw-up.
  14. Down here in the South liar and lawyer are pronounced the same, so we use the words interchangeably.
  15. Yea, I remember law school. Not much to learn back then - maybe one or two laws - took all of about five minutes to graduate. Back then, the king made up most of the laws while sitting on his throne (you chose which one ). Besides, the peasants couldn't read, so it didn't really make much sense to write out the laws - made it easy for us to make it up as we went along. We lawyers were doing just fine until some jerk ball decided that the laws should apply to everyone equally. Imagine that - equal treatment for all. It hasn't been the same since. Q. Do you know why lawyers wear neckties? A. To keep the foreskin pulled back.
  16. I had a similar problem with Jingwen's address. First, they said to fax it, which I did. After a week or so of no confirmation from them, they finally told me to e-mail it to them which I did. They confirmed receipt of the e-mail very quickly.
  17. Someone once told me to join the YMCA if I wanted to lose weight. I did but didn't lose any weight. The person then informed me that I actually had to go to the Y and exercise.
  18. Wonderful news John. I'm sure she'll get the visa without any problems. Time to start packing for Hawaii I guess. Best wishes.
  19. If it's any consolation, tell her that your case is moving faster then most, with some people waiting more than a year to get to the interview.
  20. Actually, you don't need an SSN to file for AOS.
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