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Everything posted by frank1538

  1. This is a loaded question best kept off the board. I say this so that others won't be accused of offering advice on how to circumvent the law. Go talk to a good immigration lawyer about your options. You paint two scenarios. First, you get married within 90 days but then split up. Second, you do not get married within the 90 days. In either event, your options may well be severely limited.
  2. Wait a minute. Are you saying that we can't rely on the government for accurate information? B) How I am going to explain this to Jingwen? "Yes dear, Fang Ling will get her green card in a couple of months. You will too, but in Atlanta one month is 365 days." You guys will do just fine, but do remove the leash and collar from around your neck unless, of course, Memphis is into that kind a thing. B)
  3. Kinda looks like my EEG after dealing with USCIS.
  4. This is the way I read it. A K-1 visa holder does not need a stamp in the I-94 or an EAD in order to get a Social Security number and work during the 90 day period that the K-1 visa is valid. After that, the individual needs either a green card or an EAD to work. Other posts have indicated that a K-1 visa holder can get the Social Security card within the first 70 days of the visa's validity. After that, SSA won't issue the card because it's too close to the K-1 visa's expiration. If you wait until past this 70 day deadline, the K-1 visa holder will need to get and EAD before the SSA will issue the card. Clear as mud? Don't feel like a stranger.
  5. Just yesterday I was talking to a buddy about the some of the differences between the US and China, and I likened China to what the US was like in the late 50's - new innovations being introduced almost daily but not yet widespread. As examples, I said in China might find cell telephones but no gas lines running to the house/apartment, washers but no dryers, internet access but no heat, multi-floored apartments but no elevators. Given China's prior isolation from the rest of the world (read West) and given the populace's reliance on aged traditions, it is not surprising that things the Chinese accept or take as gospel, we find anachronistic. Jingwen's views often confirm this. Things that we chalk up to old wives tales still hold sway in a country like China. So, despite the fact that the outside air is visible because of the smog, it's still considered fresh air and is therefore better for you. If you really think about it, a lot of what our SOs think or believe may have once had a basis in fact during the dark ages (for example, isolating a mother of a newborn for a period of time), don't really have much relevancy today but are still accepted by a culture steeped in tradition. The same might be said for that slab of concrete they call a bed. Being historically a poor country, the only requirement for a bed was that it be horizontal. Comfort was not that important then but the culture has been so ingrained with this concept over the centuries that modern Chinese matresses still reflect this. Remember, an American's view of "long term" might be two months while a Chinese view might be two decades. Things will change in China albeit more slowly than in the West. In the meantime, our backs or our lungs will suffer through.
  6. Feels good, doesn't it? Hope you're ready for the ride of your life.
  7. Most excellent. Congratulations. Sounds like Monday visa time.
  8. Good to hear about the interview. Best of luck.
  9. Look here ---> http://candleforlove.com/forums/index....f9e0029be0147fd
  10. Jingwen filled out the forms by hand. If you go to the "links and resources" section, you can access the P4 forms. I believe some of them a "fillable".
  11. For the I-129F process, I only submitted a handful of pictures and e-mails. However, for the interview in GZ, Jingwen was armed with almost a year's worth of e-mails and archived Yahoo instant messages, along with a ton of other stuff, including the kitchen sink.
  12. Who really knows what turns the tide? But, I have a sense that if the USC gets involved with the overcome portion and goes to GZ to plead his/her case, this in and of itself goes a long way in showing the VO that there is a serious and bona fide relationship.
  13. You're getting closer to the end. Good luck.
  14. This seems to be fairly common practice among the airline industry. It forces you to buy a one way ticket. I had booked round trip tickets for Jingwen and the kids (originating in the US) when I was getting ready to go to GZ for the interview, read about the cancellation policy if the first leg isn't used, and ended up changing them to one way from China. Don't worry about this glitch. I'll work out. Stay focused on the interview. Good luck.
  15. I hope you weren't drinking coffee during the day's wait. Is that why you're bouncing all over the place? Nah, maybe it's the happiness that you're now feeling. Congratulations.
  16. Sounds like a happy ending is in store. Congratulations.
  17. Wonderful news. Now it's time to get on with the rest of your lives together.
  18. Just about time to uncross those fingers. Congratulations.
  19. A legal permanent resident (green card holder) doesn't need an EAD to work legally in the US, but an LPR will still need an SSN to work. The SSN card is likely to be the same type of card a USC gets (no legend saying "VALID FOR WORK ONLY WITH DHS AUTHORIZATION"). So, if you are sure your fiancee doesn't plan on working until she becomes a legal permanent resident, maybe it's okay to forget about the EAD and also wait on getting the SSN. But, be careful here. Is is possible that she might need an SSN before she becomes an LPR, like for joint bank accounts, etc.? If so, as a K-1er, she can apply for a SSN within the first couple of months or so of her arrival without an EAD. However, your daughter, as K-2er cannot get an SSN unless she either has an EAD first or unless she becomes a LPR. Again, the question is whether she will need a SSN for some reason before she becomes an LPR.
  20. Sorry, been there, done that - just got back from lunch where Jingwen laced the soup with grain alcohol (your suggestion, I might add). Time for a nap.
  21. Frank dignified??? Bwaaa hahahahahahahahahahahah!!!! He can't figure out how to bleach his toupe blond. Asked how much that toupee cost, Frank said that was way too much to pay.
  22. Congratlations. Now have a wonderful life together.
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