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Everything posted by frank1538

  1. First, let me say how saddened I am that this happened to you and Yu Rong ¨C saddened not only because it happened to an individual who may be forever tainted in her view of the US, but also saddened because it continues to happen. This is not a defense of a particular person¡¯s actions but just some observations about what was said so appropriately by others. I tend to view America as comprising the extremes both of tolerance and bigotry. I¡¯m not sure I can say that about other cultures. At one end of the spectrum, many people simply live and let live, recognizing that American is a multi-cultural society. Then there¡¯s the other end where one¡¯s values have to be foisted on everybody in order to be a true American. I can¡¯t help but believe that both of these extremes come from the same source ¨C freedom of expression. In a country where one can say just about anything without governmental interference, it will invariably produce the extremes. In most instances, we don¡¯t have to confront the lunatic fringes. Sometimes, like in Yu Rong¡¯s situations, we come face to face, and I¡¯ll venture a guess that Yu Rong was more affected than most of us would have been. Coming from what is essentially a mono cultural society, I¡¯ll bet she was not accustomed to some loony spouting epithets at her that questioned her place in society. As to the role of the police, I don¡¯t know how inflamed the situation was, but it certainly sounded like there could have been a need for some involvement on their part. Whether their inaction was racially influenced is a possibility, but I¡¯m not sure we¡¯ll ever know.
  2. I think there's one on the P3/P4 Forms link: http://candleforlove.com/forums/index....9a03929a748a4bd
  3. This is an excellent point, although whether and to what extent the yuan will be revalued is sure to be one of the most politically and economically charged issues in the coming years. Current estimates suggest that a proper revaluation of the yuan would have to increase its value 15% - 40%, meaning it would take 15% - 40% more dollars to get the current equivalent in yuan. A couple of years ago, the "Big Mac Index" (the cost of a Big Mac in China vs. the US) puts it at +50% http://news1.iwon.com/odd/article/id/32114...24;reuters.html For those retiring to China after a revaluation, the cost of living would have gone up, as would the cost of buying anyting (assuming you would be converting dollars to yuan at the time of purchase). The flip side, of course, is that a purchase now at the current exchange rates would benefit from the revaluation if you were to sell after the revaluation and convert the yuan to dollars.
  4. What a pisser. Although it's like banging your head against the wall, tell them the current processing date is more than 90 days passed your December, 2003 receipt date. It'll give you something to do while you continue to wait. Sorry about the snafu.
  5. It's certainly an American milestone. Congrats (I think). Time to start saving a little money for those insurance premiums.
  6. http://www.murphys-laws.com/murphy/murphy-true.html Who knows? Whether it's Murphy's Law or Mengxin Law, sh*t happens (Frank's Law).
  7. It's their parlor. It's their table. It's their cards. It's their chips. It's their rules. The only thing that's yours, Trigg, is your time which means absolutely nothing to them. A buddy of mine once told me something. A particular governmental agency, IRS I think, made copies of any correspondence received. So, when he got a letter from them, he'd attach a copy of the letter and his response. If he got another letter, he'd send in all prior correspondence and all provious copies. Soon, he'd be sending in inch thick files and chuckling with the knowledge that some poor slob was making copies of copies of copies of copies. Sounds like sweet revenge to me.
  8. Very common in our household, but Jingwen prefers the Chinese version: ni xi huan, wo xi huan. In addition to it's being an expression borne of love, I also think it reflects her attitude that the man should make some of the decisions. Sorry to sound sexist, but there are many times when Jingwen won't actually make the decision, so if it's hard for her to tell me what's she thinking, I'll get the "you like, I like" response. Another one that she uses a lot is "ni dian hua gei ta" (call him). I usually get this directive whenever she is looking for immediate action on the part of a business. I don't know what it's like in other parts of China, but, to Jingwen, customer service means right now. Chi fan (eat) is another directive I hear a lot. Again, it means now, not in 5 minutes.
  9. Murphy, of Murphy's Law, used to work for the government. Maybe he's still kicking.
  10. So sorry to hear about this. It's outrageous that the consulate just left them stranded there. Did GZ give any explanation as to why? Hopefully, you guys can get to the bottom of this. I hate to say it, but this white slip/no visa scenario is becoming more common. You can check the links & resources section for the names of some of the immigration lawyers in GZ if you think that would help.
  11. CON = Consular Office ADM = Administration Office RSO = Regional Security Office I have no idea what these guys do, but, then again, it is the government.
  12. So glad to hear that things worked out in the end. Can't wait to learn what torqued their jade.
  13. Damn if two of the three green cards didn't show up today. I guess it's official for Jingwen and KK (step daughter). Minghao's (step son) online status check says his application is still pending. We'll wait a while to see what happens to his AOS.
  14. Wow. Congratulations. It looks like 5/25 is shaping up to be a big day for a lot of CFLers. Good luck.
  15. I would certainly be on the phone with DOS. My experience with them was generally pretty good. Maybe they can tell you if the P3 has been logged in yet. Another "trick" I learned along the way in dealing with GZ was never to use one of the canned subject lines when sending them an e-mail. I always used "other", and their responses did not appear canned to me. Don't know if things have changed, but you might want to give it a try.
  16. Glad this phase is over for you. Best wishes for the future.
  17. He's rounding third and headed for home... Good luck.
  18. Good to hear. Take a breather now and relax. There's some waiting to do.
  19. http://candleforlove.com/forums/index....c4b658dfeecf855 At least the AR-11 and the I-865.
  20. I went back and checked my I-129F file and, sure enough, I had included a statement and correspondence showing my intention to marry Jingwen after her arrival in the US. Sorry if I mislead anyone.
  21. I've been noticing that immigration is being discussed more these days. Unfortunatlely, it seems to be tied more to border issues with only lip service being given to fixing the system.
  22. I don't recall any need for a personal statement as part of the initial K-1 filing. Your lawyer is right that a personal statement (presumably related to your intent to get married, etc.) will be important when the process continues at the consulate in GZ. One other thing. You probably already know this, but a lot of the visa processing information on 001 is rumor, hearsay, inaccurate, and unreliable. The problem is convincing your fiancee of this. Welcome to CFL and good luck.
  23. Drum roll please.................and the winner is Boba and Meixiang (and daughter). Congratulations. Let us know as soon as the visas are issued.
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