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Everything posted by warpedbored

  1. The secret of a happy marriage remains a secret. It helps when the husband finally learns to say "yes dear".
  2. This sounds like one of the proverbial "if it sounds too good to be true it probably isn't" or possibly one lucky woman fell into such a position and word got out that these jobs are easy to get.
  3. It mostly depends on her English skills. My wife was a lawyer in China. Here she works in a production job. Her English is functional but not good enough to get a professional job.
  4. I've met a few Chinese people who can read and write English perfectly yet can't understand me nor I them when speaking. Still a lot more Chinese can speak passable English than Americans or British can speak Chinese.
  5. Interesting article. It boggles the mind that women were subjected to such pain and mutilation yet even today women are subjected to such atrocities as female circumcision, kidnapping and being sold as brides or into slavery. One of the unintended results of the one child policy in China is a shortage of brides. This has spurred a market for kidnapped brides. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2011-12/03/content_14206548.htm The Islamic State terrorists capture Kurdish women and sell them as sex slaves. Even here in America women and children are victim to human trafficking and prostitution. Women have come a long way in the last few decades but still have a ways to go.
  6. Possibly but to my knowledge I have no ancestors in the northeast. My parents are from Nebraska.
  7. Same one I took last time. This time was closer. Wichita, Spokane and Albuquerque.
  8. Couldn't be more off. Rochester, Buffalo and Milwaukee.
  9. My favorite movie of all time is "Blazing Saddles". Some of the humor is off color but not what I would call vulgar. The satire in it is relevant to issues in American society. I think most of the "Monkey King" stories are available in English. warpedbored is something I came up with because I'm a woodworker. A play on the words warped board. Warped can also mean someone who is crazy or mentally unstable. I have somewhat of a sick sense of humor. Bored is when you can't find anything interesting to do.
  10. To clarify what Dan said, she can only file for citizenship after 3 years if she were married to a US citizen for those 3 years. I suppose if she were to meet the love of her life once here and marry she could file three years after married if he were a US citizen.
  11. No Yajie, it means I was on the road home and glad to be out of Texas.
  12. Worst thing about Texas is the heat and humidity. I was in Arlington about 11 years ago to help open a new store. In mid April it was 90 degrees and muggy. Electric rates are high too. I remember Mikey telling me his electric bill in the summer was over $300.00 Out west we have a lot of hydroelectric power. My highest electric bill is maybe $60.00 Oregon has high property taxes but we don't have a sales tax. Here in Portland it rains a lot. I always tell people we have two seasons. Rain and summer. As Ronny mentioned the only thing that keeps us from being over run is the rain. I guess that isn't working as well as it used too. A lot of people move here than leave because of the rain. Although I've spent most of my life here I'm originally from Idaho where we would get 3 feet of snow in the front yard. I figured out right after I moved here that you don't have to shovel rain.
  13. When I drove a semi truck for a living I hauled in and out Texas many times. Back them there was no interstate up north though Amarillo into Oklahoma. We drove up on Hwy 287. I've always maintained that the best thing to ever come out of Texas was Hwy 287.
  14. Yajie this is the straight poop on football.
  15. If she has been out of the US for a long time the immigration officer at the port of entry can determine she abandoned her resident status.
  16. Funny video but it portrays southern women as weak. They obviously haven't met my wife.
  17. warpedbored

    From Yulin

    I was amazed at how bad the pollution is there when Bing had her interview in GZ 12 years ago. we were in a hotel room about 10 floors up and when I looked out across the city it was a brown haze clinging to the skyline.
  18. In America we kind of expect young men to do a little hell raising. We call it "sowing your wild oats" Not to the extent I did as a young man however.
  19. Raising hell and having fun are a little different. Sure I had a great time but I also drank a lot, got in fights and got in a little trouble with the law. Ive spent a few nights in a jail cell. I was the proverbial bad boy you wouldn't want your daughter to date. I've been here just not posting much.
  20. Like Tom said, I raised a lot of hell in my younger days. Now I just stay home and watch TV. My neighbors like to set off a lot of fireworks which used to keep me awake. Now I'm old and deaf. When I take out my hearing aids I don't hear a thing. If I didn't have to work tomorrow I'd probably stay up until midnight then wish my wife a happy new year and give her a kiss.
  21. If you are living in China and file DCF it is possible but considering the 3-4 month delay that will be caused by your wife's CCP membership it's too close to call. DCF usually takes anywhere from 3-6 months, a CCP waiver another 3-4.
  22. I always have problems with that website. It bogs down my computer and the pages take forever to open. I quit viewing it.
  23. My wife had a driver's licence in China for 10 years before coming here. She only needed to learn the differences in laws and get used to obeying all of the rules of the road. She says driving is much easier here because drivers are more orderly.
  24. 3-4 months used to be normal then they started taking longer. I'm glad to hear they are faster again. Congratulations and thanks for the information. It will help others behind you.
  25. It's a sad day for the Woodstock generation. He was one of the greats. This performance at Woodstock will live on in infamy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRzKUVjHkGk
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