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Everything posted by lori&dave

  1. Hi dear, Our P3 date is Feb 17 instead of Jan 28 But anyway I'm very happy to know so many people have got good news! I love U
  2. Congratualtions! I also hope ours (since our timeline is so close) is cleared too!!!
  3. I am worried that my name is sooooo common and soooooo popular in China.
  4. I'm moved to tears. I posted this link on 001, thank u PJ.
  5. I noticed it days ago already, hahaha. BTW, I'm lori , Dave is my lovely fiance who's coming to visit me in 2 days, yahoooo! Well, it's a crazy world now and withdrawl is not a rumor but a wild guess by some Shanghai gals. Only time can tell.... God less all the fiance(e)s!
  6. Some gal on 001 is guess that US government is planning sort of withdrawl fm Guangzhou due to SARS situation. Since no one is scheduled an interview after May 12th. It would be a scarry thing! Not a good time for hunting a job right now, not a good time for most of things
  7. I heard that a re-schedule will take another 3 months, do u want ur fiancee to wait that long in China?
  8. PJ, I think it would be a good idea since u might meet someone special there who really loves u instead of ur citizenship. Anyway, welcome to China. I wish Dave would like to work in shanghai so that we don;t have to be separated for such a long period. Good luck!
  9. Well Dave told me the quarantine period is still now a company policy and a government advice. As long as his company doesn;t ban him fm back to work, he's got no problem. I still hope he could keep his vacation destination as a secret so that he won;t have to suffer too much fm pressure/suspections/worries fm people around him.
  10. I guess it depends on different area. I think Beijing, HK or Guangzhou/Guangxi would be dangerous to visit and HK is the most dangerous one.
  11. Is this 10 day ban fm government in US or just fm some company? I heard today fm WHO website that only people who fly back fm Beijing or HK/Guangzhou need to get thru the quarantine period Shanghai government already sent nurses and doctors to airports to reinforce the quarantine staff there.
  12. Hi, CA(Air China) is exactly the same thing. I flied to US 1 year ago by CA and it was horrible. Flight attendants are cold faced and rude, babies crying all the way and old people coughing all the time.
  13. Since Dave is coming to visit me this May, I'm wondering that wether he would have to stay away fm his office for 10 days after he flies back. The quarantine order is effective for all the travellers fm China or only for those fm certain area of China? I'm in Shanghai, I hope this traveling won't interrupt his work too much since recently he's pretty busy with new project.
  14. My Dave is coming this May 1st to Shanghai then we'll fly to Lijiang, Yunnan. We talked abt SARS for a while then he felt that people are a little bit overreacting on it. So we decide to bring masks and alcohol wipers with us and travel, hahahaha.
  15. Lori - I did exactly the way you want to do with your name. I don't know what state you are in but I know for a fact in TEXAS, you can change use your husband's last name after you get married, legally without any problem. Marriage license will use your maiden name, but you can show your marriage certificate to change any of your personal ID documents, like driver's license, SSN card, etc. As to the first name, in Texas, we need to go through court, cost money to do so, but can be done. The easiest way is you use your husband name now and change your first name at the citizenship interview. The INS name change form is legally biding. I had my Chinese name for 7 years in this country, but everyone knows me by Charlotte. All my documents show my Chinese name until I became a citizen. It does not really matter. I kept my Chinese family name as my middle name; this way I still have something Chinese in my name without intimidating my American friends. I don't know if you have read about my Chinese name change post I did earlier. Here is the link. This might give you some idea, why I did what did with my name. Hope this helps. BTW, every state may have different laws about name change, you may call an attorney about it. As to your Chinese passport, you need to contact the Chinese consulate in your state jurisdiction. I believe you have to reply for a new passport with your marriage license. http://candleforlove.com/forums/index....2e2ef854aa53341 Thanks a lot, Charllote. I'm going to Fremont, California. My Chinese given name is "Min" which sounds in English like "Mean", hahahaha. Anyway we'll do whatever is easy for us.
  16. Hi all, I'm a K1 gal fm Shanghai. I would like to change my name after I get married. Not only add my huz's surname but also use my English name Lori., while keep my given name as a middle name. Is that possible for me to change my name before I get my AOS or EAD done? What procedure should I get thru after arrival in US? Do I need to add English Name on my current Chinese passport? Thanks in advance/
  17. I feel so helpless when the municipal government is blocking the news abt the virus. In Shanghai we don;t really read anything abt this report. My Dave is coming in May and we planned to have our wedding pix done in shanghai. He told me abt his worries of this virus, I was unhappy thinking he was over-reacting. But today I did some research on yahoo and realized that epidemic was much worse than I had thought. I am really worried now, abt myself and my sweetie. Who can tell me what is the real situation in Shanghai????? Since no one wears a mask here, I think people here don;t know what's really going on in the air....
  18. I have my Axxxxxxxx, on my package 2 fm INS, I'm K1, should I use that number in later forms?
  19. It's so funny that I finally got thru the phone to GZ, they told me my background check began today. So GZ does work today!
  20. Some gal on 001.com said " GZ consulate is closed, even the security guard doesn't know when it will open again" Another gal is going to pick up her visa on next Monday, she is suprised by the news coze she has booked the flight tickets . If GZ does close, the tickets are useless.
  22. Don, As a Chinese woman, I think it's quite possible that ur fiancee wants to bring her son with her to US. My own cousin did the same thing and she told me abt her intentions frankly. I know this is ugly, and I shouldn't have said this to u since I am Chinese. Especially I never got married and had kids, I might not understand those divorced moms well. But U do need a serious talk with her, and think abt ur bottom line. We Chinese had an old saying "If u love someone, then love everything of hers/his." Good luck
  23. It's very nice of u to do so. However my fiance cant leave his work in CA and in fact he doesn't like Shanghai's living environment. Sigh... But he agrees that anything is possible during this war.
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