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Everything posted by SmilingAsia

  1. Only when wife is a US citizen, can she file an immigrant petition for her parents. Per my observation, it takes about one year, the time length like a CR1.
  2. If medical result not available on the interview date, no panic. You can submit it through any CITIC Bank ( zhong xin yin hang). You need to fill up 2 copies of the document list when submitting medical result. http://ustraveldocs.com/cn_zh/20140328%20IV%20Documentation%20Submission%20Letter%20CN.pdf Prepare a big evelope,submit 1. her passport 2. medical result 3. Two copies of document list. CITIC Bank seal the envelop, not yourself.
  3. Tom, which city does Yulian live? If not far, she can have medical check in April. There are medical centers in Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Fuzhou. This is the link for medical center in Guangzhou. http://www.gdwbzx.com/Type.asp?TypeId=25 Usually it takes 2 working days or longer to get medical result. You can call to ask if they can issue the medical result in one day - in urgent case, I saw they did. The so called making an appointment for medical check is to send completed medical forms to this email address usa@gdciq.gov.cn - I'm talking about the medical center in Guangzhou.
  4. We usually send these to NVC and they schedule interview or send Packet 4 for us to make an appointment with CGI Stanley. 1. Completed, signed I-864EZ Affidavit of Support. (When you fill up I-864EZ, please check the expiary date on the top right corner) 2. 1040 with W2 for 2015. 3. one copy of Beneficiary's passport, 1st page. 4. Beneficiary's No Criminal Record (Police Certificate) 5. Beneficiary's Notarized birth Certificate. 6. Notarized marriage certificate.
  5. Get a paper stating she has no criminal records from the police office of her hukou area. Take the paper to the notary office (gong zheng chu) to get a "wu fan zui gong zheng". 3 days is enough. Bring cigarrettes and candies requesting them to speed up. This certificate is valid for one year.
  6. GUZ pick problems when 1040 was filled out by hand. They like printed 1040 with the petitioner's social security number on it so they can check the petitioner has paid tax as stated on 1040.
  7. Right, you got a paper from the police. Then go to the notary office 公证处 to get a notarized "no criminnal record" 无犯罪公证.
  8. If the appointment letter is dated for 12:30, Feb 28, 2012. For Feb 28, 1. I-134 (original copy). 2. Income Tax Return, 1040 and W2 for 2011, 2010, 2009 -- photo copy. 3. Reports of medical check (you can do it 2 or 3 days before the interview) If you stay at www.dameihotel666.com Mr. Yang will take your fiancee to the medical center without extra charge. 4. Notarized police certificate (no criminal record, it's only valid for one year ) 5 Notarized birth certificate (it doesn't expire). 6. Notarized divorce certificate(it doesn't expire). 7. Notarized single certificate (valid for one year) 8. Copy of your fiancee’s passport, the first page. 9. Seven photos ( 50cm X 50cm , white background, don't wear any jewelry) five photos for medical check, 2 photos for the consulate. 10. Completed forms of Packet 4. 7:30am, Feb 29, 2012, visa interview, need documents to prove a bona fide relationship. 1. Statement of the relationship from you. 2. Copy of your passport, every page. 3. Used flight tickets, boarding pass of your trips to visit your fiancee. 4. Photos of you two together and you two with her family and friends. 5. Evidence of communication: emails, phone logs, chat records, regular mails, receipts of packages exchanged, if any.
  9. If they are talking about marrying a citizen from Europe or an immigrant visa to Europe, they are right. No need for any certifying by Foreign Affairs Office or ÁìÊÂÈÏÖ¤ if the beneficiary is going to marry an American citizen or apply for an immigrant visa to the US.
  10. In big cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Guangzhou, "Virtual Funds" are important elements which made bubbles in real estate market. 1. corruption money, which one cannot estimate. 2. Business environment deteriorated, some business people just quit manufacturing and put their money in real estate market. If RMB appreciates, more manufacturing will be killed and more virtual funds will go to the real estate or stock market. Bubbles - China's economy has finished its first step to be snipped by international financial speculators. This happened in Japan in 1970s - economy being snipped, followed by more than 10 years of depression. Thailand, Vietnam, Hong Kong - they were snipped financially one by one.
  11. Someone I admired chose a Vietnamese girl intead of me. She is 16 years younger than I am. I think it's a wise choice: 1. I cannot tolerate if he bossed me around like he did with the young girl. 2. I cannot tolerate him being impatient. 3. I was upset when he forgot things, not organized. 4. I'm not sure his talents, money can compensate his performance in bed. 5. The young girl has very nice ass - this is the comment from a female friend, not me..........hehe.........
  12. The situation is much worse than this. My daughter robbed the wool scarf I knitted, for her boyfriend.I have to knit another one, for my fat guy.
  13. Can anyone do me a favor? Please bring flowers to my grave I'll write a thank-you card in advance. I'm the mother of a child. I've lived long enough
  14. Really? Chinese prostitutes mostly are making money to send home, not for drugs?我不是怀疑你,只是觉得很吃惊。。。那她们的父母弟弟妹妹知道她们在城市在做什么工作吗? It's a tough job to be a prostitute so some ended up with drugs and that's where a human life ends. 走上了不归路。Boys are favored in China. In the country, a couple would keep on bringing babies to the world till they have a son. Their family is extremely poor due to penalty of birth control violation. So the girls have to make a living and help raising family after she is 16 years old. 天哪,我还真的不想出卖朋友。我们这里有一位同仁,他说他的女朋友做过鸡,因为她是单身妈妈,要养两个孩子! Long time ago, I used to post an email written by a Chinese American. He said he can enjoy a prostitue for free as he is introducing clients to this prostitute! Rich guys and local officials are advantage of a 19-year-old prostitute! What animals they are!
  15. Tony, your translation is very cute. It's nationalism, prejudice, not political correct. That's why I feel more comfortable to use my native language. 不要责怪西方帝国主义掠夺你 (中国人有受害者情结,动不动就说 “帝国主义很狡猾”),是中国地方政府官员的贪婪和愚昧! 兰州的自来水供水系统,评估是值9个亿人民币,法国人花了17个亿人民币把它买下了。 简直不敢相信!只有在好莱坞的电影里面才有:坏蛋把一个沙漠地区的供水系统控制了。 法国人最会把水做成奢侈品:依云矿泉水,450毫升的,在超市是8元人民币,在大酒店是45元人民币。 等自来水变成“依云矿泉水”的时候,兰州的百姓怎么生活? 帝国主义不狡猾,是我们中国人笨!好莱坞的电影就告诉我们:想控制沙漠供水系统的那个是坏蛋! 我们这里有一位同仁,他告诉我:他的太太38岁了,所以在中国找不到工作。 另外一位同仁,我问他的未婚妻为什么换那么多地址,这对签证不利,她说她经常找不到工作,她20几岁,大学毕业。 在美国,做鸡,通常是染上毒瘾,要赚钱吸毒。 在中国,做鸡,是因为要寄钱回乡下养父母和弟弟妹妹。 在广东的中山,色情行业受到地方政府保护,当地官员和美籍华人一起开着奔驰去叫鸡! 这就是中国的资本主义加腐败的封建主义! 国人的列祖列宗应该从坟墓里爬出来哭泣!
  16. 中国引进了资本主义的市场化但没有相应的法制,所以变成大欺小,强欺弱,官商勾结,民营企业纷纷倒闭。中国即将变成菲律宾!它的女人要去别的国家做保姆! 泰国,它的男人想做女人,它的女人想做鸡! 家乐福在深圳欠一个大米供应商38万人民币,它扣清洁费等等费用,变成供应商要欠家乐福8000人民币!人家财大气粗,你怎么告它?你只有跳楼去! 家乐福敢不敢在美国做这种事?它只要连续欠3个供应商5000美元,供应商就可以到法院宣告它破产, 变卖它的资产还钱。
  17. This is a little woman. I'm a native Chinese and I'm still in China. I don't care for politics as family commitment is more important to me. Someone graduated from the same college as I did. He is a high official in my province. My folks in the village hate him to death as he robbed the people to bribe his higher leaders so he can climb up. My classmate married the major of our county and he tried to murder my classmate so he didn't need a divorce which his political enemies can use it against him. This is our government. 15 years ago, I was thinking China was learning capitalism so China will become maybe another America. Well, there are signs China is becoming another Philippines. Free market without the legal system of capitalism: incurably corrupt! 官商勾结腐败难治,百姓民不聊生 -- 菲律宾! I have a former colleague who hired two Filipina domestic helpers and these two domestic helpers have bachelors degree. Someone from my village has a college diploma and she is washing hair in a hair saloon for RMB700 per month. If she is offered HK$4000 monthly pay in Hong Kong to be a domestic helper, she would say yes! 不要告诉我中国是制造业大国!!!一个芭比娃娃,出厂价是1美元,在美国的沃尔玛卖9.9美元。 “制造”创造了1美元的价值,“产品设计,原料采购,订单处理,仓储运输,批发零售” 创造了 8.9美元的价值。 只有“制造”是在中国,“制造”是不需要大学生的,其他环节需要大学生,所以中国的大学生找不到工作,那不是孩子们的错, 是政府原先产业链定位错了,大学生买单! 而且中国越制造,西方国家越富裕,大学生越找不到工作! 嫁给美国佬,直线救国!。。。哈哈。。。直线救自己而已。。。呵呵。。。
  18. Once a upon a time, VO screwed Fujian people so it's pretty easy for our CFLers to get a visa. Since Fujian people switched to Europe, VO started to screw our CFLers. By the time the wife of OP has her interview in Hong Kong, they may have started to screw mainland Chinese in Hong Kong! I was just reading some of Eunice's posts and came across this. Perhaps Eunice had an inside track on HK? When I posted on Feb 16, I was just thinking of potential problems of the mentioned case. Disaster arrived faster than I estimated. In the beginning of April I heard someone crying as she was denied K1 in Guangzhou in 2006 and denied K3 in Hong Kong in March 2009. Sad story.
  19. I think K1 is easier. Just in case anything happens during the processing, you just bail out without one more marriage record 如果你真的想进入“围城”, If Guangzhou, they want a notarized paper stating you are unmarried now. Since you were married in China before, maybe Min Zheng Ju (Civil Adminitration Bureau) has your previous marriage registry record. Better you bring your divorce decree and make a copy of Chinese translation as well.
  20. I know two Cantonese women got denied for spouse visa by British Consulate in Guangzhou. They sued in England and they won. It took quite a few months but they don't have to re-pay visa fee. I heard someone got dined twice (for two different women at different time) for spouse visa, by Canadian Consulate in Hong Kong. He sued in Canada twice and he won twice, so he has brought two women to Canada so far
  21. Once a upon a time, VO screwed Fujian people so it's pretty easy for our CFLers to get a visa. Since Fujian people switched to Europe, VO started to screw our CFLers. By the time the wife of OP has her interview in Hong Kong, they may have started to screw mainland Chinese in Hong Kong!
  22. Cuz our pixies are very cute :"Why you want to go to America?" It writes on the face of the pixie: 1. America is more developed. 2. America has better air and environment. 3. America has better social security system. So train the pixie to love the big yeti before visa interview. Other red flags we cannnot change (it's the job of a lawyer), such as: Petitioner needs a co-sponsor, Petitioner had brought an alien to the US before, Petitioner immigrated to US “by boat”, Petitioner had criminal records, Petitioner or Beneficiary had multi marriage records... ect......
  23. Well, I saw a few people got their K1 visas through a 2nd petition. I think they got a lawyer to rebut the findings then filed another petition of K1, which is much faster than getting married and filing for K3.
  24. Everybody's background is quite different. I believe the following factors influence the result of interview:1. Figures on Income Tax Return 2. Communication and presentation skills of the beneficiary, homework by the petitioner. 3. Time gap between your previous marriage and current relationship, how many marriage records the petitioner or beneficiary have 4. Age difference 5. Whether the petitioner has brought any alien to the US before, whether the beneficiary has got visa denied before by any western country 6. Whether the petitioner or beneficiary has any records of being arrested, being charged of something 7. Whether the beneficiary is from Fujian or TaiShan, how many children she is bringing to the US. 8. Luck. Different VO screws different weakness you have. Different weakness is screwed in different time of the year.
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