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Everything posted by RLS

  1. I've seen time frames all the way from 5 months to over a year; it all depends on the individual and their own set of particular circumstances. By the way, welcome to CFL and good luck. This is a great website -- full of information. I can't offer much at this point because I'm only a short ways ahead of you. Some of these guys have been here a long time and know the ropes. Someday I hope to be able to offer more help. Ron
  2. Rick, I know you can turn this negative into a postive outcome. I would like to offer to send an email to your travel agency. I kind of know the lady in charge there and I have corresponded with her many times. I can at least ask her if she can do something for you. I will be more than glad to do that for you. You'll be fine, Rick.
  3. Welcome Mike and Rong. You came to an unbelievable supportive group. Someday, I wish I could be at a party with all of these guys. I was also in China when you were there. Best wishes from Ron and Yonghua (Ivy)
  4. Now, you've got me all concerned about this? If it's not one thing, it's another.
  5. So, are you saying that you don't believe they take them in the order they receive them? That would be the fair thing to do, but, I have to admit that I have seen a wide variation in timelines. The fastest one I've seen is 5 months from filing to receiving visa.
  6. Sorry to post this here, but I noticed your timeline. It only took 6 days for NVC to approve your petition and send it off to GUZ? That's fast.
  7. Hell, I'm still waitin on the P2. What is it they say about the "Wheels of Progress?"
  8. Thank you for sharing your experience. By the way, best wishes with your new baby. Personally, I think I will not go quite that far with it. I hope to have a big party and let my SO decide how she wants to do that. But, I don't think I will have any signs or backdrops to even hint of being married. I am glad that worked out well with you. Ron
  9. Very good news. Happy times up ahead.
  10. Thank you all for your input. I believe I have this one ironed out and problem solved. Again, it was something that got lost and misunderstood in translation. This site is so supportive it is incredible to me.
  11. There is no way I want that to happen. As I said, it would only be a sybolic marriage, but, from what I'm reading, I should wait until after the legal marriage in the U.S. 205610[/snapback] Not to worry. Just don't register a marriage in China. Several members, including our own Frank, did a full blown ceremony in China before his wiife came over. Just don't show the "wedding" pictures at the interview. 205612[/snapback] If you absolutly have to marry her before her cr1 is finished, there should be no problem, just send in a I-130 and then K-3 it. I dont think if you were to marry while pending the cr1 that she would not be able to ever enter the usa. 205614[/snapback] As usual, Frank has the best handle on this. Just as a point of order the CR1 is for married people only. Ron is in the K1 process and will have to abandon it and start over with the CR1 or CR1/K3 if he "absolutely has to marry" before the K1 is issued. CR1 folks "absolutely have to" marry BEFORE filing for a CR1. When it comes to legal matters, married is married and marriages in one country are recognized by other countries. Think for a minute about the chaos if this were not true. 205649[/snapback] Yes, Mike, I know what you are saying is true. I do not "have" to marry Yonghua in China. I think she was mainly concerned about celebrating with her relatives and friends. I think the "dinner party" suggestion is a good one. I did that when I was over there, but, maybe she wants more people there. And, we were all dressed very casual, so maybe she would like the party a little more formal.
  12. Ah, I see, so maybe I should back away from this idea altogether.
  13. There is no way I want that to happen. As I said, it would only be a sybolic marriage, but, from what I'm reading, I should wait until after the legal marriage in the U.S.
  14. I have a question about marriage and I'm not sure if I should post it here or the "Culture" forum. Please feel free to move it. I know that with the K1 visa, I have 90 days to marry my SO in the U.S. That is not the problem. My SO recently indicated that she would also like a marriage in China. I'm sure it is for the benefit of her family and friends. I told her that we could possibly have a "ceremonial" marriage for that purpose, but, the "legal" marriage has to take place in the U.S. on a K1 visa. Am I correct about this and have any of you been through a similar situation? Thanks.
  15. Two things: I did use the hotel laundry service in China and my clothes came back sparkling clean, folded and sealed in plastic, just like they came out of a store. The sui yuan would pick the clothes up in the morning and return them at night. I was impressed and it was cheap too. Baked potatoes taste much better in conventional ovens.
  16. Well, it won't be long now, Phil, my man. For me, on the other hand, it seems like eternity. I love that little sweetheart so much and she's so damn far away. Hey, what's this got to do with farting?
  17. Congratulations! and Good Luck! You must be very excited.
  18. I hate to even get in on this one - so I won't.
  19. I understand that it is illegal, however, employers out here hire illegals by the hundreds and never get prosecuted or even investigated. That is one of the main points of "most" of the new immigration legislation now in Congress. i.e. to impose heavy fines on employers who hire illegal immigrants. Whether or not that dog ever hunts is anyone's guess.
  20. Rick, I hope you have a safe trip. I know that Mike, from Washington, is over there right now to visit his Weihua.
  21. Outstanding! We wish you a bright future.
  22. There is nothing like good news. Congratulations and the best to you and your wife.
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