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Everything posted by RLS

  1. Fourteen months of agony turned into happiness. Good Luck!
  2. What you say does make sense, however, I work in a govenment office and I have seen this happen. The welfare worker was in a position to grant or deny welfare applications. In other words, he had power and control over each client in that regard. He was caught when he tried to use that power to (you know what). He told the applicant that he would make it worth her while if she would (fill in the blanks). He would make sure she got approved. Eventually, he was fired. My point is that I know these things do happen and there are always people who will abuse their authority. If this story is true, the man will be caught.
  3. And I don't blame you for being Happy. Congratulations and Good Luck. B)
  4. Pushbrk (Mike) is right. My SO is from Guangxi Province. I'm thinking that she might speak "Pinghua" as Tonado suggests. I should really know this, but, I asked several times and couldn't get a straight answer. I do know that it is Cantonese related. I've tried vocalizing some Cantonese words to her and she says the equivalent to "huh?" LOL. If anyone can hammer the language, I can. But, I keep trying which makes her laugh a lot.
  5. It's important to clarify the differences between a "Marriage Broker" and a third party match-making website. The bill passed earlier this year deals only with Marriage Brokers. A Marriage Broker is a third party business that charges a fee for match-making. There are hundreds of these companies in China. All charge extremely large fees to set up profiles, take photos, and troll for unsuspecting men in the world. Many times the Chinese woman does not speak English. These agencies then intercede and respond to inquiries and sometimes telephone calls. They are brokering a deal and trying to get a guy. If they are successful, the Chinese woman must pay an additional fee to the broker agency. Many liken these brokering agencies to human trafficking agencies. Meat markets of human flesh. Scum. They are not concerned for the welfare of their clients, but only to get that deal. They often hook their clients up with unscrupulous men, with colorful backgrounds and bad intentions. Men that use the immigration system like a revolving door for their own sexual pleasure. This bill now holds these brokers accountable for conducting background checks on their clients. The bill is intended to have teeth and force the human flesh traffickers out of business. Now, anyone that met their partner online, without the intervention of a third-party person charging a match-making fee, does NOT fall under this new law. If you did use a brokering agency you may be held to additional security checks. I have not seen it definitively documented as to whether those that have approved petitions (NOA2), will be affected, but one could assume that until a visa is issued that you may. 215313[/snapback] Thank you for that information. According to your description of a Marriage Broker, it does not apply to me, personally. I used a site called AsiaEuro which charges a fee to join the site, but, after that, you are free to write to any of the ladies listed on the site. If they want to write back to you, they can. You check out each other's profiles, and, if you are interested, you correspond with them. There is no "broker" involved. Again, thanks for that information. Ron
  6. Jim, congratulations to you and your lovely family. Best Wishes.
  7. I posted this in another thread, but, I thought a new thread might get more attention. I do understand that any "new" applicants who have met their SO's on a website will have to deal with this. My question is how will they handle this for USC's who started this process before the law took effect? I have no idea if AsiaEuro is in compliance with the law or not. I have written to them, but, they fail to respond. I suppose it's anybody's guess. I have some new information. I was curious, so I wrote a letter to one of the "so-called" marriage brokers. I wanted to find out how they are dealing with this new law. Here is the response I received: As you may be aware that the U.S. law(IMBRA 2005) effective on Mar.6 mandates that international dating sites shall collect background information from U.S clients who wish to use their services. In compliance with this law, Chnlove has made changes on both sides of our U.S. clients and our ladies. You may read more about this at: http://www.chnlove.com/help/imbra.php We have made smooth adjustment for both U.S. clients and our ladies. You will need to fill in your personal disclosure form only once, and when you contact your favourite lady either through our EMF service or viewing her address directly, your disclosure form will be delivered to her. After the lady agree and sign to approve, you may start communication with her. Many U.S. clients filled in the disclosure form and their communication with their favourite ladies go as smooth as before. So you may kindly set your heart at rest. In terms of the visa application, we have been told that, if the US client finds a life partner and applies for a fiancee visa to bring her into the US, the consular official will be required to ask for specific details as to how the two met. If they met via an introduction service they will be asked whether the service complied with the law. If they meet via non-compliant services, their visa applications will be rejected. So you see, Chnlove's compliance with this law is not only for our business operation, more importantly, is for the smooth visa application of our sincere clients. We sincerely hope that we could still be honored to provide you the best service. Please kindly let us know if you have additional question or concern. We'll be most pleased to help you. Kind regards, xxxx xxxx
  8. The Marriage Brokers are in "damage control" right now, as they are the ones with whom this new law is directed. Here is the reply from GUZ: http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=17879 215025[/snapback] I can understand how the "new" applicants will deal with this. My question is, how will those of us who got into this "before" the new law deal with it? I have no idea if the website I used is complying with the law or not. I have emailed them, but, they do not respond. (AsiaEuro).
  9. I have some new information. I was curious, so I wrote a letter to one of the "so-called" marriage brokers. I wanted to find out how they are dealing with this new law. Here is the response I received: As you may be aware that the U.S. law(IMBRA 2005) effective on Mar.6 mandates that international dating sites shall collect background information from U.S clients who wish to use their services. In compliance with this law, Chnlove has made changes on both sides of our U.S. clients and our ladies. You may read more about this at: http://www.chnlove.com/help/imbra.php We have made smooth adjustment for both U.S. clients and our ladies. You will need to fill in your personal disclosure form only once, and when you contact your favourite lady either through our EMF service or viewing her address directly, your disclosure form will be delivered to her. After the lady agree and sign to approve, you may start communication with her. Many U.S. clients filled in the disclosure form and their communication with their favourite ladies go as smooth as before. So you may kindly set your heart at rest. In terms of the visa application, we have been told that, if the US client finds a life partner and applies for a fiancee visa to bring her into the US, the consular official will be required to ask for specific details as to how the two met. If they met via an introduction service they will be asked whether the service complied with the law. If they meet via non-compliant services, their visa applications will be rejected. So you see, Chnlove's compliance with this law is not only for our business operation, more importantly, is for the smooth visa application of our sincere clients. We sincerely hope that we could still be honored to provide you the best service. Please kindly let us know if you have additional question or concern. We'll be most pleased to help you. Kind regards, xxxx xxxx
  10. My SO speaks a dialect of Cantonese. She "tries" to teach me various words and phrases. For example: "yes" and "no." I look them up in a couple different Chinese dictionaries and whatever she is telling me is not to be found. I do not understand PinYin so forget about that. Are these dictionaries for Mandarin? I know Mandarin when I hear it. When I hear her talk it sounds nothing like I hear in the restaurants or public places. We once had a tour guide who spoke in Mandarin and Yonghua understood it, however, she does not speak it. Possibly she is speaking in a slang or in a local dialect. Her translator told me that it is a form of Cantonese. One time we had a taxi driver who spoke a completely different language. She spoke to him in her language and he answered in his language. I am aware the China has many different dialects. I know another Chinese woman who speaks Cantonese, but does not understand Mandarin. I would like to read your comments.
  11. You'll make it man, just hand in there. Give em hell!
  12. Congratulations, Dan, to you and your wife. The best of luck.
  13. Finally, some good news in this forum. It's been bleak lately. Congratulations
  14. Don't drink beer late at night.
  15. What about a website where you pay to join the site? There is no marriage broker. You are free to write to anyone you choose.
  16. Here's a toast to you and yours - Congratulations!
  17. Congratulations, Dennis and fast recovery to your wife. Press on my man.
  18. Just like a western man of distinctions... Why is one bush any better (or need to be shorter) than another... 213757[/snapback] You are exactly right, David. There is a lot to be said for bushes.
  19. Thanks for the info! It looks like the wait will continue for me a good while longer. 213682[/snapback] Juette, you noticed too. Every date changed except for the K1. 213719[/snapback] Those dates don't really indicate much. The line just under the K1 line is for CR1 says November 2005 but my CR1 was approved more than three weeks ago. I'm convinced this is the earliest date on any petition in the cue. Those petitions are probably waiting for RFE info to be returned. My best guess is that you and Juette can expect good news within two weeks. 213724[/snapback] Thank you for that encouraging word, Mike.
  20. Thanks for the info! It looks like the wait will continue for me a good while longer. 213682[/snapback] Juette, you noticed too. Every date changed except for the K1.
  21. You will need a K9 visa. (I know, bad joke). I'm going to bed.
  22. How about you get to change your member name to anything you want? Check "Custom Member title" under "Profile info" in your control panel. Plus you get to celebrate! 213617[/snapback] Celebration is good. I don't know about changing my name. I don't know what to name myself. But, it's the thought that counts. I never thought my 500th post would be a comment about stinkin' sweat.
  23. Oh, by the way, that was Post #500. Do I get anything for that? How about some concert tickets?
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