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Everything posted by RLS

  1. Wishing you all good things at the interview.
  2. I currently work in a government office. We now have mandatory classes in "Customer Relations." If that jerk said something like that, he would be fired in a heartbeat. Answering someone like that is not tolerated. BTW - Congratulations Jesse.
  3. Rick, we have everything going for you here -- best hopes, best wishes, fingers crossed, toes crossed, meditation, prayers, Holy water sprinkled on our keyboards, you name it. Please keep us posted. There will be no stopping this train now.
  4. I know they have Touch Tone dialing, but, when will they have "Touch" telephone? They always tell you to "reach out and touch someone." I keep trying.
  5. You are right. The better quality, "slippery" ones are much harder. I bought some nice ones when I was in China and I like the wooden ones better.
  6. "WTF are they saying??? That it takes 10 months at GUZ!!!!??" Yes, I read that about your case. Sorry to hear it. In the Airforce we called that FUBAR. I wish you good luck and don't let up. Ron
  7. Rick, you'll get it done, I know it. Now it's time to go after them --
  8. I don't think you are any different than most of us. If someone looked at my history, they might think that I jumped right from one marriage to another with no break in between. That is not the truth. I was actually separated and living in a different city than my ex wife for six years. I did not seek the divorce because, at that time, there was no reason to do so. So, on paper, it might look like I prematurely entered into this relationship with my SO. In reality, I have been alone and lived alone for about seven years. Then I made a decision to find the lady of my dreams. I think the VO's must look at this very carefully before making a judement.
  9. Congratulations! You're on the move.
  10. I guess this would be relative to those of us who don't have our SO's with us and those of us who live alone, or anyone who can relate to this. Have you ever come home at night with not a lot to do, and you sit down at the computer. You get on CFL and you start reading the various posts and problems. You read about those who have good news. You read about those who are having a rough time. You have compassion for everyone and, sometimes, you respond, sometimes you just read other people's posts. You start thinking about your SO and how far away she is. You think of how much you love her and wish like hell that she was sitting on your knee. You think and you wonder, "how long will this take?" Will this ever, ever, EVER end? You've told your relatives and close friends about what you're doing. When you see them, they ask, "hey, how's that visa coming along?" or something along those lines. You tell them, "well, I'm still waiting for my application to get from point A to point B or whatever. You know that some of them thought you were crazy to start with. But, you can't be concerned with how "they" feel. Every night, you come home, you check your email, you check CFL, you check USCIS, you check GUZ, you check everything that is possible to check, and -- no change. You get through to the next day. You check again. You wait -- no change. A week goes by, two weeks go by, three weeks, you check -- no change. You keep reading CFL. You read about guys like Rick and his SO Yanlan and what a hell of a time he's having. You feel bad for him. You want to help. But, your case is what's important to you. You wait-- a few more days --- no change. You keep telling your friends "sorry, nothing to report, no change." You just sit, night after night, and you wonder, "what in hell am I doing?" Then you think about your lady and it gives you strength to move on to the next night, and the next, and the next . . .
  11. Rick and Yanlan: I can only say that you will be successful in the end. I agree with what the others have said. I have a question for you and others: As I work in a government office I know that every worker has a supervisor. Sometimes we will have a case manager get out of hand and treat a client like crap if you know what I mean. They have to go by rules. When they get out of hand, they have to meet with their supervisor and possibly be written up. Some are even fired. I am sure these VO's have a supervisor. I wonder if they ever get disciplined? It is very probable that some VO's should be fired. How you get them fired is unknown. I know they play "God" but they still have to answer to somebody. Who knows? Hang in there Rick. I know you will. I send you my best wishes. Ron
  12. Really sorry to hear this. Now is the time for calm action. You can provide everything that is needed. The combination of things they asked for indicates to me they have a concern about Rick's finances and whether there may be a visa scam including money exchange from the beneficiary's former husband. Just do what is asked and get the visa in a couple weeks. These things happen when the income tax returns don't look so good. 208484[/snapback] Very good observation, Mike. It makes sense considering the strange reasons given for rejection. Rick, now is the time to fight hard.
  13. How, in Holy Hell is anyone supposed to know where their ex's live? That is unbelievable! Can the VO's just make stuff up? Are there no guidelines or operating procedures they have to follow?
  14. Twiddling thumbs - waiting - waiting I think everyone here is pulling for these guys and waiting for an update.
  15. Welcome to CFL. Look forward to reading your posts.
  16. No need to feel that way. Congratulations! If I could do mine in 2 days I would. LOL
  17. I think you're doing a fine job. Wish I could give you some news on mine.
  18. Congratulations! Have a great "rest of your lives together."
  19. Rick and Yanlan, we are pulling for you. You will make it.
  20. I'm not real familiar with that end of it either, but, I think Wheelman is right. I have read hundreds of posts here where members have overcome the rejections. From everything I have read, the VO must give a reason or reasons for rejection. They can't just say they are denying you for no reason. Once you know the reason, you have the opportunity to overcome and present the evidence they are looking for. Hang in there. Don't quit now, you're almost there. I'm sure you'll get some responses from the more experienced members. Good Luck and chins up. You can do it.
  21. Shentaro, the best of everything in your future. Keep us posted.
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