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Everything posted by RLS

  1. I love this post. I don't know why really. I guess I'm weird. I don't mind a little underarm hair (not a full bush) and my SO didn't use any deodorant and she smelled as clean and fresh as the morning dew. Yes, she did shower twice a day. And, Eric, I will not ask what you do with the feet. No, I would never ask that. I might wonder about it, but, I would never ask.
  2. This kind of BS really hurts those of us who are trying to do this "legally."
  3. Hunter, do you remember this post? OUCH 56 days and waiting for interview schedule. I know it can be any time now. or another month. This is becomming as much fun as that last 8 hour root canal I once sat through. Of course, thanks to God and good genetics, the dentist said I had the deepest roots she had ever seen. hehe. Now you can forget about the root canal.
  4. Wonderful news! Congratulations and good luck.
  5. Way to go! And best of luck to you both.
  6. Mike, this probably sounds like a dumb question, but what do you mean by: "'ll be naming myself as agent?" Is this something I should do?
  7. Well I must be one of the lucky ones. My SO has never asked me for 1 yuan and she is not a rich lady. I have given her money on my own, but she never asked for it. That, to me, is one of the elements of good character.
  8. Welcome to CFL. If you need info on getting a visa, you can find it here. Good luck.
  9. Congratulations and the best of luck to you.
  10. Welcome, good luck, and may you ride a fast horse.
  11. Ron, You are just about the funniest man I have ever seen on CFL ... NOT! Kidding, kidding just kidding. But now that I have your attention I would like to mention how much enjoyment I got out of reading one of your posts a day or two ago. It was about coming home and checking everything we can check and still finding nothing, do you remember? I really chuckled while reading and thought you did a great job describing probably every CFLer who has ever come and gone - well done, my friend. Thanks for a great read. Wheel Man 210312[/snapback] Thanks Wheelman. I appreciate that. Looking here at ol Larry's timeline, I bet he checked everything in the house a few times. I bet he even checked "Under" the kitchen sink. The important thing is -- he got it done.
  12. Does he give you a reason why he will not withdraw it, or have you lost contact with him?
  13. Larry and Li: Did you enjoy your stay at NVC? Just kidding. Wow, that was a long time. But, the wait is over !!! Congratulations and have a great life together.
  14. I'm shocked. I don't know what to say. The only thing I'm thinking is, Rick, at this point, you cannot give up. You are so close to getting that visa. My best wishes for you and Yanlan. You WILL get the visa.
  15. They go in to find out at 2:30 China time tomorrow or for those in Rio Linda, at 11:30 PM tonight, Pacific Time. I got a PM from Rick indicating that he solved the problem with the Bank and now has access to all the money he needs. 210015[/snapback] Great! Finally something positive for him.
  16. I'm quite a long ways from it, but, I was curious about how many of you who are already married, had the wedding ceremony/vows spoken in both English and Chinese? Also, those of you who are making plans to marry in the U.S.--will you get someone who will give the vows or translate them for your Fiance'? Thanks Ron
  17. As of 4/21/06, they updated again, now it's moved to February 03, 2006. So it's moving along! https://egov.immigration.gov/cris/jsps/Proc...nter=California 209984[/snapback] Yea! so there's still hope!
  18. Congratulations, Patrick - I'm happy for you and the lady.
  19. Bill, one can tranlate this themselves using the Google Beta website translator found here: http://translate.google.com/translate_t You can copy and paste the following link: http://edu.sina.com.cn/l/2006-04-25/1216133728.html ...into the Translate a web page option at the bottom. Be sure to change the picklist to the proper translation. After it translates, click page two, or three at the bottom 209863[/snapback] Jesse: I tried the Google translator and it didn't even come close to what I typed in. Babel Fish seemed to be much more accurate to me. With Google it almost seemed like something was wrong with my computer. I typed in a simple paragraph, translated it to Chinese Simp. then, translated it back to English. The result had nothing to do with what I typed. Oh well!
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