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Everything posted by RLS

  1. Wow! Nine days from P2 to P3. Not bad at all. Congratulations. Looks like you're flying through this in a stealth fighter.
  2. Not to get political (I know how much you hate that), but why do you think it's unconstitutional? The courts have upheld criminal background requirements for gun purchases (a constitutional right). Why would a background check for getting a visa (not a constitutional right) be held to a higher standard? 218349[/snapback] This is taken from the law suit in the District Court in Georgia Civil Action No. 1:06-CV-0426-CC "Consistent with its ruling at the hearing, the Court hereby enters the instant written Order granting Plaintiff’s Motion for Temporary Restraining Order.1. . . "The Court believes that there is a substantial likelihood that Plaintiff will prevail on the merits of its First and Fifth Amendment claims. Courts use the fourprong test articulated in Central Husdon Gas & Elec. Corp. v. Public Serv. Comm’n, 447 U.S. 557, 566, 100 S. Ct. 2343, 2351, 65 L. Ed.2d 341 (1980) to determine if commercial speech is protected by the First Amendment. Specifically, a court must determine the following: (1) whether the speech concerns lawful activity and is not misleading; (2) whether the regulation serves a substantial governmental interest; (3) whether the regulation directly and materially advances the state’s asserted interest; and (4) whether the regulation is no more extensive than necessary to serve that interest. See This That and Other Gift and Tobacco, Inc. v. Cobb County, 285 F.3d 1319, 1323 (11th Cir. 2000). This Court does not believe that the Act meets the last two steps of Central Hudson. As an initial matter, it appears to the Court that there is no governmental interest suitably furthered by the distinctions made by the Act as to the brokers covered by the Act. That is, the distinctions contained in the Act as to the entities, persons, and groups qualifying as IMBs under the Act are not rationally related to the harm Congress sought to prevent by passing the Act."
  3. Congratulations, Jesse, and Good Luck at the Interview.
  4. Here's an interesting article on the subject taken from Fox News: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,180487,00.html my apology if this has been posted before.
  5. The date that determines whether or not your petition will be delayed is clearly stated in the telegram as the "priority date", the date stamped on the actual petition, the day it was opened and stamped received. You will see a space on your NOA1 for the priority date but it will be left blank. This is because until the petition is "approved" the priority date cannot be "confirmed". Once approved, the priority date is confirmed but not shown on the NOA2. It is still left blank. I know this to be true because the priority date is shown on my P3. It is NOT the same date as the "receipt date" shown on either NOA. It is the actual date the service center "received" the petition. On the NOA1 or NOA2, "receipt date" appears to refer to the date they ISSUED a "receipt" for "payment" of the I-129F fee. One can be sure that if their 129F NOA1 receipt date for a K1 is prior to March 6, they are in the clear. If they have a receipt date of March 6 or 7 but know their petition was "received" before the 6th, there is a possibility they are in the clear. To know for certain they would have to determine the date actually date stamped on their petition. The Catch 22 is that until their petition is approved and sent to NVC there does not seem to be a way to confirm that date. 218214[/snapback] I checked my receipt at the U.S. Postal Service site. It states: "Your item was delivered at 10:07 am on March 01, 2006 in Laguna Niguel, CA 92607" Still waiting for something to happen. Ron
  6. My point is: Yes, this is a good law. It should have been enacted years ago. But, why does it take them so long to do anything? Why do they ask for a ton of information on the I-129F if they don't use it? There is enough information to know the life history of the applicant. I have said this before, being in law enforcement at one time in my life, I know for a fact that you can punch in a person's s.s.# or driver's license number and find out if this person has a criminal history. That used to take a minute or less. It's probably much faster now. Yes, I realize that they have a lot of cases to deal with, but this is not rocket science. Also, no one knows how long we will have to wait. If we only knew that, it might help us deal with it. Tell me it's another month wait and I can deal with it. And one more thing -- for anyone who has lots of patience, that phone number listed for USCIS is good AND you can actually talk to a real person if you hang on the line long enough. I had to get back to work and couldn't wait.
  7. It is just the phone number to the National Customer Service Center. They won't know any more than what is on the web site that we read, if at all. 217834[/snapback] Well, for what it's worth, this is what it says: " If you have a question about case status information provided via this site, or if you have not received a decision or advice from the USCIS within the projected processing time frame, please contact the National Customer Service Center"
  8. It's been showing that February 3rd date for quite some time now.
  9. The USCIS gives a customer relations number. Is it fruitless to call that number?
  10. Good post, Don. I'm just wondering if anyone would dare to take a guess as to how much longer this will take? What is it that they are looking for that we haven't already turned in with the I-129F? That petition includes about everything I can think of to enable a background check. Will the serial number on the kitchen sink be required?
  11. Ron, Relax. Lee's post represents a misunderstanding. You're ok. Only cases "received" after March 5 are impacted. Your was received a few days before the deadline. " If posts have any question about the correct priority date of the K1 case, they should use the priority date (receipt date) written or stamped on the original petition. DHS has not requested return of K3 or K4 I-129F petitions." I never saw my priority date until it showed up on the P3. It is the actual date the package was stamped received by the service center. In my case that's two days earlier than the NOA1 was issued from the service center mine was transferred to. Fortunately K3s are not impacted by this new law. Only K1 petitions "delivered" to the service center address AFTER March 5, 2006 are impacted. Unfortunately that does impact some of our members. 217554[/snapback] Mike, I have not changed my timeline and it is accurate. I looked at my NOA1 and it has a "Received Date" of 03/06/06. It was "delivered" to USCIS on 3/1/06. So, I guess it's right there on the cusp so to speak. Is there any way to find out? If they would just let us know what they want, we could send it to them and get the show on the road. I'm very confused and bewildered at this point. Now this is what CFL is all about.
  12. Well, that hits me right in the guts - right where it hurts. I do not want to tell my SO about this. She will be devastated.
  13. Great News! Have happy times together.
  14. Congratulations, Chad. Have a Happy new life!
  15. Way to go, Mike!!!!! I'm sooo Happy for you and your wife.
  16. GUZ continues to be extremely busy, and for that reason it's very difficult to predict when events will occur. I noticed that a few P4s arrived for K1s (3), but it seems that June may still have some available space for interviews. As the month of May comes to a close, it is less likely with each passing day. Predicting events is further compounded by members that join here toward the end of their process or rarely post and communicate their timelines. 217147[/snapback] It seems like I've noticed a lot of new members lately who are at the "end" of their process.
  17. Those are pdf documents - you might right click, save as, and then open them into the Adobe reader if the link doesn't work for you. 217012[/snapback] Randy, I have the latest version of Adobe, but, for some reason, it will not open up those links. I have tried right clicking as you suggested. I try to save the link. It gets about half way through saving it, then I get a message that it is not a valid file.
  18. David: The link that says: Differences between Name will not load for me. Just thought you might want to know. Some of the other links work, but not all of them. Ron
  19. Merc, I'm wishing you the best and hope your P4 arrives soon.
  20. There is so much information there; in what way did you find it interesting? 216901[/snapback] well? Beats me. Anything I can find on how the process work, is interesting to me. It's getting better. If your stuck like I am, it doesn't take much. The more I dig, the better it gets. Check this out. http://boards.immigrationportal.com/attach...tachmentid=8181 216910[/snapback] Well I seem to be stuck, but I could be wrong.
  21. There is so much information there; in what way did you find it interesting?
  22. "my daughter said ¡° Mom, we should hug and celebrate it¡" How sweet of your daughter. Congratulations.
  23. Congratulations and Good Luck!
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