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Everything posted by IllinoisDave

  1. I agree Carl. They're definately good enough to beat any other team woman to woman (or girl to girl) . I'm just wondering if there isn't some sort of competetive advantage to being so small and young looking. I mean look at the relative body types between the Chinese and US teams for example. Could the judges be influenced by the smaller more agile looking Chinese gals compared to slightly bulkier Americans? I don't know. I'll have to do some research to see if there's a reason beyond safely that the IOC cites for the age restriction. Aside from that, if this group of gymnasts are superior to the gals over 16 on the team, I guess that would be an incentive for the CCP to alter their passports.
  2. Oh yeah, Dave With the right guests, Chinese wedding ceremony is the most profitable business in town . I'm thinkin we may have to have one of those some day.
  3. Not for the sqeamish. Remember Joe Theismann? Notice how deftly the volunteers move in to block the view. The Chinese thought of everything. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/08/13/j...d_n_118695.html
  4. You can also do an "unofficial" ceremony with all the bells,whistles,wedding duds and, most importantly, red envelopes.
  5. Ah...at last a voice in the wilderness. All this media bashing comes across at least as petty and reactionary as the supposed anti-China reporting that so many claim to see. Like a politician's speech, both sides will get out of it whatever they choose to get out of it. Those that want to see China bashing and terrible coverage will find it. Those that want to see China putting on a wonderful Olympics and experience some compelling and historic sporting events will find that. All these claims about the "Western media" having some kind of conspiratorial axe to grind into China's image is just plain silly. I've watched a lot and read a lot as I'm especially interested in these particular Games and this vast media conspiracy just ain't there. The media reported on the smog/pollution problem because it was a real concern for all involved, thus newsworthy, not because they were looking to tarnish China's image. They reported on the faked fireworks and the lip-synched song because they happened to be facts, not because they might embarrass the Chinese gov't or people. I've seen far far more effusive praise for the Opening Ceremony and the job China is doing putting on these Olympics than I've seen reports that could be construed as negative. Some folks here hammer the media, accusing them of singling out one or two incidents and beating them to death in order to give a distorted view of China or the Games. I think they're doing exactly the same with their criticisms of that same media.
  6. I don't think that's quite fair Carl. Either everyone plays by the rules or not. One girls age was documented in CHINESE gov't websites as one age for 3 years then miraculously changed last year. That's not some kind of conspiracy by western press to damage China's image or sore losing Americans looking for a scapegoat. http://www.usatoday.com/sports/columnist/b...ymnastics_N.htm "This is where China's math and the rest of the world's math diverge. Yang Yilin, a medal contender in the all-around, was born Aug. 26, 1993, according to the official 2004, 2005 and 2006 national registration lists previously posted on the General Administration of Sport of China website, the Associated Press has reported. That means Yang is still 14, with her 15th birthday approaching. But, interestingly enough, on the 2007 registration list, her birthday became Aug. 26, 1992." I think Bela Karoli suggested the other night on NBC that they should just do away with the age rules altogether. That would solve this problem until some 9 yr old breaks her leg because it hasn't developed enough to take the pounding gymnastics requires.
  7. Son-in-law or stepson? That would be son-in-law if you live in Portland and stepson everywhere else. Them folks in the Northwest are a bit strange, how else would you explain Don and Carl.
  8. Did anybody else catch any of the US vs China women's water polo match yesterday? Great match with the Chinese team playing much better than anyone expected considering this was their first Olympics in water polo and none of the players were older than 21 I think. Anyway, I was watching while my wife was behind me in the kitchen not paying attention,or so I thought. The US was ahead and the Chinese scored a goal to tie it and all of a sudden I heard a scream behind me like none I'd heard before. Scared the crap out of me and the dog. When I turned to look she had a huge grin and kinda sheepishly said "Doesn't matter Darling, whoever wins is OK." The match went back and forth with both teams doing themselves proud. Despite her comment, her reactions showed that one side winning would have been much more OK than she let on. I found myself wishing they would win as well.
  9. SPOILER ALERT FOR DENNIS You Texas boys really know how to shoot. http://www.thestar.com/Comment/article/476785
  10. Well east coast girls are hip I really dig those styles they wear And the southern girls with the way they talk They knock me out when Im down there The mid-west farmers daughters really make you feel alright And the northern girls with the way they kiss They keep their boyfriends warm at night...
  11. No - this is not needed, and very uncommon. The Civil Surgeon is signing off on the vaccinations only, and does not to sign off on the exam. Some people have had difficulties with Civil Surgeons who want to give a whole new exam, but simply showing them the directions on the from (which say Vaccination Supplement Only) should be good enough. If not, you can always find another surgeon. We didn't show the CS the blue book and he never asked.
  12. Back when Reagan outspent the Soviet Union into bankruptcy on military hardware the US thought it was great... Now we are broke and the INSANE amount of $$$ continuing to be spent on the military goes on and on... Oh ROG!!!!!! It got results! Coca Cola made millions in Germany after the wall came down, no??? Now for the sermon Regarding the equipment under Reagan and since... I for one feel safer knowing what I know the money is spent for and just how good some of that equipment is. I will never forget the reaction that a team of highly paid experts/consultants were taken in to McDonald/Douglas by myself and others in St Louis back when F-15, F-18, and a few other things were being built there to talk to some mucky-mucks. They were shown a lot and it was explained to them how important my business was to them and what they needed from us to better assist them. They got to see the capability of the equipment and what threats that equipment can defeat. They saw how MacDac managed their own business as well. One commented in the limo ride away was how impressive it all was and that it almost makes her want to become a Republican. I was surprised at her words and the deep realization she came to. In other words, it isn't frivolous spending. It is for better technology. Most of which winds up in your daily life a few years later as a result of the R&D you could call the military industry and NASA. Over the years I got worried, like not spending to make equipment for sand in the 80s before the first gulf war, and later not spending money on gorilla training of our own forces and the equipment they need, and more espionage. And I have been totally worried for years about no military along our borders and jets not armed and on alert on our soil. 911 changed the latter, now where are the basses? What is done with the equipment, and good training, is another matter and political. Unfortunately I fear some needed training is or has got the ax due to our dependence on good equipment in some military areas, and budget cuts. "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex." Dwight D. Eisenhower
  13. Glad to hear she had an event-free interview. Congrats.
  14. She's certainly free to get a medical exam. Might even be a good thing. But it's not required for the GC. The medical she got in GUZ fulfills the requirements.
  15. I'm waiting for that! Did you notice all the booing from the crowd during the Preliminary B games? Especially during the free throws... I'm pretty sure that wasn't booing. Wouldn't be like the Chinese to do that. I think it was some sort of cheer or chant. They were cheering pretty much everything else both teams did.
  16. Glad to hear you're on the move, no matter how it happened.
  17. What a bunch of morons! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/08/11/s...s_n_118262.html
  18. I thought we worked all this out last time... No one should feel constrained from posting because of what someone else may do/think/say... If you have something you think is important about China then please post it no matter who's ox gets gored... The MK is NOT an authoritarian regime... Thank you sir, may I have another?
  19. Even Chinese cats have heard about airline food.
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