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Everything posted by IllinoisDave

  1. Ok, they got the gang members. But what about the scumbags who bought the corpses? I'd be interested to find out if anything happens to them.
  2. But Don... In China the government does run the rails... What's the difference??? China runs Amtrak? I think you meant to say "owns". B) They bought that too... Up in this neck of the woods the CanadiensHey already bought up all our tracks and now with the once mighty $ lower than a snake's belly everybody's getting in the act...Chinese buying up houses in LA, South Americans snapping up condos in Miami...We're for sale and we're cheap... So anywho EVERYONE here now concedes that a centrally planned economy can do some things better than the free market... Looks like a consensus.
  3. But Don... In China the government does run the rails... What's the difference??? China runs Amtrak? I think you meant to say "owns". B)
  4. Nice post Jason. I was going to mention something about some of the same old people distorting comments made by others to fit their own paranoid vision of what goes on here. But you said it much better so I wont.
  5. If the Olympic threads didn't do it, I doubt this little ole one will.
  6. You're not only bored, but boring as well.... Woke you up. And I did say you're our favorite.
  7. I wonder how long it'll take our favorite new China resident to show up and tell us that these incidents didn't happen because there's just no such unrest in China. At least in his little corner of it anyway.
  8. It happened to this guy too! What are the odds? http://www.snopes.com/military/medal.asp
  9. Hopefully what she sent will cover the bases. I say "hopefully" because one rule you'll see here over and over is "don't give them anything they don't ask for." Let's hope the boarding passes she sent won't prompt them to ask for evidence of who paid for the tickets. Probably nothing to worry about but be prepared just in case. Good luck.
  10. Nice pics Tony. Do you know where that garden's located. If it will be a permanent thing or not?
  11. Can't believe I read that whole thread. Man, that woman (if she is a woman ) sure goes to great lengths to perpetuate her scam.
  12. Buyer beware. I'm a born skeptic. Has anyone ever heard of this money exchange thingy? Another issue is voltage. Since these are marketed to use in the US, can the charger be used in China? I think I heard about something like this when I was in Nigeria.
  13. Whew...a long article and even longer comments...what interested me the most was all the info on the tremendous job losses in China...Laopo has a friend in Donguang, a major Pearl River delta manufacturing center, and it is certainly happening there with factories closing left and right... With unemployed masses of people in the cities perhaps my prediction was wrong and the destabilization of China will occur in the cities and not in the countryside... Yeah, that's what caught my eye too. I hadn't heard the bit about so many factories closing. Disheartening to say the least.
  14. I'm no economist but this doesn't sound good. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/money/main.jhtm.../ccchina126.xml
  15. I thought for a minute there Beckham was gonna start singing. And I'm pretty sure Jimmy Page was finger-synching.
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