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Everything posted by IllinoisDave

  1. No attack warranted Dougie. I agree with you that the PRC has had it's time being the bully on the block and is no innocent babe when it comes to how it handles some of it's affairs. And I understand the whole deterrence thing. I just don't see the need for the sabre rattling given the current global political climate and upcoming election here at home. The timing seems stange and the potential provocation seems needless.
  2. True enough. B) What's that mean? It's called humor Jesse. You should try it sometime. It's okay Dave. I have a great sense of humor, and it's working just fine; active, fun, and an excellent participant. I was grappling with the wording though, as it was unclear as to how Taiwan would somehow soon be a part of the "Peoples Navy." What is the peoples navy? I'm still not clear as to what the phrase means, so I can't find the humor in it. What I got from it though, is that it seemed to be a flippant comment about a serious issue. Sometimes doing that can help ease tension, but in my view, it seemed inappropriate. I don't think the people of Taiwan would find it funny. Seriously...take yourself a little MORE seriously Jesse.
  3. True enough. What's that mean? It's called humor Jesse. You should try it sometime.
  4. I don't doubt this is true Jesse. I just can't get past the "Why now?" question. I mean relations between the US and China have been fairly cordial lately, working together to solve the N. Korea problem for instance. There seems to have been a dropoff in much of the rhetoric we saw leading up to the Olympics. And isn't the new gov't in Taiwan supposed to be more "mainland-friendly" than past ones? There must be something else behind this besides just us fulfilling our obligations under some diplomatic treaty. I just can't get my head wrapped around what the hell that could be.
  5. Yes, but unless I missed something in the news they haven't been attacked in the last few days so don't appear to be in need of any aid.
  6. Thanks Mike. That one's cited in the article as well. I still don't see where it states that selling arms to Taiwan NOW is REQUIRED. It's very ambiguous as it's worded in the Wiki entry. It seems to be unstated but implied that the US gov't still has a lot of discretion as to when and what we sell to Taiwan. Just seems to me we're not excercising that discretion very well.
  7. Believe it or not, we are required by law to sell weapons to Taiwan. It's not a financial issue. I think we should change the law so we are not require to do that, but I also think China should tone down it's rhetoric. Taiwan is no threat to them. http://www.heritage.org/Research/TradeandF...oad/wm_1962.pdf I could be wrong but as I read that law Mike it applies to private businesses and the US gov't not interferring in their transactions with nations friendly to us who are being boycotted by ones not so friendly. This arms sale is,as far as I can tell, a US gov't enterprise. From the article: "Upton said the sale does not represent a change in U.S. policy and that Washington is only upholding the provisions of the Taiwan Relations Act under which the U.S. makes available items necessary for Taiwan to maintain a sufficient self defense. Taiwan relies on U.S. weapons to keep pace with China's massive arms buildup across the Taiwan Strait. U.S. arms sales to Taiwan are a crucial matter because any dispute between China and Taiwan could ensnare the United States. Washington is Taiwan's most important ally and largest arms supplier." This sounds like arms sales like this one are done on a more arbitrary basis, not as a requirement of a treaty or pact like the one you cited. Who decides what's "necessary" for Taiwan to maintain a sufficient self defense? And do we really think Taiwan can "keep pace" with China in an arms race? These are rhetorical questions Mike. Not aimed at you.
  8. Which is kinda my point. We aren't looking to arms deals with Taiwan to close the national debt gap. So why do we do s**t like this knowing full well it'll alienate the hell out of China? I just don't see the benefit aside from soothing an already solid ally. It's not like they're ever gonna use this stuff.
  9. Do the folks in our government making these decisions operate in an effing vacuum? Do we really need the money that badly? Don't answer that. http://www.startribune.com/nation/30525644...iD3aPc:_Yyc:aUU
  10. You have us seriously confused David... How 'bout now Rog? Amazing how "Davie's" can read each others mind And hope you caught the "Davie" payback! I did. Well done sir.
  11. You have us seriously confused David... How 'bout now Rog? Amazing how "Davie's" can read each others mind
  12. Sounds like the one here in Houston that Jiaying likes and has drawn mention in toppy's column. Yeah, they've got quite a few around the country under the H brand. Christine loves that she can get all kinds of spices and sauces and oils that she's used to having in China. And their fruits,veggies and seafood are fresh, at least according to her.
  13. We have a great grocery store here called Super H that specializes in Asian food. They were supposed to open a store under the H Mart name in Irvine. Don't know if that's close to you or if they even ended up opening there. If so, it's definately worth checking out. Edit: I guess it just opened last weekend. Here's a link to some reviews and includes an address. http://www.yelp.com/biz/h-mart-irvine
  14. A couple of things we got based on feedback from my mid-teen nephew in China. Currently fashionable sneakers,especially Nikes. Along the lines of what Darnell suggested, he specifically requested a book bag (one of those over-the-shoulder ones) with an "antique" look.
  15. Yep,Dan just mis-spoke. (a rarity ) Citizens etc. to the left,Immigrants etc. to the right. Our experience was short and sweet. We went ahead and went through separate lines. Christine was asked a few questions and that was that. No separate room or anything. Very simple.
  16. You have us seriously confused David... How 'bout now Rog?
  17. Not necessarily, which is sorta my point. not necessarily...... point taken Dave. i can only speak for myself. I'm a better person for following Gods way.better,but not perfect...i was once a scumbag,now well.....1/2 a scumbag.and before i leave this planet,hopefully, only an 1/8 of a scumbag. to each his own. jimi I'm as certain as I can be that you're grossly overstating your scumbagginess Jimi.
  18. What's love got to do...got to do...with it?
  19. Nothing (or very few things) in this imperfect world is absolute, there are good people and very evil people, someone could be a good (insert whatever religion here) and not go to church, just as someone could go to church and commit heinous crimes. Going to church doesn't make anyone religious any more than walking into a barn makes you a cow. If you took your car to a mechanic and got ripped off, would you then condemn all mechanics? just my opinon Richard No, but I wouldn't go back !
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