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Everything posted by IllinoisDave

  1. Congrats. Leave it to the gummit to use up every last day.
  2. I agree with the first part Darnell. But not so much with the second. The instructions say right at the top to use a separate sheet of paper if you need more space. Given the nature of addresses in China I'll bet many don't fit in the space provided. I know ours didn't. I'm sure many filers who don't have the word processing/printers skills you have (me included ) have used continuation or appendix sheets with their petitions. If they were rarely read I'd think we'd be hearing from a lot of people here and on VJ that petitions were being rejected/lost/misdirected because of the lack of information that not reading those extra sheets would lead to. Just my 2 cents.
  3. That is heartbreaking to read jimi. I'm numb. I can't imagine what you both are going through. Chin up my friend.
  4. So sorry to here this jimi. Others are giving you some good advice. Stay strong. Best of luck.
  5. That's what I read...The BIG DROP is coming next spring... So does that mean that we should try to unload my wife's property (an apartment) in Shenzhen now if she can find someone to buy? If we wait will we be SOL? Will prices go back up after they hit the bottom making it worth hanging onto for the long term? I think markets such as Shenzhen still have a ways to drop before hitting bottom, but that's without government intervention. I'd say if the house is 90 m2 or less, hang onto it. There's a chance it may actually increase in value. The government has indicated that it will take whatever steps are necessary to shield the property markets from devastation, but there is only so much they can do. It's highly likely they will take measures designed to protect that sector of real estate more inclined towards the masses than for the more well off. If you have a house that is 100 m2 or more, that might be one of the ones that will be hit harder. If you can rent it out for a semi-decent price, that might be a good option, but even the rental market in Shenzhen is very weak currently. It's a tough call and a lot depends on a lot of factors known only to you and your current financial position. Thanks Bill. I'll have to ask my wife how big it is and come up with a plan. Like you said, financial considerations here may dictate what we do there.
  6. That's what I read...The BIG DROP is coming next spring... So does that mean that we should try to unload my wife's property (an apartment) in Shenzhen now if she can find someone to buy? If we wait will we be SOL? Will prices go back up after they hit the bottom making it worth hanging onto for the long term? You own a house in SZ??? I read prices are down by 1/3rd there...One new housing development that is all sold had 50 apartments occupied out of 780...Will it come back??? When??? Geez Dave I'm not a mystic only a mini-mod... Well, my wife does anyway. I guess the answer seems to be to do as Darnell says and keep it, rent it out and see what happens. Hey if the guvmint really wants to pump up the housing market in China... I HAVE THE SOLUTION... Allow foreigners unrestricted access to buying houses... A simple move that would flood the market with house buyers... (and pump up the values of our houses conincidentally... ) And help out Dave too... Let's get that referendum on the next ballot Rog.
  7. That's what I read...The BIG DROP is coming next spring... So does that mean that we should try to unload my wife's property (an apartment) in Shenzhen now if she can find someone to buy? If we wait will we be SOL? Will prices go back up after they hit the bottom making it worth hanging onto for the long term? You own a house in SZ??? I read prices are down by 1/3rd there...One new housing development that is all sold had 50 apartments occupied out of 780...Will it come back??? When??? Geez Dave I'm not a mystic only a mini-mod... Well, my wife does anyway. I guess the answer seems to be to do as Darnell says and keep it, rent it out and see what happens.
  8. That's what I read...The BIG DROP is coming next spring... So does that mean that we should try to unload my wife's property (an apartment) in Shenzhen now if she can find someone to buy? If we wait will we be SOL? Will prices go back up after they hit the bottom making it worth hanging onto for the long term?
  9. This was on ABC WNT yesterday: http://abcnews.go.com/video/playerIndex?id=6083417 "half of China's toy factories, more than 3,000 have closed this year." Those are astoundingly numbers. Imagine how many workers that translates into.
  10. Yes, yes and unfortunately they did. The question is did they learn the mentality,market system and pyramid schemes from us or did we learn it from them?
  11. Here's a couple we like in our area: Hunan Market 673 N Cass Ave, Westmont, Illinois http://www.ibegin.com/directory/us/illinoi...673-n-cass-ave/ Super H Mart 1295 E. Ogden Ave. Naperville, IL 60563 http://maps.google.com/?q=1295%20E.%20Ogde...e,%20IL%2060563 Purposely not left blank.
  12. ...or why Bactrian camel hump, jellyfish with cinnamon, proboscis monkey soup with five flavors, and barbecued elephant trunk, is not on the dinner plate. I sure hope Don reads this... I know he would want to sample some of these delicacies... As long as it's not skunky or boiled. If he even sees this he'll be http://www.websmileys.com/sm/obscene/eck15.gif
  13. I want to make a pulll how many of you ever use pirate products. not even DVD?? be careful of your cloths. you might possible to buy LV shirt when you are not aware Does Napster count?
  14. Dave, is that you I see standing up and raising your hand?
  15. From what I've read, this isn't some new thing MS is springing on China at the last minute. They've been offering amnesty and other deals for at least three years. So I gotta believe entities like those you mentioned have already taken care of the situation. But...maybe not.
  16. No doubts about your preparedness. GOOD LUCK!
  17. Don't the pirated copies have the "Genuine Advantage" software disabled? I thought it was impossible to get these Operating Systems updated anyway. It may or may not happen - I think if it does it will hit more legitimate than pirated copies. Sorry, I know nothing about the technical aspects of this stuff. I just found the subject fascinating so I linked to an article I found. I'm skeptical that they can pull it off too. But like I said, I don't know anything. B) It'll sure be interesting to see how it turns out though.
  18. Interesting article with some more info: http://www.china.org.cn/china/national/200...nt_16630207.htm
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