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Everything posted by IllinoisDave

  1. Just curious. I read back through your other thread and didn't find the answer. Were you K-3, CR-1 or DCF?
  2. More details! (of stuff outside your hotel room that is) I'm gonna be living vicariously through you two for the next few days. I hope you don't mind.
  3. Some others apparently agree. The consensus seems to be that fast food, less physical activity, and more modern means of transportation are major contributors. Another article mentioned that replacing the traditional diet with more meat and dairy is also a cause. http://www.scidev.net/en/news/study-finds-...es-soaring.html http://content.onlinejacc.org/cgi/content/full/42/4/773 http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2007-01...e-obesity_x.htm http://www.bjreview.com.cn/letter/txt/2008...tent_157570.htm
  4. How do you figure this is related to McD's or KFC? Right, it could be Pizza Hut. True. I didn't have room to list all of 'em. So I went with the two biggies. The rest are implied.
  5. How do you figure this is related to McD's or KFC? When I was there at least 95% of the customers I saw in those places were kids. I think the kid's diets, especially in the cities, is changing and becoming more like ours. Much more fast food than they've had in the past, leading to more childhood obesity and diabetes. Before you ask, of course I don't have any statistical evidence. Just my own observations and common sense.
  6. It was just a matter of time. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2008-11...ent_7208524.htm
  7. You can go inside the Birds nest but will cost you 80 rmb? The water cube is 30 RMB. Cool. Thanks. Hopefully we'll get back to BJ next year for a visit. That'll definately be on the list.
  8. Yeah, gotta have some reaction shots. Do they let you inside The Birds Nest or do ya have to stay outside?
  9. The more experiences posted, good and bad, the better IMHO. New members can read through and decide for themselves whether or not the Yang's place is for them. No need to avoid the bad ones as long as there's no malicious intent.
  10. Other? Naive works. Also death wisher works. Aw c'mon Bill. Lighten up a little will ya. It's a JOKE. You're right, Dave, I should. Being here for 13+ years has turned me into a professional a$$hole. Gotta figure out where the switch is so I can turn it off once in a while. When you find it, let me know so I can use it too.
  11. If you're serious about getting some of the more exotic foods head over to Wangfujing Road at night. There's a famous snack street that has just about anything you may, or may not want. Thanks we will do that tonight. Ting said we can take the subway....joy lol I can't wait to hear the report.
  12. Other? Naive works. Also death wisher works. Aw c'mon Bill. Lighten up a little will ya. It's a JOKE.
  13. If you're serious about getting some of the more exotic foods head over to Wangfujing Road at night. There's a famous snack street that has just about anything you may, or may not want.
  14. (jealous icon) Have a great trip Richard and Amanda. I'd kill for three whole weeks to travel in China. Maybe one day... after I retire. Enjoy China, especially Shanghai. Oh yeah, enjoy each other too.
  15. We can only hope that America learns to start keeping it's expansionist nose out of it. Yeah! Don't tryin to export any of that damn diplomacy or peace stuff. But keep that toxic e-waste comin cause the poor farmers need thier chemotherapy.
  16. I'm with ya on that Dougie. Except mine are white instead of black.
  17. Sorry to hear this Ramin. I believe you said your fiancee hired someone in the consulate building to help her with paperwork? Unless it was Mr. Yang that would raise a giant red flag for me. Not about your relationship but about the quality and thoroughness of their work. I don't believe I've heard of anyone else here who used a company in the consulate building. Just speculating here. I could be way off base.
  18. Believe whatever you want guys. I'm done with this debate. Have a good evening.
  19. Dave, you've always had extreme difficulty in separating debate from a personal attack. Please try to contain yourself. You and I strongly disagree on politics. So, I think you're just better off in letting it go, rather than trying to stoke the fire again. I apologize for anything you felt was personal Jesse. As for letting things go and stoking fires? You should take your own advice.
  20. Whether or not a news organization reports facts, is highly debatable. For example, take a look at the reports that came out yesterday about the Washington Post. Facts are still facts Jesse. Show some examples of The Post reporting something that wasn't fact. Just because facts don't conform to your idealogical view, doesn't mean they're not facts.
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