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Everything posted by IllinoisDave

  1. After a few months here my wife informed me that we needed a harder mattress. I was pretty used to my comfy soft one and didn't relish the thought of sleeping on anything harder. I decided to make a stand. B) You'd be surprised how fast you can get used to a hard mattress.
  2. Excellent news! Now bring her home.
  3. Very nice credzba. Kudos on your wife's progress. We're going through some of the same stuff, although at a much slower pace. The learning to drive part is going slowly. Where we live she'll need to drive to pretty much any job so a driver's license is a must first. Hope your wife likes the job.
  4. I saw a story on CNN the other day about how the gov't is allowing the international media a little more leeway in covering some of the demonstrations and confrontations brought about by the closing of factories and some of the corruption cases. We'll see if the local authorities follow the same path. There have been training sessions... across China for local officials...It is certainly my fervent hope that China can step out of the sphere of control FOR local officials and become a nation where...of the people, by the people, and for the people really works... I'm with ya in hoping for that Rog.
  5. I'm a kid too. I couldn't stop taking pictures of all the different ways Chinese people got around. Every kind of mode of transportation imaginable. Still cracks me up to see stuff like that. Have a good trip back and thanks again for the pics and journal reports.
  6. I saw a story on CNN the other day about how the gov't is allowing the international media a little more leeway in covering some of the demonstrations and confrontations brought about by the closing of factories and some of the corruption cases. We'll see if the local authorities follow the same path.
  7. CONGRATULATIONS!! B) Too bad about the X-ray. I've NEVER heard of them being asked for but... Maybe you can have them re-taken before heading to the US? Maybe someone like Lee, Dan or Randy can advise you on what to do about it. Good luck and have a safe trip back.
  8. CONGRATULATIONS!! B) on pink finally in hand.
  9. I don't recline. I hate it when people do it to me, especially right after they've finished THEIR food and I've still got food on my tray. So I never do it. I can't sleep on the plane anyway.
  10. CONGRATULATIONS!! And nice turnaround on the pic.
  11. I hate admit it Dave but I actually haven't lurnt how to move posts to the litter box as of yet... But I have figgered out how to DISCIPLINE PEOPLE... B) But getting back to the actual topic its very unfortunate to read Steve using the "end of my nose" theory to justify what's going on... Yeah, I thought our favorite expat had pretty much cornered the market on that.
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