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Everything posted by IllinoisDave

  1. Not really what I was saying at all. I just didn't want people thinking that by explaining away a short timeframe between a divorce and new engagement/marriage in the letter of evolution that GUZ was obligated to not take it into consideration just because USCIS had passed it on. Your post seemed to imply that to be the case. Maybe that's not what you meant. I agree that a longer "courtship" is probably better, but not necessary. It can often depend on what other potential "red flag" issues are in play. But the point is GUZ will look at them all, fairly or not.
  2. I wouldn't count on this being true. USCIS's job is to make sure you're techically eligible to file for the visa. It's GUZ's job to look deeper into the details. If they deem a short "courting" period after a divorce to be a red flag, they can issue a blue or white and cite any reason they want, including the all encompassing "not a bona fide relationship." To believe that including an explanation of why someone met and married or were engaged soon after a divorce in a letter of evolution provides some sort of immunity is giving one a false sense of security IMHO.
  3. It's interesting just how many Westerners actually believe that the Chinese government is milling about snatching people off the street after they fail to follow governmental directions. Truth is, it's just not happening. The people of China in my view, are quite verbal about the things they like in their country and what they don't like, and laugh at the thought of someone suggesting that they will be arrested or otherwise be reprimanded for speaking out. If you contrast China with the West when it comes to civil disobedience, then there are indeed differences. The US allows people to publicly demonstrate, block roads, shout at others with opposing viewpoints, and otherwise impede the normal flow of day to day life. The US was founded upon some of this, but in my view, it's been allowed to continue to an extreme, and has destroyed the very fabric of what America once represented. Unity no longer exists in the US, as there are strong differences between philosophical, and idealogical beliefs. China on the other hand contains a patriotic people, who are becoming increasingly educated at advanced levels. They are no longer a people that shut up and follow directions as they were during the cultural revolution, but are a society of independent thinkers, with a very strong moral and family ethic. This is such a silly view of how Americans are all this way and Chinese are all that way that it really deserves no further comment... Silly and, as usual, completely restricted to ONE person's (maybe two now?) PERSONAL experience with a few hundred or thousand people in a country of 1.3 BILLION!! Not to mention the extreme geographical limitations that apply. You might as well live in Florida and say that everyone in the US wears Bermudas year round and never has to shovel snow. Go live with the Uighurs or Tibetans or the families in Sichuan Province whose children died in those schools for six months or a year and report back as to just how hunky-dory they all think their government is. In the meantime please post on life in China as much as possible but spare us the quotations from the Ministry of Propaganda newsletter.
  4. Unless, of course, you've had a lobotomy.
  5. I avoid the veggie washing problem by just not cooking any veggies. I do clean up after myself though.
  6. Sorry to hear of this. The sad reality is that there are red flags in your case just from reading the transcript of the interview. Doesn't mean your relationship isn't bona fide. Just means there are red flags. Some red flags may just be "hunches" by the VO. But some are plain facts that would most likely give any VO pause to issue a visa. Unfortunately others before you have muddied the waters for those who follow, causing seemingly minor issues to become major red flags over time. I hope you're able to overcome this following the advice of others here. Best of luck.
  7. Missed most of this discussion. Probably just as well. But had to hilite this as probably one of the most humorous things I've read in a long time.
  8. I feel limited in that I can only agree with Jason 100%... I feel the same limitations in my agreement with both.
  9. Why oh why do you hate China so, Roger? Is hating the system that denies the Chinese people many of the rights we take for granted hating China? No more I think than hating a system that forces many of our elderly to choose between buying medicine or buying groceries hating America.
  10. Quite a few factors (prior marriages,kids,ages,CCP membership for example) will likely carry more weight than number of visits in whether you ultimately get the visa. Many have gotten it with only one. Could more visits help if some other factors are lacking? Probably. If circumstances/finances make more trips absolutely prohibitive then concentrate on making sure your paperwork is rock-solid. Take plenty of pictures,especially with family, when you do visit. Communicate regularly and document it thoroughly. As Bob suggested, explain in your evolution letter why you could only make the one visit. Like others have said, the more is definately the merrier. But making only one visit will not disqualify you and your SO from getting a visa. Good luck.
  11. What Rog said. Especially Shenzhen and Shanghai.
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