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Everything posted by IllinoisDave

  1. Funny thing about the printed word. It provides a record that we can go back and review, and thus prevent revisionist history. Dave, for me its..... Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini (Variation 18) - Sergei Rachmaninov Classic to Country, it's all great, depending on the mood and the time. I concur Rog.
  2. Funny thing about the printed word. It provides a record that we can go back and review, and thus prevent revisionist history.
  3. Except that's not ALL you said. You started out by questioning her title for the thread. It's her damn thread for crying out loud! She can name it whatever she wants. Then you took a harmless thread asking whether others agree that Classical music is a passion in the west and turned into a West vs East thing. Seems like fairly provincial thinking to me. BTW, you do realize that the "West" includes many other countries besides the US right? Then you accused her of generalizing about American tastes in music,which she clearly didn't do. All she basically did was ask if that type of music was a passion for others. So it's not your cup o' tea...good for you. All you had to do was say so. Why be so confrontational about music for pete's sake?
  4. Well said eseum!! You're spot on. Jin, don't let the usual narrow minded suspects here who choose to see the world only in black or white prevent you from attempting to add a few of the other colors from the crayon box of life.
  5. How did I miss this! That's great news Charles!! Hopefully your incredible perseverence and patience will pay off in your lucky month. You two certainly deserve all the happiness in the world. You have Christine and my best wishes. Good luck!!
  6. I would think that the relative lack of openess about crimes,lack of reporting them by victims and unreliable reporting of the stats by police/gov't would tend to skew any statistics you get from ANY source,domestic or not. That's not to say Jesse is right or wrong. He didn't say there was NO crime, just that the rate was low. It's just hard to know what the real numbers are to compare.
  7. The peg of the story is the lawsuit. But the very sad personal story of the family involved in much more compelling IMO. http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/ap/world/6055967.html
  8. It's nice to see some still subscribe to the "quality...not quantity" rule Rog.
  9. Makes me glad I had an aisle seat.
  10. Now if they'd only come up with one of these for the Playboy mansion.
  11. Aw go ahead Jason. Judging from some of the threads lately, some folks are really into wasting a bunch of time.
  12. Just replace the word "Chinese" with the word "American" and these sentiments would be just as accurate, to the extent that they are accurate,which is a whole other debate. When we start tossing out words like superstitious,cult and duped as they relate to religion, China doesn't come close to cornering the market on people who are under the influence of things like this. In fact,based on a percentage of the entire population, those who have been "duped" by religious superstition or belong to religious "cults" is far higher here than in China IMHO.
  13. We are not the black hole. Your caustic remarks reminds me of a true defeatist much like the French in 1940 when Germany started their war offensive in the low countries. The black hole are the Gnomes of Zurich and Wall Street Parasites that financed China's and India's expansion for their own personal greed. They did this at the expense of the American Middle Class. Roger why do you hold our country the USA in such contempt? After all don't you show up on the 1st and 15th at the Federal Government for your paycheck? The black hole that feeds you and your ISP so you can write this hogwash. What's your point?
  14. Roger, you seem to have been born with a gun on your hip, as that's where you like to shoot from. Nothing true with your comments at all. Who the hell "likes" to be cheated? You're a complete mystery Roger. You seem to have a chip on your shoulder about the growth in China. To you, unless it's socialism, or redistribution of wealth, then, it must be evil. Again, my counter-point to your original point is that capitalism is NOT evil. Making money is not evil. Growth equals jobs, and that's not a bad thing. It's not always good either, which is why people should use common sense. In your case, you believe it to be the job for government to save you from making a bad deal. Where exactly do you pull these ideas out of Jesse??? And please try to remember... this forum is The Middle Kingdom... NOT The Magic Kingdom... To me and my family, and to many others, it IS the Magic Kingdom, and deserving of it's name, China, Patungwo (sp), the center of the universe. It's a mystery to me why you are even moderator of this forum. You don't seem to care much for China, its government, its food. You go on and on about how you want clean air, a socialistic economy, and to change all you can. What the hell man. Why would you want to come here? I suggest that you PM Don and inform him that YOU should be the forum mod here and not me... That should take care of all of your issues... Or you could go moderate this forum: http://forums.wdwmagic.com/forumdisplay.php?f=72 Things are gettin a little testy in that Pinocchio Village thread. B)
  15. Yep, selling arms to Taiwan just looks smarter and smarter...
  16. You're kidding right? Dave you cynic... If Xinhua says it it's gospel... oh wait this isn't the religion thread... It only seems like it sometimes.
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