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Everything posted by IllinoisDave

  1. I guess it was inevitable that things would return to "normal" after the Olympics. I think the best we can hope for is that both the citizenry and the gov't got enough of a taste of clean air that they have the fortitude to do what it takes to get more of it. I think the continued march of progress will still make it a fairly slow proposition. But I guess there's always the hope that they've at least made a start.
  2. I'd have to gently disagree. I'd day the most beautiful part is wearing a hat in that pic.
  3. Good to hear you got it worked out. Good luck the rest of the way.
  4. Two of life's basic rules are being reinforced here IMHO. 1. Over-generalizations are never a good thing. 2. It's not just "ghetto" schools pumping out idiots.
  5. Yep. She needs to arrive in the US within 6 months. You then have 90 days to get married. I'm assuming K-1? Congratulations by the way.
  6. There are no statistics to prove one way or another that being there makes any difference to the VO. So you're left with your own set of circumstances to decide whether you can be there or not. Sometimes it boils down to comfort level. If hers is high enough that she's confident going alone chances are she'll be fine. If yours is high enough that you've done all you can do to prepare her and that you had no choice, chances are you'll be fine. Good luck either way.
  7. I can only echo what others have said. Best of luck to you both.
  8. Well I ain't buggering off. You posted here, you can deal with the opinions,good and bad, your post evokes. And I ain't complaining. I'm just commenting. Deal with it. You were blunt so I'll be. If you show the same intolerance, whininess and aversion to change in a marriage to a Chinese woman that you did in your trip to China, you might as well forget the visa and save the poor woman the aggravation.
  9. You guys are coming up quick. Good luck. Nice timeline by the way. Pretty fast.
  10. Congrats again and thanks for the write-up. Every little tidbit of info has the potential to help someone else down the road. Sounds like you and Aiwen were well prepared. Great job!
  11. All they have to do is find the long line of cursing, middle finger-waving Hummer drivers.
  12. That's because you now lead a life of bliss with your beautiful Mrs in the USA : ) As do you my friend. Nice huh?
  13. Exactly! Which is why I alluded to scapegoating. It'd be real easy for the gov't officials to round up a few poor farmers and have a quick trial (or not) and put either them in a cell or a bullet in their skull and pronounce the problem solved.
  14. Yep. I've found that using United's website has been as cheap as anywhere. It's been about four months since I've bought tickets though.
  15. Two more arrested. Again...small farmers. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2008-09...ent_7031740.htm
  16. We were supposed to spend the evening eating mooncakes with friends but 9 inches of rain and my parents flooded basement washed away those plans. How long are mooncakes good for anyway?
  17. Hmmmm...Just two guys/three tons a day? Sounds kinda scapegoaty to me.
  18. Jesus Christ! Is there any effing problem in this country that some people can't find a way to blame blue-collar workers for? This shit gets very old very fast!
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