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Everything posted by SheLikesME?

  1. Congratulations. Yes such a long long wait. Heavy.
  2. Never thought about 7-7-07 until you posted. That would be some marriage day as tonado suggested. Good link.
  3. Thank you. Another way to say this is,IF we end up in a divorce situation,I want to choose the right state to get married in to begin with. Just look at the Fiance Visa requirements. You have to get married within 90 Days of entering the USA! Why not 7 days? Why not 180 days? 90 days is not a very long time for the Chinese person to get familiar with living in America. Ive been coming to China for nearly 7 years,and living here for nearly 2 years.Its only been during this last 2 years that I have started understanding the language and began seeing the ugly underbelly of China. Im not planning a divorce,but I sure want it to be as easy as possible if WE end up involved in one,and chosing the "right state" to get married in may be a very important choice for both of us. Were going to arrive in America somewhere in the West Coast,then drive cross country to my home in Florida. Who knows? Maybe we will get married somewhere along the way. Has anybody done one of those "Elvis" themed marriages in Las Vegas? Every state recognizes the other in marriage and divorce. It does not matter where you get married. Where you marry has no bearing on where you divorce, as far as I know. Where divorced typically has more to do with property rights, but probably you can get a divorce about anywhere as well, or in another country. If you will reside in Florida then get on their state website and maybe a few divorce lawyer websites, in Florida, and study it out. If really no proerty involved then I guess it does not matter where divorced. For me in a community property state of Texas it was best to have it done in Texas so there were no lingering issues of ownership.
  4. Correction. We were bashing those who voted for him
  5. Texas is 2-3 days wait on marriage, but I here Oklahoma is same day marriage and I know Nevada is same day marriage because I did it once. In fact the clerks office is open until 11 or 12 midnight and the marriage shops are open that late as well, except on weekends when it is all night for everything. Getting a divorce in Nevada is not as quick as you think. I looked into it my last time. I guess it still boils down to property and probably your own state needs to do the divorece. Personally I have always said some similar things to my wife and DEARLY wished she could have visited America, my house, my family, and all before making a commitment of marriage. Of course I sent as many pics of everything that I could, including the cities and maps. I understand where your coming from, but wouldn't push it too much. (On a side note you can legally marry your first cousin in Texas, but Nevada it must be at least a 2nd cousin.) B)
  6. First of all CONGRATS!!!!!! Now yes it is an insult to us that this process is so long. In fact I feel it borders on criminal. I really resent this process. Complete lack of any regard for us US Citizens. Anyone voting for Teddy Kennedy for anything should be thrown on a Trash barge and dumped in the ocean. Or somthing like that B)
  7. Well my ex-step-daughter is a hair dresser. She talks about the chemicals a lot and says the store brands are not so good. My 80 year old mother always had jet black hair and she goes to the beauty shopt to have it done also. I have no idea what brands from those buety supply places that she used last time but it sure looked better than before. If you can befriend a hair dresser who has a license to get the pro stuff, you might want to do that. Heck if I know if it makes much dif.
  8. Ah, explains why your avatar looks so familier now. Thanks.
  9. TRUCKS: "Why do so many women drive trucks", she asked? "I find this very unusual". "Honey your in Texas", was not what I said. I just chuckled and explained that it is very popular here. I mentioned fuel economy and how folks just didn't want those small cars, so Americans and Texans in particular bought trucks instead. Told her she will see many more women driving trucks. She really does not know what to think about it. Fellas this falls under the same catagory as "Old No Good". Again it gets back to class distinction, in my book. Log house, woman driving a truck. That would look so farm girl to my wife and totaly unacceptable. Heck I told her a lot of farmers in the USA do vary well and are well thought of. My wife has had some time to think about things. She will return soon. I almost bought a truck while she was gone. Anyway, she will learn our ways.
  10. I no longer have the Mustang http://i19.tinypic.com/6hfol6x.jpg http://i17.tinypic.com/62zr7f7.jpg My $100 piano I was so proud of, because of price. The slanted wood behind the wet bar is the way the entire house looks, except not slanted, including all ceilings. No sheet rock and paint. Just wood. It is nice until you have lived here for a few weeks when you realize how dark that can be. So with a few fixture changes and neon it sure helps. http://i15.tinypic.com/623co49.jpg
  11. I'm glad to hear things are better for you 2.
  12. Well I thought this was another topic on my wife's favorite word. Today it was the HOT temperature in Beijing that made her sooo UNCOMFORTABLE You would have to know her to understand the humor. I felt the way your posting with my wife when we met up with 2 old college classmate of hers. Wife does not bother to tell me what the conversation is about every now and then like our rep in China does. My rep over there can gage about when I am getting bored or left out. Of course most of the time I just don't know what they are saying and don't worry. But my wife did make me feel uncomfortable at times by not cluing me in. Probably logically assumed since there was no information for me then why say anything. Oh well......
  13. There is a thread with the pics of my house in it. I can't find it. Seems LOG is not enough letters for a search. If you put Log house you get 1000 posts to try to look through. I gave up. Anyway from the beginning she really has been uncomfortable with the idea but waited to see it. I'm tired of uncomfortable.
  14. WoW OK, I GOT IT!!! Yes I must sell or rent out my LOG house. She didn't like it, will not bring any of her classmates over she declared, and no matter if I fix it up or not she does not want to live in it though she never came out and said that. Jim I hope things are better. Just be glad your not in my shoes. Wish this had been posted a year ago to confirm my gut feel about this place.
  15. And where, among these ladies, did Dennis sleep? Ron, Ron, Ron... With my wife! Leiqin and I rent a room to a 21 year old young Chinese man ('Johnny') whose been in the US for ~8 months. His parents are paying and his English is fairly good. Anyway, he went to the mtn home with us and the women weren't sure how the sleeping arrangements would work out with Johnny and it was suggested that he and I sleep together in the master bedroom. I had to tell them that I only sleep with my wife. Must have been a lucky Johnny then. Out of the land of desolation.
  16. You can go to San Antonio with Mikey and get a lot of bird crap on you in the Riverwalk. The fireworks do no good. Bring umbrella.
  17. Northern girl, no dowry. Although my wife once said I need to if I meet them, but then she says she told the whole family she will stop giving her parents and siblings money, even though she made more than any of them. She likes our way better. Bottom line, I'm confused I want to meet her parents. I expect i will give something, for one thing I will stay in their house, if and when. Let's put it this way. A dowry never crossed my mind when I went to meet her and had I met her parents then I would have done nothing, but meet them and pay our way.
  18. We carried our own. I don't recall slippers in any budget hotel, the one time we stayed in Dallian. Only the Holiday Inns had fresh ones in the room, or at least they looked liked they could be washed, and were.
  19. Like that huh? (You can call me Eric) Sorry Eric. I need to remember EEEEEEE
  20. I have a picture of what a Pig can do to a Goat. But this is the wrong forum.
  21. Today I got a new one. First she said I think your computer has a virus. I said I never find one (we discuss scanners etc). Then she reminded me about an email I sent yesterday with a work attachment in WORD. I said we never have a problem, then she stumbled around for words and finally declared that.......my WORD attachment made her computer "uncomfortable" I about died. Folks it is my fault even if I have no virus. "You should take care" I am sure is what she still thinks. SO how many ways do you make your spouse or fiancé uncomfortable? Or her belongings, & etc? My wife says "uncomfortable" in a very articulate, cute, fast way. She uses it all the time about herself, and often, as I seem to make her that way often, as well as a few other people, but usually me.
  22. I need to ask my wife, but I doubt it, unless logical She does use the F word in private and says she does not think of it as a bad word. OK A few times she made me mad enough to cuss. It is then she knows she pushed it too far. NICE AVATAR!!!!!!!!!!!! esun
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