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Everything posted by SheLikesME?

  1. Maybe the language dif can be an advantage......... You know, I consider the cultural difference a kind of buffer for bad behavior. Sometimes my wife thinks it might be the cultural diferences and hangs on just a little longer, just to find out it is ME!!! But by then she is accustomed to me a little more. It doesn't stop her from blowing her stack......but she isn't out the door yet. Maybe we will adapt just enough............... (And she speaks English........Sorry Bill) But speaking the same language cannot help sometimes. Frustration has set in lately over our communication.
  2. These ladies need to "remain" married to the USC for 10 years in order to get the retirement, if any of them are contemplating divorce. (Divorce the poor dumb doudou before that and they don't get jack... ) If married and at death no problem.
  3. I believe it's 100% of the same credits you get while you are married to her. I think. In any event (I think again) her credits are independent of yours. Entitlement on More than One Account Jim, I tried to read all of Randy's post but let me throw out some personal experience. My father was married to my mother for slightly over 10 YEARS. My father remarried and died 31 years later. My mother was already living on SS at my father's death and because she had been married more than 10 YEARS to the man her SS more than doubled. My Step-Mom gets a little less than my Mom, but maybe that was due to my Father working for the railroad which is a different retirement package, but it can be rolled into SS which he did. Of course both ladies will recieve a significant increase in SS when you "fly away", it just may not be the same exact amount and I have no idea why.
  4. Yeah, HAPPY 4th. Well OK I am late a little. I painted all day and had a episode in the WC
  5. Is she employed in China? Of course she can just lie, like other Chinese, and say she is unemployed in the divorce paper. Otherwise her employer may be required to give permission, which they don't do, so I hear. She may be thought of as a whore, at her work, if they know she was married to an American, or they may say no as usual. I think women are expected to tolerate what ever is dished out over there too many times. Just some thoughts. Anyway I am sure she knows how to divorce over there. Someone had it right if she ever decided to remarry it would be good to have a Chinese divorce whether she has an American one or not. The Chinese arn't going to check if the USA has a divoce already on file for her, I don't think. Either way she needs to consider saving face for the future.
  6. Yours too? Yeah, but then she seems to make up for it . It's almost like twin personalities . My head was spinning for awhile. This training is way different than I ever imagined. I am beginning to get it though. I think ......... hope Sorry about previous post, but couldn't help it. You know if I were to even mention the TV show COPS she would probably break out that new knife set and threaten me with a real reason to even consider a cop. "Waist of words and time, you should be..... ". Hell I just laugh at her anymore. We get along great
  7. Ahhhh... If only life were that simple. You guys know that almost every thread does this, usually in some related way. What was said makes you uncomfortable so you complain. So do we need a class in thread etiquette? I feel bad posting this because Don wants us back on topic, but........ When the word "Cops" is said what is the first thing that pops into your head? ............... It ain't the TV show! Hell give us a break will Ya? First thing that pops in my head: For me it is a traffic cop with a radar cruising looking for speeders, or on the side of the road pointing it at you. Motorcycle cops are the worst and do little else. I cannot imagine a traffic cops attitude toward people to do this as a career. Every day get up to go write tickets. My guess is I see cops looking for speeders about 55-100 times-to-one patrolling a neighborhood, or businesses at night with a spot light. Too bad our cities, and cops, have decided to emphasize traffic so much. But then it is easy, like I said earlier. Much easier than breaking into organized crime or white collar crime. Just remove the radar and the image of "Cops" will get better. Oh, I saw a bicycle cop in downtown Ft. Worth get real aggressive and bully like to a J-walker not so long ago. What an attitude. What a purpose in life that man must feel. I don't dislike police people at all. Most are rather nice to talk with. It is a shame where city and other governments put their resources. They are the ones who decide, by law (ordinance) to emphasize what they do and result in who is hired and for what. Oh yeah a little town next to Ft Worth, famous as a speed trap, fired Officer Rose, because he would not write tickets if someone was 2-3 or 5 miles over the limit. Seems he pissed off resident for stopping some children, and adults, to advise them to ride their bicycle on the right hand side of the street the legal way. He also corrected some other residents for other things. They just want ticket writers in that little town. Our Fed Gov has a hand in speeding tickets. Seems locals must show enforcement or federal highway funding is withheld. Government Government Government. They love to regulate us instead of doing things that are really needed, like sealing borders and stopping drugs, etc etc etc.
  8. Lets see, I don't eat corn flakes. I don't watch COPS and my wife hasn't either. My wife is safety wired in the pissed off position, does that count?
  9. Ahh yes, my wife knows english rules much better than me. Therefore sometimes she has doubted my training of her pronunciation. Besides my wife is a Northern girl and speaks fast. She moves in jerks too. I have to work at slowing her down so Texan's understand her.
  10. You might want to try riding with a US law enforcement agency for a week and I think you'll change your tune. You sound like the classic case of someone ticketed for speeding and arguing with the patrol officer that they should be out cracking down on more important law breakers... As aye, Jim Why argue? I never do. I just get a lawyer or go for deferred adjudication. I did give a policeman a piece of my mind once. I asked him how he could go home to his wife and kids after working a job that does nothing but harrass honest citizens all day. I forget all the words now, but he just looked ashamed when I got through. I don't feel bad about it either. I reported a State Trooper who didn't like the way I looked at him, and acted as if he was ready to punch me out. Got right in my face and acted all tough guy. He was training a rooky who was shocked at his actions. I just stood there waiting for the hit that never came. He was a real hot head. SO I called the judge, who knew him and admitted they had problems with the guy, but would pass on my comments to his super. I don't understand the desire to be any kind of traffic cop, deputy county sherriff, or state trooper. Talk about all the brave things that happen from time to time you want, the easy road of tickets is too often what is taken. Ticket writing causes more distrust and disliking of officers than anything else. They shouldn't need bumper stickers asking us to back the Blue. We should want to. I dang sure do not contribute to their legal slush fund anymore, when they call asking for donations. I don't understand cities that want revenue from tickets instead of protection from harm by the taxes we pay. I don't understand judges and perole boards letting drunk drivers off so easy, to return drunk to the roads. Pull the radar out of squad cars as a show of less harrassment, then maybe I will donate to their legal fund again. One can judge if a person is reckless, drunk, or driving way faster than most. At one time in this country, speed limits were set by the average speed people drove on a particualr stretch of road. Our cars and tires are way more advanced than when the limits were set anyway. rant rant rant PS: Now nothing personal Jim
  11. off topic but..... Yes it stems from public harrassment mainly over speeding, and enforcing the easy laws. Give us Investigators, not patrol cars with radar. Get into real crime and fraud and prosecute white collar crime that really costs us. That will make revenue in the long run and make everything more productive and fair.
  12. We seldom watch TV. Waste of time. Sorry Rak. Since I don't care too much for trafic cops, my wife will probably take the opposite view .
  13. That includes High School girls too. Way to big for that young, these days! But mannnnnnn they sure looked good back in our day. We all ate at home back then too.
  14. DUDE! Are you still there? Any updates? Let us know something.
  15. I just printed it on envelopes right through the printer. I believe I scanned it in to begin with off of the forms I had her fill out.
  16. Sir, with all due respect to you and your cat, ....... get rid of the cat. Or lie, and yes just kiss it when she is not looking, like Stacato said. I was told to LIE to my wife to make her feel better. She gave me examples of when and what I should have lied about during her 6 week visit. She then pointed out how she never asks for proof. LIE to her when you cheat with your cat. Be glad your not into goats.
  17. It doesn't matter to a girl if everyone thought she was going to be a boy before she was born, when she gets older of course. But a boy? You don't want a boy to grow up knowing everyone expcted a girl. I mean us men just can't handle that Huh, girls? So you have to say boy even if you know, in your heart, it will be a girl.
  18. Me thinks not enough fresh meat in the mix anymore. Guys like me need to disapear.
  19. Yes. But then they answered this pretty clear. We could have done some things different and wound up maybe getting AOS here, BUT we made some errors in doing the CR1/2 process which caused some time delays. I just didn't worry about the time lines like my wife. She signed up to get an MBA during the process so I figured what the heck, we have a long way to go anyway. As it is she came over for a visit on the K3 and returned to finish her last 2-3 classes just in time for the CR1/2 interview. So in hind sight some of my 'don't give a rats-' attitude worked out almost perfect. She got upset that I did not try to figure out the AOS process time closer and finger print, so she could return just in time for more classes. I looked at the time and it just looked all over the place, or too risky in her class attending situation. So I just concluded CR1 & 2 all the way. Took us an extra 285 days longer for CR1 after she got the K3, but 37-45 days of that is our own delay/mistakes, and another 2 months for a mantis check on her work/education after the CR1/2 interview. There was no way for her to come over here on a K3 with this college thing going, until Chinese New Year. If there had been no mantis then the timing would have been perfect. Otherwise she could have been back here 30-45 days ago.
  20. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :toot: THANKS everyone! She got the visas IN HAND! No more GuzGov, but thanks to all employees of Guz who try their best to help us. The train leaves in 4 minutes for Beijing. She may delay her USA arrival until the 27th. Got carpet installed in the first floor of that crooked little lake house. Man it is beginning to take shape and look like a place people can live in. I am encouraged. We need another week or so for upstairs. I have never taken on a house that needed so many corrections to make it normal. Lots of work left but the outcome looks hopeful now. Later Dudes and Dudetts.
  21. My wife kept me from it. I don't think she will take me to her parents until they rebuild their home. Otherwise she had this rather comfortable hard mattress on plywood, like the stores are beginning to sell here in the USA now She regrets she picked such a hard mattress here in the US. So maybe she will be glad to travel with me
  22. Thanks for the PINKY thought there Jim. I will keep that in mind. Thanks for the YAAAA HOOOO there Randy. I needed that. You know I need to maybe cook up a big pig when she gets here. What is that ugly as heck bunch of fried up pork or pork fat (guts?) they like to pick off and eat over there. Like a big mound of fried ears stuck to the bone it looks like. She LOVE's that stuff. That would be a real treat for her.
  23. Yes she got the expected Pink slips today. No big surprise since once she got the letter to take her passports to GUZ she knew she would get the visas. I was still in a zombie stage back then. Here is what happened during the interview. It is in Guz process. Our CR1, CR2 Interview and result to Mantis check. Of course we are happy that we are at the end of the road, except for a few minor things. But at least she can work and I will be able to put her on my insurance. She won't be a burden to you the tax payer, unless catastrophe hits us How do I celebrate when I know things are the way they are for all those still in this journey? It is very regrettable that this process takes so long. It is regrettable that as a nation we got so carried away with welfare, some years ago, that we forgot about: if you want to really help someone don't give them a handout, give them opportunity to work and take care of themselves. For most of us and our better half, it has not been about getting Gov benefits. In fact we signed papers that we will keep them away from being wards of the state. So difficult to bring in a SPOUSE to a hard working tax paying citizen born and raised in the USA. Somehow our priorities got all turned around. How many Presidents did not protect our borders, some of whom I voted for, others made it mandatory to teach in Spanish and give away benefits to non USCs. Somehow we have representatives who don't seem very concerned about us the US Citizen. I just hope YOU as a voter get your representative's mind out of the 60s welfare give away and into the real problems of today and focused on us the legal working citizen, and our families. At least I have one smart lady Congresswoman in my district who understands that there are TWO (2) separate problems with immigration. One is our problems with the long long delays (Hurray she gets it, she really does and I am so surprised and happy about her). The other is what to do about the illegals. I am glad in her case it is not all about the illegals. This process exacts a toll on people. My wife is upset about the process too and just cannot understand why our gov promotes what it does in immigration. This has been the hardest on her, as she talks more and more about it. I feel no YAAAAA HOOO. I'm tired, and just want to begin a peaceful, work hard, happy life. My wife and I will drift away into quiet obscurity and live our life. I think everything will get happier and happier for us. Jeez I can FEEL again. Sorry if I am too political. It just hits me hard during this time. I FEEL for the rest of you going through this process. YOU are the ones our representatives should feel sorry for and try to help with a streamlined priority system. I want to YAAA HOO. I am happy about it. The good part is just too personal, and I am so ashamed of what our leaders have done, and what I let them do with little communication. Probably should edit the heck out of this before posting. Don & Mods have at it if you must.
  24. We just got a BLUE, No white! I am so sorry to hear this. Well keep going. My wife is in Guz too, but she is just finishing up.
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