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Everything posted by SheLikesME?

  1. I must get out of bed by lifting with my arm, NOT swinging my feet in the air and then down to see-saw out of the bed. (British way referenced as correct.) Get foot surgury done on heel. (Embarressed how I walk, when her father comes and meets me.) (Think I will just wear a cast that month.) Tidy-up the garage. Remodel kitchen. New tile floor, maybe have her father come help with this one, she says. (I'm having thoughts of --- wasn't it Carl who remodeled his house just to tear it down and put up a new one? Mine HATES log houses though she said last weekend it could look pretty good.) Put both arms on table when eating. (Chinese way, because less mess with food. DON'T put unused hand in lap, even if American or British manner.) (Contradicts British way of exiting bed.) Don't relate any subject we are discussing to me or her. Just stay on the topic and don't apply it to own life. Get back mobile phone money from ex-step-daughter for all months since marriage. Well, ---- at least I DON'T have to replace a forboding mattress. Anyone else have orders?
  2. Good topic, Eric. I get the feeling my wife wants me to take charge at times. She feels she is not a good mother at all and wonders if she should even have more. I work on that with her. No grandparents here to do everything like before, though my Mom was great for at least being in the house when she got home from school. Supposedly little one will be back mid January, but this time go to school in Lil Rock. Don't think daughter will be as popular there as she was here.
  3. I guess what I was trying to say is, when your wife talks about something, she may not necessary want to get a solution, or relate it to her own life. I found it hard to talk casually with my husband because he takes everything seriously. seriously Bingo. OK, I have heard this before. She now reminds me to not take certain kinds of talk serious. It is just _______ talk. Yes I take things serious. And since you mention it I even felt bad the other night because I get any work done, since I listened to her for hours. I felt kind of ... well I felt it was girl talk. I felt like I defiled myself a little. That isn't the right word, but I did not do what I needed to do that evening for us. She is isolated. I spend as much time with her as I can. She is in Little Rock and I wish she had some Chinese girl friends. One nice lady who runs/owns a nice resturaunt there offered but she just does not let herself. She is kind of like my son, very studious, or very talkative if I am around. She wants me to leave sometimes so she can study at night and get back to schedule. If I am there she never studies. We have the greatest conversations some evenings. I think I stayed too long this last visit, but that was due to her asking me to. We are in TX now. She got to see a classmate who will help her sister in law with a new job that is in her husbands company back in China. Eventually this will put them in the same city so there family is back together. She was so happy and I guess missed everything so bad she even lit up in Chinese to me for 2-3 sentences before she realized, then changed to english for me. Never did that before. I will be glad when mid Jan comes and her daugher is here for good, she says, and her father will visit for a month. She needs it. Thanks Joanne, and all.
  4. I hate to post a serious topic but... OK, for a couple of years now my wife has complained from time to time about our conversations. When I do it right she is very pleased with me and tells me so. Other times it goes South in a hurry and though I am told what was wrong, I just didn't get it until maybe yesterday. The subject was "How to be a good leader". She was telling me all about a questionnaire she read and thought it good material for her and her boss. So along the way I began to think of her situation and how to apply it to her so she can improve, WRONG. I can't help it. I try to apply things I learn to myself. My wife just wanted to discuss the topic without applying it to either of us. We talked about this for awhile and she informed me how her father listens very closely to what she says and it is enjoyable, she had talked to him that day. So we should just speak in academic terms? I know she does not like for me to relate any topic with something I know about or tell her of an example of the subject either. OK my wife has a few college degrees. Is it just academics or is this some cultural thing I don't grasp? My wife feels I am so self focused and selfish sometimes in conversation. I don't seem to have this trouble with others that I know of and she says that with me I am the only one she has trouble with. I don't know if I can explain what the whole problem is to be honest. I told her I felt we have some difference because I am doing what I always have and never had this trouble. I told her today that usually I have no idea what I did wrong in her eyes. She smiled and thanked me. Is it her, me, or does your spouse have some differences in conversation with you that make it un-enjoyable for them?
  5. I don't know. It just sounded good. Any comments?
  6. In my whole life I have NEVER shoped the day after thanksgiving. I guess like selling off muscle cars, the right lady comes along and... I never did yard sells either. Well she was told at work all about the day after, SO. 5:AM we are up and out. Of course CompUSA had no more flat screens for her PC at that price. We went to JCPenny, Sears, and I forget. Fortunatly for me my wife is 5' 9". But when she gets in slim clothes there is a certain area that is too tight. Seems slim ladies in america are more on the Twiggy order. Ahh Hummm. Yard sales has kept the shoping to a min. We did get a couple of blankets, since heat in the house is not allowed until I am rich.
  7. I don't know what all else has been posted but wife wanted the rice cooker because of the better control. she had one back home. OK at the Asian markets they all seemed very expensive like 100 or maybe down to 86. Wife asked customers and we were told to go to Fry's electronics. Of course we looked in WM and such too. Wife will shop for the absolute lowest price BEST deal. Fry's won hands down, for what she wanted, on a small one for 30-40 or so, I think. At first she was dazzled by an expensive model that we bought and tried it. She took it back and loves her small one. We travel with it and cook in hotel rooms and eat rice while driving too. NOW WHAT is so dang special about that sticky rice. I like good ol rice here that does not stick and tastes better. Oh well, I never mention it to her.
  8. Seems some idiot posted a couple of polls about this a year or two ago. Remember?
  9. It was forbidden. It just doesn't exist. I know. I have been there too.
  10. I figure a guy has got to keep them that way too, himself. I mean the reason for HER ;pinkness, scratch I mean redness, I mean..........oh well you catch my drift. Of course you have to live with the rest of them and bring great happiness...........
  11. Ahhhh, you caught me. For those that didn't see this I originally asked who got to 1000 posts first, then realized I was in culture and not the TC. Well I am glad ol Andy got it, but yes we have all been sucking wind. Wait 'til SHE gets here, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Only reason I am on here is because my gal went to get her hair trimmed across from this hotel. She'll be back soon and I will be long gone from this pasture.............cfl that is.
  12. Well things have certainly changed There has been a lot of pain, but never unhappiness. Never have I worked so hard and been distracted from my job so much, yet I get more done and the bosses are happier with me. I get more done on the 2nd house too. Hopefully have it sold. Go figure.
  13. So sad the BB is gone so we could discuss what we would do with her......... education that is.
  14. My wife KNOWS the prices of EVERYTHING!! We saw plums or something for 1.79/lb or so. The very next day the same plums were .88/lb. She bought 2 full bag fulls and felt SOOOO happy. I did too. She is the one who noticed WalMart fresh food goes up and down all the time. Wife like to skimp and then buy big quality things. After house paid for she wants money for vacations. She will do almost anything labor wise to keep from spending. I like Jim's way, but I don't have the privledge of getting what I want, usually. I am surprised other times when she does not put up a fight but compliments my wanting it for no other reason OK
  15. Now I didn't pick my wife because of the size of her lips or anything, but if she had her lips blazing red it would.........well look like a traffic light or sump'n, and probably have the same affect.
  16. ToolMan, she is soooo concerned that after all her efforts to cook Chinese, and it just hasn't turned out very tasty over here yet, I went wild in CA. First I went and got 2 Carnie chese burgers (chili), and then some Chili/cheese fries to top it off. I did a little more bad eating the 2 days there. Got home--------felt like hell. Well I did eat Chinese the last night, so maybe that wasn't so bad. Decided to get back on her diet. Before the trip I did advise her to quit cooking me all this meat in her soups. She would scoop it out for me and not her or daughter. Beside she was buying the largest hulk of the worse beef I ever ate, because of the low price. I negotiated way less meat and better quality when we do have it.
  17. I'll kick in my concerns. I have a wife who only slowed down because, to her, I was calmer. She still has only the permit (this is how I talk sometimes). She goes up to 80 or 90 then down to 40 and doesn't seem to notice the diference. . We've worked on this. I have worked real hard on her braking earlier so my lower belly will heal from internal brusing from the seat belt. (Never mind everything in the van rushing forward) I FEAR the result of her having her own car and license. So her inability to land a job, after countless good interviews, doesn't bother me a bit. Now about this story. I for one don't think your wife being Chinese had a damn thing to do with it. He is a State Trooper, and that has EVERYTHING to do with it over a city cop.
  18. Any tattoo bothers me. Your wife does look like she has nice sized lips like my wife does. I knda like it, but all natural - everything - for me.
  19. Just went through this and now that we are getting to know each other better (2 years and ....... oh the wait puts things off) she is telling me things. Yesterday she got her feet cold on some peoples stone floor in their kitchen. She would not go into the kitchen anymore so I got her some cake. Well she says that drinking anything cold, getting her feet cold, or her bottom cold is strictly forbidden during that time. Your bottom!! Heck I don't care.
  20. She was counting 3 feet after that statement so we began to play word and phrase games. Our favorite, after taking Mom to the airport last night, was "I can't see" pronounced all British like in the movie "It's a MAd MAd MAd MAd World" in the airplane. We actually got off at the end of the runway at DFW and saw her very plane go. Then off to a lil Mom & Pop Chinese fast food place in Irving on Belt Line. Gosh did she eat. I knew this little girl needed Chinese food, as she hasn't eaten much since she arrived. Got 2 neighborhood kids to come over and play with her and coach her more in English. She could handle school now for sure. Hope momma changes her mind and has her stay here, rather than back to China for school. Family life is good. I am so mellow now............
  21. Just to let Y'all know I went back to the airport the next day. None of the phone numbers worked for Immigration at Newark airport and the local office played a loop game of office recordings, no real person. Went to terminal C where she came in. They sent me to B, nice enough folks. At B they actually have an office and work issues and mistakes from 8-11AM. I was there after 11. I met the lady at the security booth who took our little girl's sealed packet back to an office just to return and say I had to come back in the morning. I said I drove all the way from Texas to get her, so she went back and came out without the packet and said it must have been Texas. So I meet this guy in the office with a heavy NJ accent. He throws her passport at me and said what do you mean she came in yesterday. The passport is stamped Jul 22. I looked and my eyes popped out and started thinking how do I get out of this? SO I threw her boarding stub back at him and said the immigration officer made a mistake. He didn't look at the stub, it was just a test. Anyway he called upstairs to an officer and said a red blooded American from Texas was down here and explained it all and asked several times if they would see me. Several times he told the guy I was 100% USC. SO I got to go up and another officer took care of the whole deal and made a copy of the mistake for the entering officer to see what he did wrong. Anyway, she is now entered on her CR-2 and he dated the visa properly and noted all in the computer. He took the package and welcomed her in. We spent the afternoon touring NYC and took a boat trip around the statue of liberty, as it seemed appropriate. All in all we had a heartwarming time, though if those officers had not been so nice, I was ready to post to you guys what I thought of NJ, their people, and their barely labeled highways. Oh, and you are missing nothing if you never go to NYC. Wife was surprised at how old it was with narrow streets and poor people living there too. Beijing was better in her view. I was glad to see this as she hasn't seen Dallas or some of our other more Western cities. I had never been to NYC either and found the traffic not so bad and one can easily drive around all day. Parking high, but oh well it was once. Time square is not lit up as much as Japan or China. So a lot of myths were busted for me about NYC. LA traffic is Hell and this was not so bad at all. Sunday evening traffic back into the city was bad the night before, but a work day was a breeze. If I could afford it I could live there if I had a reason.
  22. I thought you were going to say she passed out, maybe because of something you did. Well congrats anyway
  23. Things you think of with a 7 year old in the car, who is learning English.
  24. Mine does not like anything cold because it seems to cramp her stomack. So more cramping is not what she is looking for. Anything cold bothers her, and I noticed especially then.
  25. We are in Newark where we picked up our 7 year old. Immigration processed her in on her B2 not the CR2. I will go to the airport in the AM and see if I can get them to fix it directly there. Otherwise what do I do? Sned this in to an address myself?
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