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Dan R

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Everything posted by Dan R

  1. As long as the Cali ID goes to June you are ok until then. You lucked out with that.
  2. WOW! I went on line to USCIS to see if anything was happening with her case as I do every day. I couldn't believe it. Someone touched her file. I don't know what that means but I hope it is good.
  3. Ask your wife not us whether she needs you with her. This is a question of does she need your support, does she need a porter to carry the bags, can you find your way to the consulate better than her? As for the technicality of being there it seems it is only an issue if there is a real chance of denial that can be over come by you being there. I think the only time this has come up was regarding ability to communicate together. The required VHS recording to prove that was able to be made the same day. My wife preferred to do it alone so she wouldn't feel dependent and then have to face the VO alone anyway. Whatever you do, good luck. The wait is coming to an end.
  4. I recommend that you take a look at the materials on this site http://www.self-healing.org/content/view/37/92/ In 2000 I wore bifocals. That was the year I met Meier Schneider and took two of his classes. Since that day I have only worn glasses for night driving. Meier Schnieider claims to be the only certified blind person in California with a driver's license. His story is interesting. He was born blind.
  5. How does she have a state I.D.? She arrived on 11/24/05, didn't the ID expire on 2/23/06? If not you are very lucky. California regards AOS pending as an over stay until you get either EAD or PR. An expired card is only useful if the person asking to see it doesn't notice. If she actually has a valid ID somehow then this ID, plus passport if asked to show 2 photo IDs, will get you through airport security. Since some friends have had to prove legality coming back from San Diego and at the airport and the passport was misunderstood as proof of over stay, we will sit tight until she qualifies for renewal of the ID. I made sure she carries copies of our marriage cert, AOS receipt notice and the biometric receipt. This may avoid problems although none of these are regarded as proof of legality without varification from the USCIS computer to prove there has not been a denial. Good luck. I'll be very interested to know if you get through airport security without a hassle.
  6. FBI checks based on fingerprints for business licenses take 2.5 to 3 months for results. So the three month wait makes sense.
  7. If you have no other option then there is no reason to think about it. If you can get a job without the union at a little less pay you will probably come out ahead. The UFCW is a very big business. They make their money from encouraging rapid turn over of employees by the employers. This generates iniation fees to join by new members and gives them tthe deposits in pension plans made by employees that lost their jobs before becoming vested. Well you are learning about American politics by experience. Good Luck!
  8. I wish I knew Hers were done 3 months ago and the file hasn't been touched for over 2 months 2 weeks From recent timelines it seems it can be one month to whenever. Good luck!
  9. Sounds like everyone is on top of this. I would think in this case time is of the essence and King would know who to talk to and how to approach it with his experience.
  10. There is nothing you can do for an I.D. in California until you have either the EAD or the PR. Our wives are in a twilight zone staus that the California law to prevent illegals from getting an I.D. did not take into consideration. Keep a copy of her AOS receipt notice and your marriage license with her because technically in California our wives are regarded as visa overstays. We have heard some horror stories about getting through the check point at San Clemente. San Diego will have to wait until the PR. This is an example of poorly thought out legislation. Do they care at DMV? Not at all. Having talked my way up the ladder of supervisors all I got was "sorry, there is nothing we can do for you. You will just have to wait for approval." My wife actually had a CA I.D. card issued before the visa expired. The I.D. expired with the visa. We were trying for renewal not a new I.D. Even showed them every bit of paper work we have only to be told that only an approval is acceptable. Good luck, I hope your wait is a short one.
  11. Actually the government does have an idea how many illegals pay income tax while working illegally. They can easily identify multiple names paying under one SS#. They also have many illegals (mostly those waiting in this country the 15 years or so to get their visa after applying with a relative as sponsor) that pay using the tax identification number issued by IRS rather than SSA. Perhaps we can at least, in view of this, all agree that our government is messed up and not making the best use of our tax dollars.
  12. I wonder if I could open up a spitoon store in Beijing before the Olympics start. "Buy one now before the foreigners arrive! Show the world sophistication and etiquette". Maybe I could even buy an ad in that book. Imagine if Mao Ze Dong was issuing his sayings in the China of today he might finance it with ads for Motorola and Chinamobile. David you might add Capitalistic to your list of culture characteristics.
  13. This is all great news. Congratulations to everyone.
  14. Congratulations!!!!!!!! So far no progress on ours. Can I borrow your cattle prod? When I started hiring people (a few years ago) the permanent residence card had wavy green lines covering the whole card.
  15. You SHEEP Looks like Trigg won you over. 201495[/snapback] Tell you what Lee...You rent the car and drive and I'll sit in the back seat with laopo... 201496[/snapback] Good choice goat man
  16. State Farm cover you... Good one I wanted to drive last trip but I was told "NO!" by you know who. I had a Japanese driver's license years ago. Even had to take the written test. I've driven in Japan and New York but not sure which was worse. Both looked about the same as what I saw in Shanghai but there were more lanes in Shanghai. As for an accident I am sure it would be like in Japan before insurance. Carry a wad of cash to pay off in case of a fender bender. What I would be more worried about is the wreckage you leave behind you as the other drivers crane their necks to see the Laowai who can drive The one argument that I see against it is; why spend your time behind the wheel while there is so much for you to be looking at during the ride.
  17. I read that as being three years from marriage to the USC as long as PR was applied for timely and the three years were spent in the U.S.. THere are actually several conditions to be met. In other words if you marry in China and a year later come to the US and apply for residence it would start from entry. If you marry 60 days from K-1 entry top the U.S. it would start from the marriage. Does that make it as clear as mud? "date of filing his application for naturalization has resided continuously, after being lawfully admitted for permanent residence, within the United States for at least three years, and during the three years immediately preceding the date of filing his application has been living in marital union with the citizen spouse "
  18. Hahaha! "Big noses"! What a cool way to refer to us. I'll have to tell my SO about that one. 201285[/snapback] and that is one of the nice terms for us I'm sure your SO knows it. Another Da Bizi
  19. You aren't far from China. The Chinese corridor of freeway 10 now goes to Corona/ Riverside area and is growing fast at over 300,000 Chinese immigrants. Hacienda Heights has the largest U.S. active Buddhist Temple and Monastary in the U.S. (Hsi Lai Hsu) if she is Buddhist. Any regional food can be found in the Rosemead/San Gabriel area. The three closest 99 Ranch Markets to you can be found on this page http://www.99ranch.com/StoreLocator.asp One of them is near the temple. Get http://www.kylintv.com for Chinese almost unlimited TV and http://www.italkbb.com to make China calls local and she should be a long way towards fighting homesickness.
  20. Well it seems that my problem of receiving cell phone calls is a first for italkBB and they are working on it but have no answer yet. Calling out is no problem.
  21. uh, Lee is there anything about your driving record you are holding back? Maybe we should change states. Not only no driver's license yet but in California her pending status makes her ineligable for a state ID card (California says you're not legal until you get approval).
  22. The closest thing I've heard to a ring ceremony is a type of ethnic hoop dance. Wedding rings are not a Chinese tradition. Follow what your SO says. She is your best guide as to what her family expects.
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