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Dan R

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Everything posted by Dan R

  1. I can't comment on the Dental service here (not having been to one for 45 years) but there are some very good Dentists in China. Like any service you need to get referrals and check around. My wife's dental work is great and was a tenth the cost of here. A friend's wife went to a Dentist here who said he was very impressed with the filling and cap she had done in China. He almost fell to the floor when he heard how little it cost. Like surgery it can pay to fly to China for major Dental work if youknow the right place.
  2. The Official Waiting Room of GUZ Rapidly Going Nuts Until United With Our SO Group of course! (At which time it is to late to regain sanity as proved by so many long time posters here in Candle) Welcome to the gang and I hope everything goes fast and easy for you.
  3. I'm a third vote for wait for the EAD. They screw up and we suffer. That is one of the lessons I learned going through this Hey Steve nice goat, man!
  4. China like Japan has an aversion to foreign religions (primarily Christianity). Both experienced 16th and 17th century European invasions that used each country's priests to get in, ship weapons and foment civil war. China was colonized and Japan sealed the country for 230 years to prevent a similar fate. Hardly surprising that the government doesn't trust foreign churches.
  5. Wow! I think I'm going to sell umbrellas because we'll have a lot of pigs flying overhead when those things happen. And HELL will be a very cold place... And we will be enjoying everything but the weather in China
  6. It just means it is too popular for the bandwidth they pay for. I had to try a few times tonight but it is playing nicely now.
  7. Koish Radio No downloads here but plenty of good listening from this online radio. This helps me learn who I would like to order from Yesasia.com. Anyone listen to Lin Jun Jie? He is great. I recommend his album JJ Lin
  8. Be careful about editing out. Remember they spend minutes not hours looking at your materials. It would be unfortunate to need further evidence because the only two the VO looked at mentioned something that was missing a third between the two that appears suspicious. Volume is good for giving tthe impression you are ready for anything. A glance shows there is quantity. Quality of relationship should be evident in the few things they actually look at. Remember pictures and video with voice are much more convincing than tons of emails you may have planned for the interview.
  9. Don't worry about it. Immigration encounters this all the time. Emails are rarely actually gone through but do add to the amount of evidence presented which display an ongoing relationship. They usually will contain confirmation of key events and follow up such as a China trip which confirms the event and who the parties are. There is no proof of who actually wrote the emails anyway. Pictures, letters from friends and relatives, videos and records of travel together such as tickets and hotel receipts are actual proof. If you wish to include what you call each other in the letter explaining the evolution of your relationship then do so. There are continuing debates about what evidence is important. Pictures together and with family members as well as documentation of ongoing communication are regarded as critical. Telephone logs are often presented which can be generated from your phone or his if you call a cell number. I'm not sure what record he may have of incoming calls with a land line.
  10. Darn, does wife live in china permanently mean she needs to stay there are would having property suffice? The current word is "you go, I stay"
  11. To me it seems easy. It is because of the feeling I get when she is around, the emptiness I feel when she is not and how quickly that emptiness is filled by any reminder of her or the sound of her voice.
  12. Student visa is the fastest and easiest if he can qualify. In this case adoption is not an option since he is over 16. Do you know someone with a business that has over 50 employees and can write a job description that would make it difficult to hire an American? The employment visa is the easiest to get qualified. I know people that have brought their whole extended family over this way. A clever immigration attorney should be able to guide you through it. I would say the company must be looking for a skill that a young aprentice in China could learn. Good luck
  13. MMmmmm Chongqing hotpot. I'd say Dongbeibu girls are hot enough for me but we do enjoy hot pot.
  14. Best wishes on soon enjoying a nearly normal married life.
  15. It will be over soon. Best wishes on a life without GUZ.
  16. That's true. If they did I didn't understand them. They only try to jam "watches" down it in Shanghai. 238744[/snapback] Everybody should know where I stand on the religion and I fully support the first ammendment and in doing so I realize that freedom of religion also implies freedom from religion, nobody can jam anything down anybodies throat, you have the right to reject it and walk away. 238780[/snapback] In line with this I like that there is no specific day of rest in China. You can find anything open any day. This includes the banks. In the U.S. it took years of court battles in the 50's as well as shop owners going to jail for opening on Sunday to get this right. The blue laws were over turned and now you can shop to your hearts content even on Sunday in America although not to the extent of China.
  17. Yup "Office Lady". That was how my wife dressed. I think it is important to give that first impression as you walk in. Not too casual. Look like you are confident and the equal of any American government employee. You don't want them feeling you are looking down on them
  18. I first saw those brail blocks in sidewalks in a number of cities throughout Japan 34 years ago. The only place I have seen them in the U.S. is the block around the Braile Center in L.A. There were also bird calls to indicate which direction the green light was on. Recently newer cross walk lights have had sound to indicate light changes and the count down to red that you see in China and other Asian countries.
  19. As hard as it may seem stay calm. Lee gave good advice. Throughout the process our government will give many opportunities for your wife to remark on how much better the Chinese government operates than ours. After this you will probably agree with her.
  20. Congratulations! Now get started on the rest of your lives. My oh my what a beautiful day.........
  21. Normally you do not want to cross out anything on any of the forms to avoid USCIS from sending you an RFE to ask for clarification. I will have to assume you are speaking of the G-325a from your description, it helps everyone to give better answers if you can give the form name or number to help others understand your questions. There are just too many stinkin forms we have to fill out and it can get very confusing if we only use own description of the forms. Another thing to remember is that most of the forms are now fillable PDF's which will allow you to complete the information on your computer and print a typed form which is always easier to read. Welcome to CFL, we all have fun with the paperwork here. 234064[/snapback] Fun?????? Is that what that was Lee? When you think of filling out forms as fun you can certainly claim to be an old timer on CFL. Lee enjoyed it so much he recently went back to do it again.
  22. That is great news. It would be nice to hear their impressions of the U.S.
  23. I make some pretty good dumplings. Of course everyone knows that the really good dumplings come from the North.
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