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James T

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  1. Hi there, I don't know if I'm in the right forum, area; but I have a note on my wall to start the paperwork to "Apply for Change of Status" to my wife's Permanent Resident Card (sometimes I guess still called a "Green Card") and found that I must file a I-751 form which is a Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence. I am not sure when to submit it. It says on the instructions to file within 90 cays immediately before the second anniversary of the date you were accorded conditional residence status. Her Permanent Resident card says mid February of 2005 with an expiration of mid February of 2007, 2 years later. So I'd guess I can file anytime after mid November? Is that right? Also does anyone know how long it takes to process this paperwork and finalize it; and receive whatever you are going to get back from USCIS? Oh one more question, how much evidence of the relationship paperwork do they require? Since I'm moving in the next year or so I haven't changed my property paperwork to her name too; but her name is on out car registration, car insurance, taxes and is that enough? I know I can get a couple of supportive affidavits to affirm our marriage so that's no problem. Any other secrets or ideas. The government always writes so much and not always is it clear. Thanks in advance for your help. Thanks Jim
  2. Does anyone know the procedure, possibilities, costs etc. if my wife wanted to bring her only nephew (last to carry on the parents family name - they're both dead now) to the U.S. He's about 18 years old and family wants him to have a good life, possibly in U.S. as it isn't easy to find a job in southern China now. Does he have to live with us like under some kind of sponsorship with him being our responsibility. I know, or think I know, that it might be easier to bring a son or sister or other very close family member to the U.S.; but what about bringing a nephew (brother's son). Thanks for the input! Jim T
  3. Hi again, Have been waiting over 3 months since AOS Interview in San Francisco and the only thing they said was that my wife needed an FBI Security Check and everything else was ok; But that was over 3 months ago and no word; NO GREEN CARD! So does anyone know any phone #'s for the San Francisco BCIS office so I can check on what's happening and when my wife will be getting her green card. Any Ideas?? Thanks, Jim & Qiaoji
  4. Hello, My wife is worried because it's been 3 months since our BCIS Interview in San Francisco and she hasn't gotten her "Green Card". The man at the Interview said everything was alright and we just had to wait for the F.B.I. to check her out (I guess because she's Chinese) - (she got here 12-14-03 and we were married in March of 2004). My wife wonders when she's going to get her cherished "Green Card" as she has heard others have gotten theirs much sooner. We even have to wait for BCIS approval for the State of California to issue her a simple I.D. Card (from the state Department of Motor Vehicles). Oh we do have her work permit from BCIS and a Social Security Card. Any help on a timeline for the "Green Card" would be most appreciated. Any other information too. This waiting game is hard on both of us! ,Thanks So Much, Jim
  5. Hello there, Long time off Candle. My wife (we were married in mid march 04) got her EAD (employment card) in San Francisco a couple weeks ago and was fingerprinted last week in Sacramento (Ca.) Both went smoothly and quickly, neat. Now we need some help with the English/Chinese translator for the Adjustment of Status interview in San Francisco which is scheduled for the 18th of October. Yep it came quicker than we expected. My wife Qiaoji has studied English for awhile, but it isn't an easy language to master and we need help with finding someone honorable and good to help at the interview with translation of the Interviewers English to my wife's native Chinese (she speaks Mandrin and Cantonese very well!). Her friends have told her a few stories and she is worried. Her English isn't really bad, in fact I feel pretty good for the short time she has gone to English classes; but after asking her a few of the questions that might be asked in English; I know her English isn't good enough. Have any of you utilized anyone that fits the bill hopefully local or near San Francisco, and maybe isn't horendously expensive. If you have any ideas, clues, tips etc. on the interview; they would be greatly appreciated. Due to the nearness of the interview I guess time is of the essence. Oh why do they ask for copies etc. of stuff I already sent them with the Adjustment of Status application??? I really appreciate all your good help and input, it is invaluable. Thanks so much, Jim and Qiaoji (we live near Redding, California, about 2+ hours north of Sacramento)
  6. Hello there, Well Qiaoji and I (Jim) were finally - happily - married on March 6th and she is trying to learn English. She studies twice a week and is, I think doing pretty well. She thinks she would like to write ( e-mail) to other Chinese ladies, wives, so she can learn, practice her new somewhat limited English skills. Are there any nice ladies out there that would like to correspond with her. She is a nice lady and would appreciate talking to other nice ladies. Thanks Jim and Qiaoji
  7. I just want to thank everyone for their help. We got packet IV a couple weeks ago and I had to rush to get airline tickets etc as I want to be there with her (my fiancé is Qiaoji) for the trip to Guangzhou for medical and the Interview that she is so worried about failing. Also to see her lovely face as I miss her so very much, true "forever" as she calls it has blossomed and grown so much that I am totally sure that I have found the one perfect (well almost, I'm not too perfect either ) woman to marry. Chinese women are sure wonderful and mine is exceptional. Anyway she is pretty worried about her limited English and pretty "nervous" about the interview; and would feel it's her fault if things don't work out - if the interviewer had a bad day and just "flunked" her just to be mean. We have ton's of e-mail letters, lots of phone call records (thanks Big Zoo and Don B of Red Bluff for the hint!), and all the current Affidavit of Support, last 6 paycheck stubs, Employer Letter, Bank Letter and everything else I can think to bring. Different deal than last time which was to just go and visit; now it's very important to do well in the interview and just to show her I have faith in her and getting through the interview successfully I bought a return ticket for her. Yes I know it's advised against to do it, but I feel strongly that this good, honest woman will be passed. You know there are many rumors about many things on the Chinese ladies side over there; one of which is not to be too pretty - dress too fancy as the interviewer is thought to not pass such lovelies. Maybe there is a little something to that, but she'll be dressing nicely, if conservatively for the interview at my suggestion. I will take my laptop over so I can keep up with the goings on here on Candle. Thanks again and am I nervous, my heart is beating triple speed sometimes. I will calm down on the airplane trip I hope. Thanks again and good luck to all of you. Your friend and a happy guy, Jim & yes a very happy Chinese lady too!!!
  8. Hey there, just opened an e-mail from my fiance, Qiaoji, and I thought the Interview in Guangzhou was in 1 month, about 12-13-03; but "SURPRISE" it turns out to be in about 3 weeks on 12-80-3. My heart is now beating so darn fast and am I nervous. Is my almost 1 1/2 year old U.S. Passport ok or do I need to renew or do someting with it, besides getting another Chinese stamp for the time I think I will be there (do I guess the time and leave the leave date a bit longer than I think, just in case?)? Got to clean up the old bachelor homestead, get the dumpster and gather up all the information I will need, like a new Affadavit of support as I just changed jobs. Wow some things are so fun. I'm a little scared of leaving too late (should I get there a week ahead of the interview?) and not having enough time; have been wanting to visit the relatives and take some more pics for proof of relationship. Will use records of phone calls from "Big Zoo" (boy is that convenient!) to show we talk a long time and many times per month. What hotel do you stay in in Guangzhou that I hear is near to the Embassy? Boy is my heart beating faster, I just read the e-mail and I hope I can get all things together very quickly. Is it hard to get airline tickets at this near Christmas time of year? Boy what a lot of questions are running around in my mind. But if everything goes alright, she passes the dreaded interview at the Embassy, boy will that be wonderful. I think I heard that they might give the Visa within a day or three after passing. Hope so, want to bring her home after the long time apart. This love with a great Chinese lady is sure something special, different and exceptional. Any ideas, thoughts, advice would be gratefully accepted. I'm a little panicked, having to work and try to get it all done. Thanks, Jim
  9. Thanks for the responses. Some advisors would say these boards which have the common man giving info are inferior and error prone; rife with myths and half truths; but I think there is mostly very, very good information from those that have been there and have the best, most up to date information and tips there are available. I will take all the good wishes with a smile and thanks to all. I really appreciate it. And will follow up on all the tips and advice. I will have to check someplace to see if my 17 month old U.S. Passport is still good and of course I guess I will have to quickly get another Chinese approval stamp in my passport for the trip which will likely be in early Dec this year. My fiance is having more trouble with the 95 Interview questions than the answers which she knows a lot of the answers, but our English language is so weird that "keeping in touch" just means communicate and this confuses her. Guess she'll be very worried and will feel quite pressured until she finally arrives here. Just thought you might like to know that I sent, finally, an engagement ring last week, before the good news about packet 4 arriving and the ring arrived, via U.S. Mail Global Express in less than 1 week and with no problems; boy was my "Wife To Be", a happy lady. Showed it to many people, relatives already and now am known to have "good taste". And mailing the ring only cost $28, about 1/2 what FEDEX and UPS wanted to ship the same thing. I thought it'd get lost (stolen?), but no problem and pretty darn quick too. So there is a lot of good news this week. Well thanks everyone and good luck to all of you. Your a good lot , Jim
  10. Well my fiancé and I have been waiting "only" 7+ months from submitting Packet 3 to receiving Packet 4 A short history: We submitted our paperwork to INS - received October 13th, 2002 and we were approved on Dec. 13th, 2002. Then over 3 ½ months later, in late March my fiancé (oh yes the lovely, patient (sometimes ) Qiaoji received Packet 3 and submitted it to the Embassy on about March 25th. We then waited - not to patiently - over 7 months for the name check (security clearance??) to be done by the Department of State so we could receive Packet 4 and the interview date. Well "Surprise" when we thought, ok I thought, that it'd be a few months longer, I got an early morning (late evening there) call from a very happy Chinese lady saying "call me back, Important, call me back, Important" and when I did I found she'd finally received the fourth packet and was so excited, so very excited as she thought it'd never happen. I think the Interview at the Embassy in Guangzhou is scheduled in 1 month and thus I will be going there to support her and meet all of her family - of course enjoying each others company since we've not seen each other in a long time. So one of my questions is, were we in what they call here a "Black Hole" group? I know we have to update all the 1+ year old support paperwork such as translated birth certificates, divorce paperwork etc. to current dates; but are there any other tips I should know about the process, what support info. to take, what to do, where to go, you know all that stuff; that my mind can't quite get a hold of with all the excitement of the possibility of my sweetie actually being with me sometime soon here in America (actually Northern California)? Also do you get the visa in a few days (3?) after (if) you pass the interview like a fellow I know did or do you have to wait more time. I thought I read, awhile ago that some had to wait a long time to get the visa after successfully passing the interview. Is that over and the wait a few days now? And from what I have been hearing, it seems there are quite a few who haven't been passing the interview, because the Embassy Interviewers are hard on these lovely ladies of ours. Under pressure I might even find English hard to speak if I really wanted something and there was a harsh Interviewer looking through a screen at me . Ok maybe not but the pressure surely is on these ladies at the interview. Any, I mean any feedback, hints, advice etc. you who have been there care to give us/me would be greatly appreciated. What do we expect, do over there in Guangzhou? How much time should I allow before the Interview for the Medical exam thing? You know all you wise travelers, who have been there, can help me and others with your sage, "been there" words & advice. I would surely like this to go smoothly and be well planned so I could bring the "love of my life" back with me shortly after the interview. I am happy, but now the planning, cleaning and praying starts. And now I am nervous too! Sorry for being so wordy, but I’m pretty excited. Thanks, Jim
  11. Thanks, I think sndgems will work, but I wish I could find a site that had my fiance's stated ring size, but not so far. Will e mail the size chart from this site and I think it should work. Thanks so much, sometimes the small things are so important in a long distance relationship, to the love of your life in a distant country with such a different culture and different language. Things aren't always easy, but almost always rewarding and fulfilling. My heart is surely full of love for my fiance, a lovely wonderful woman whom I can't wait to have with me. Now if this 7 month wait for the darn name check (is it a security check too I think?) was over and she'd get the 4th packet from the Guangzhou Embassy and set the interview I would be so happy and make my lovely fiance feel like we were not forgotten. This "black hole" business hasn't been cleared up yet. So frustrating and heart rending. But my friend has just let me talk to his fiance who just got here a little over a week ago, so it will come, but with a long wait, and the results are so wonderful and rewarding. I will wait (& pray a lot too!!). Thanks for all your help & I am always surprised at the willingness of "Candle" people to help and befriend another couple. It's great to have internet help and comfort with all the impersonal waiting for the government to "slooooooowly" get their stuff done. Thanks everyone and any other comments, etc. are always appreciated. Good luck and speedy processing to all. You're good people. Bye, Jim
  12. This may seem to be a bit of an odd request, but as I haven't visited my fiance in China in some time; I wish to give this lovely lady something to show my love and commitment to our marriage and the obvious good idea seems to be to just send her an Engagement Ring. The problem being that while I have located a reasonably priced white gold diamond ring it is in an average American size (7) and I can't seem to get a good idea of what size she wears as she has told me that her Chinese ring size taken at a local jewler there is size #11. My fiance is not a large lady by any means at about 5'3" tall and not heavy at all; thus I would guess she is something below the size #7 (American) I have possibly in the #6 category. I tried to locate a table on the net that would take me from her Chinese size #11 to an American size or maybe a mm or inch size; but to no avail. Can anyone help me with this, it's important to our relationship as the wait is so long now, waiting now 7 months on the stupid name check. I should have done this earlier, but.... Anyway if someone can help I would be quite happy. Thanks!
  13. Whoops, I think I somehow conveyed that I had some ability to speak Chinese, I have really only learned a very, very few words and am actually pretty pathetic; so the burden has to go on my fiance who knows some English, but feels she may be nervous and forget even what she knows and they will reject her. As I said we do ok at communication, not perfect, but acceptable and love fills in the rest. So with her limited English (do most, some ? Chinese ladies find it easy or hard to learn English? they are quite different languages and ours is so weird sometimes!) she is worried about blowing it by forgetting what she knows. It would be a shame as she is bright, lovely - and I love her so much. I wonder if my going there for the interview would help any. I hear now that if the lady is successful in the interview they issue the Fiance Visa within a few days and she can leave right after if everything else is arranged. Well thanks and sorry I am confusing, boy no wonder she doesn't understand me sometimes :-) Thanks
  14. Hello, It's me, Jim, a newbie, with a frustrated fiance as she has been studying English in China for a pretty long time and says she doesn't think she can get through the interview at Guangzhou as she will be nervous and only speaks "a little" english. She fears they will deny her (our) fiance visa request as she speaks only a small amount of English, although I understand her, most times, pretty well. If Chinese is difficult to learn for me (ok I guess I fall under the old dog - don't learn new tricks easily category) I can just guess how difficult our very difficult language is for her. I know when she gets here she will learn much more quickly and do well, she is a smart girl; but aren't they all, look who they are marrying, us :-). Would it be good for her and maybe look better to the interviewer if I attended the interview, I know waiting outside, but available and providing support for her as she is "nervous" and of course frustrated by the darn long wait for the 4th packet with the interview date (it's been 4+ months since she submitted the informationrequested in the3rd packet). Any information & help on any of this would be appreciated. I can't believe I never heard about this forum before, but up here in N. Calfornia we are pretty isolated. Thanks to Carl H. for telling me about this and congratulations on his recent marriage to his lovely bride Hong Yu. They make a lovely, happy couple!
  15. Thanks everybody! Wrote an E-Mail to Guangzhou because I couldn't get through via the phone to Guangzhou, and they gave me a reply the next day with our case (GUZ) # which I appreciate and followed by "And now the case is still under processing." note which doesn't say anything. It seems there are some cases in a "black hole" grouping and we may be in one of those. Oh great :-( !!! I guess I sure don't know much about this stuff and my lovely sensative, loving fiance is going crazy because of the long wait. "Wolf" said I should write "MH" and I really don't know that abbreviation although I guess most everybody else does and I'm just too new. Could anybody tell me what "MH" is, please. I will, am keeping, copies of e mails to Guangzhou as suggested, also showing my interest in my fiance's situation. Thanks to donahso for the dial through #'s I really appreciate that. And now I will get a good calling card that won't just disconnect me at any time, usually at the beginning or after 1 hour (strange!) but maybe that's why it's so cheap. This reliability thing is important I now know as you loose your place in line. I think I will find out how, who to call at the Department of State so I can maybe loosen up my fiance's file (or is it just a name in a big group of names). And how was I lucky enough to get into the "Black Hole" group anyway and what happened to make it a "Black Hole". I know I ask a lot of questions, but my sweet, kind, loving fiance is gettng pretty frustrated and thinks she will never get to America. Well thanks again everbody and I appreciate any answers.
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