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We had the toughest VO in the consulate and we had a one sticking point that could have gotten us a blue slip easily. She had a previous marriage that on paper lasted for 4 years but in actuality only lasted about a year. When I met Kishi, she had been separated for about 3 years and had little communication with her ex. And even before the separation, they did not live in the same apartment. It was never a real marriage, just one on paper. But on paper it looked like she quickly divorced her ex-husband and married an American. We had prepared thoroughly for this though. We got a statement from her ex's work unit to show that he still resided in

China and also that they we no longer living together and she brought this with her to the interview. We organized all our paperwork, (phone bills, letters, etc) in paper filing folders and also got statements from both of our parents to show that our relationship was valid and that they approved. I was also in GZ with her for the interview and she took my passport in with her along with a letter to the VO from me.

The VO was a chinese man and very famous for being rude and giving rejections. The two big questions were:

1. Why did you divorce after 4 years to marry this American.

2. How do you know this man truly loves you.

The VO was VERY rude and condescending. When she haded him my passport port and letter, he looked at the letter and then smirked with a "hmmph" Then he looked at my passport, called over a co-worker, pointed at the some page and began to make jokes, and even ridicule what was in there. My SO could not tell what was being said but she could definitely tell that the VO was not showing respect for the document and was acting unprofessionally. I can't imagine what would be so funny about a passport, maybe my picture was not exactly Hollywood quality but even so, it is a government document and should be treated with respect. And that VO is working for me and should not be belittling me, an american citizen, or anyone else for that matter.

My SO bombarded him with evidence, which he did not look at very thoroughly, but he did examine my tax returns and affidavit of support. Kishi kept her cool throughout the interview but was at the breaking point. Her english is excellent and I think that is why he did not ask to see much proof of relationship, although we had bucket loads including 4 chinese visas. It was obvious he had decided early on to give her the visa but just took the rest of the time to badger her about her past marriage and me, often asking very personal questions, such as what we argue about and what I am like when we have disagreements. Those questions are not that big of a deal, I guess, proof of relationship is what he was looking for. But professionalism is my big issue and also my SO's.

The VOs are representing the USA, whether he is chinese or not. I feel it is totally uncalled for to have a VO try to intimidate an applicant and also poke fun at the petitioner. This is not junior high school! They supposed to be professionals, and his manner was more that of a school yard bully.

I held my breath until the next day when she was supposed to pick up her visa, which she did, and she is here with me, safe in the USA.

I still think being there is a tremendous help, and also a lot of praying if you are a person of faith. Kishi was one out of about 2 or 3 that received a white slip from that chinese VO. The rest got the blue slip. We feel very blessed to have gotten through this. Praise the Lord!!! I just wanted to share our experience with all of you. I look forward to any comments you might have.

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Mark, I have to agree with you that the people at the consulate work for us. It is our tax dollars that pay their wages but you sure would not get that same impression from anyone there. I also thought the people at GZ just going into the consulate have been very rude and unprofessional in everyway. We have not even made it to the interview yet and I am dreading this very much but want to get it over with so we can be together . Thanks for the insight.



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At their mercy... We'll wait as long as they make us and continue to simply grin and bear it. It isn't like they have a competitor, that we take our business elsewhere if we aren't happy with the service we recieve. Stories like this will probably continue because there is obivously no accountibility.

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I think you should print out this post exactly the way it is and send it as an attachment to a letter to Maura Harty.


Congratulations on getting the visa and best wishes for your new life.

I agree with Robert, Maura Harty needs to be informed EVERY time our SO's report that a VO acts in a less than professional manner. If they do encounter a non-professional VO, we should have our SO's, once they are safe and sound here in the US do a few "sworn affidavits" on their interview, send one to Maura Harty, your congressman, senators, a few media outlets, and maybe a civil rights attorney interested in making a name for himself.

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Congrats. It is always nice to hear a successful story.


Sorry to hear about her treatment. It is past time to bring this type of treatment out into the open. The embassy works for DOS, who utimately works to protect the American citizen, so they work for us. No matter who they feel they work for, the embassy represents the United States of America. We actively pursue humanitarian treatment for all people no matter in what country they live. So here we are asking China to treat their citizens with respect. Our embassy should lead by example. This type of treatment was occuring in Portland POE. It has since changed because it was brought to light. I have to think if we are vocal and can bring this type of treatment out into the open, then it will have to change. Our letter is a start, but we can not stop there. Even though we are through the ugly phase of the process, we must seek to have this changed for those still waiting to be processed in Guangzhou.


Again, Congrats and thanks for the report.

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It is good to hear a story of an applicant prepared for the worst, and able to handle it!


As for this VO, I would also suggest a letter written to Mrs Harty asking for some answers and action.


First, they should be able to track down who this VO is, name etc. For those who have been to the interviews, do they give out their name? or possible wear a badge or something showing who they are? let's records these peoples names down, and make notice here and with Mrs, Hardy who are the professional ones and who are the jerks.


Second, it should be pointed out to Mrs Harty as well as our senators and representatives, as well as the president of the US, that these workers are there to perform certain functions. Those responsibilities include, checking documentation, to make sure that all document requirments have been fulfilled, and second, to determine if the relationship is valid and as stated.


Their third task is to ensure that no terrorist obtain a visa. I can't imagine a terrorist trying to go the K1 or K3 route, since it takes so long, a 15 day student visa seems to be the way most of the terrorist use to get into the country.


In no place is it said that they are to make fun, be disrespectful, degrade to de-humanize the applicant or the petitioner.


If Mrs Harty or others do not believe that such actions are really taking place, then i would suggestion to her that they should install video monitors and microphones on the interview locations.


This would certainly remove any and all doubts, and would also cause the VOs to perform their jobs with more professionalism.


More and more I find myself saying I am sorry to my fiancee, for incompetencies of the people I am paying to allow her to come here so we can be together.


It is really a shame, and a disgrace to the US.

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First off, congradulations on getting to the point so many of us are still waiting and hoping for. :huh: :redblob: :greenblob: :redblob: :greenblob: :redblob: I'm with Paul in hoping not to get someone like this with Jennifer. We don't have anything like that in the past, but with her limited English I'd hate for some "nice" VO to be abusive. :angry: Can anyone say wether or not VOs have some form of identification on them or are they required to show it if asked for? I has seemed recently that some form of response to our shouting has happened if even a little, and there has to be a way of bringing this type of crap to the for front.

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Sorry to hear about the shabby treatment...My heartfelt opinion and gut feeling is Maura harty doesn't give a rats ass about us.





You got the white slip and thats all that matters.


Maybe the VO just had a warped sense of humor??


Congrad on your visa and interesting tale.

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