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Everything posted by beijingjenny

  1. I'm sure they're interested, especially since I am sponsor, and since we are filing to remove conditions, which will have my name on it. Or I can attach a letter with evidence to that. And thanks for the tip, I will find everything I can, we should have plenty of stuff!
  2. Hey all! I have just changed my name legally to Jack's and wonder how I notify USCIS of this? I can't find this information anywhere and can't figure out how to get a live person on the phone. If anyone knows, I'd be grateful. Also, is it just the one form for removing conditions (along with evidence and way too much money) that has to be sent? Thanks, and hope all is well!
  3. Thanks for the ideas robert. Unfortunately we are barely making ends meet ourselves and need our own home and new car etc. While we could prob scrape together $5k, it wouldn't leave us much left to live on. We may also have to give some money for surgery for a cousin of Jack's who's about to die of a brain tumor. I've never heard of the bond thing, but may be worth looking into.
  4. Guangzhou, since he lives in Fujian, no other choice.
  5. Tourist is what he tried. All he can try. No way he'd get a work visa, A farmer from Fuzhou who barely speaks Putonghua,much less English. It's not a big deal. We can try to go back ourselves for a while if it works out. As the boys get older, I def want them to spend periods of time with their family there anyway.
  6. Thanks guys. I guess life goes on. We'll see what to do in the future. A lot of hassle and expense for him to apply again.
  7. Thanks a bunch. That's what I was looking at. And the I-130 says he can only petition for spouse or children ... guess that answers that!
  8. Thanks Don. Not sure he wants to though ... It says very clearly though that permanent residents are not eligible to bring their parents over. Where would I find out if it is possible?
  9. We aren't surprised, but certainly disappointed. Guess we'll have to go back to China ourselves before too long. But I thought someone here said he could immigrate, but according to the USCIS site, permanent residents aren't eligible to bring their parents. Or is there something I'm missing?
  10. Of course Carl was joking.... and thanks Carl. I was just trying to make a point about the gross stereotyping people of all races do.
  11. Chinese women are good cooks and take good care of you. American women are selfish and controlling. Sorry, I couldn't resist Just pointing out similar things may be said by some here too...
  12. Interesting idea Frank. Not sure how we could do that from here though, unless we sent him some money and he opened it.
  13. Great! We DCF'd in Beijing too and everything went pretty quickly and smoothly (minus waiting for the interview!) I see you didn't waste any time after marrying - that's smart, we waited over a year.
  14. Congrats! That must be so nice to have him there. Enjoy your time And thanks for the encouragement. We certainly will try!
  15. We got lucky (this was long before the immigration petition) and Jack got a tourist visa once. He was lucky to have a friendly VO who even though Jack didn't bring everyting (my passport and pics), told him to bring that stuff back and he would get it. THEN, he tried to get a student visa. Rejected and treated very rudely. I went in to make a complaint. The woman just said he was welcome to try again if he had further evidence and that she would make a note of my visit. That's all they will do if you go in. He was still rejected a second time. I wrote a letter and got a meaningless one in reply. Whatever you do, it's totally hit and miss.
  16. Wow, Alec, your case has gone through fast! Congrats and good luck this week.
  17. You will have to be married in order to file, in which case I would assume you will be living (even briefly) with her somewhere? If so, put whatever address that is. I wish you luck. DCF is great.
  18. Thanks so much! Are any of those next to the consulate, do you know? Is he even entitled to an immigrant visa, being as Jack is not a citizen?
  19. Also, anyone have a good link for the list of CITIC banks? The one from the consulate site kept giving me an error.
  20. Yeah, we'll have to send money anyway to pay for his ticket, if he gets it. Jack might just send him his bank card. But just wanted to know if it were true we could pay it here or not. Sorry I've been a stranger, we've moved city and state, Jack's working 12 hour days and I'm trying to manage the babes and home on my own...!
  21. I'm not optimistic at all, but Jack doesn't think it's a question. He's a retired farmer with no money, no wife, nothing. And we aren't rolling in the money for supporting him (I mean, we can, no problem but don't know if they will see it that way). Any ideas what else he can do/show? He does own land and Jack told him to bring the deed. Also, is there a way for us to pay the visa fee for him? Jack is pretty sure others he knows do this for their parents but I thought it could only be done in person at a CITIC bank in China. Thanks!
  22. What Frank said on 1 2 - The I-864 can be notarized at the embassy 3 - It depends what you will need to prove domicile, i.e. bank statements, proof of property ownership, job offers, whatever. In my case I just needed stuff from my parents for their co-sponsorship.
  23. Name check might take a month but the real wait is for an interview date.
  24. Of course, it's just funny - I was in China craving American food, she's in the US craving Chinese food.
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