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White Slip ... More info to follow by 10am EST

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Hello Everyone!


I just woke up by my alarm, and she did not call me.


This made me not sure of what to do next.


So, I called her cell phone and it sounded busy.


Then I heard someone speak in Vietnamese and it was great! I told her that if she got the white slip, that she should try the Vietnamese Fandian that we saw when we traveled through GZ the last time (she has never eaten Vietnamese food before)!


She said that she got the white paper and now we could finally be husband and wife! I am so excited.


Naturally, until a visa is in her hand, I will not be 100% certain. But I am so happy that even though it is only 6:20am, I feel fully awake!


More news when I get it. :)

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:)  :blink:  :D  :blink:  :D  :blink:  :blink:  :redblob:  :blink:  :redblob:  :blink:  :redblob:


I spent nearly four years in VN and I gotta tell you I doubt you can go wrong with a Vietnamese gal--Strong, loving, dedicated,  and resourceful

good luck friend

Thank You Trigg!


Good morning to you as well!


I definitely loved being in Vietnam, and she wants to travel with me there too...but she is definitely not Vietnamese! Her family is Han Chinese back at least 2 full generations, but if she is intermixed at all (and she looks a little bit) it is with Korean (but not more than 1/8).


No matter! I am so happy! :)


Ok, time to go back to sleep for me...so many things to do over the next few days for her arrival and our reunification, forever!!!!!

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CONGRATULATIONS !!!!! And you didn't have to be there after all. I think we all tend to worry a little too much about the whole process. Nothing is more important to us than being with our SO for the rest of our lives but obssessing and worrying is not a help. My Lu Li always tells me, "Don't worry." Best wishes on a great life together.

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