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Letter writing campaign

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Right you are, Gail. My letter writing campaign, coupled with inquires by my Senator, succeeded. My package is on the way to GZ monday or as early as today. I called NVC this morning and got the same generic response,"waiting for security checks". I asked to speak to the lady that asked me to call back today and she told me that she was busy. However, the gal I talked to was very uncooperative. I called back and got the same gal. I didn't speak and hung up. I called back again, a third time, and got a different gal. She put me through to the gal that was put in charge of my case. She told me that all the security checks were in and that it was going to be on its way to GZ. :)  :lol:  :D  :D

Congratulations at last R2! It is about time!!! :D ;) :(

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Thanks guys and gals. We got a lot through the eye of the needle these last 3 weeks, including Clay and I. Keep sending those greetings and more will get through. Send them to news media, Cabinet heads, and politicians looking to put a dent in the current policies. Keep the letter and e-mails flowing. Remember, they go home each night to their loved ones - you don't. :( :) :lol:

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Way to Go R2D2!!!


I am very pleased for you! :D


By the way, your package might not have to age very long on that mailroom floor. I don't know how long my fiancee's package sat on that floor, but by the time I learned that her case had cleared the name check, her P4 had already been mailed. I have been rushing around like a crazy man trying to get everything ready for my trip there, and hers here!


By the way, I sent my passport to flychina.com on Monday for their visa service. When I got home from work today, a Chinese visa was waiting on me. Seems kind of crazy doesn't it? Counting transit time, it took me five days to get a visa to China. I've been trying for more than 15 months to get my sweetie a U.S. visa...


Anyway, my heartfelt congratulations again Jim. You've certainly put in your time, and helped many others along the way, myself included.


Best Wishes

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First, congratulations to R2D2.......


This is a draft of the letter I am sending out. Please give me your comments and feedback. Thanks.




My fiance was approved for his K1 visa on April 15, 2003. His interview was conducted in Abu Dhabi, UAE on June 2, 2003 (he is a citizen of India but works in the UAE). At that time we were told that it would take 4-6 weeks to conduct the security clearance. To date, we are still waiting.


I admire and respect the new security enhancements. However, I think that one must balance the security enhancements with one's rights to have their fiances and spouses given visas in a timely fashion. I have read so many updates stating that the “name check” security clearance only takes 30 days (I refer to Mr. Garrett's report in which he states that 97% of the Visa Condors were processed within 30 days, please see attached). However, I have found in reality this is not the case. Some of my major concerns are as follows.


1. The lack of accurate knowledge by the State Department when we call to see if the security clearance has been cleared. I call the State Department Visa number every other day to see if my fiance's security clearance is cleared. I have been told, all on separate occassions, that his clearance was requested in February, April and June. I was told that it takes 30 days, 90 days and whenever they get around to it. I presume that the Secretary of State would not appreciate it if you answered them "Whenever our department gets around to it".


2. Why are these checks and fingerprinting not performed at the inception of filing the K1 visa petition? The waiting was long enough before (6 months), however, now with these checks it is unbearable and is causing undue hardship on the fiance and the US citizen. Yes, some of the petitions and forms may have to change but I am quite sure than any US citizen and their fiance would much prefer submission at the beginning of the process instead of at the end. This would ensure that the security checks are processed concurrently with the petitions themselves. Then, hopefully, by the time the petition was approved and sent to NVC the clearance would be completed or at least closer than just beginning. Additionally, why should the applicant even be interviewed if he is not allowed a visa due a negative security clearance.


3. The U.S. citizen and the fiance should be given accurate time periods for these clearances to be completed. The Bureau of Consular Affairs and the State Department should be able to give an accurate time period for these to be completed. One embassy says 4-6 weeks, another states 6-8 weeks and another says 4-6 months. There are considerable differences in these time estimations. Is the Bureau of Consular Affairs not one Department/Division? Do they work differently from alien to alien? Even BCIS gives us only 90 days to get married once our fiance arrives. This is hard to say the least. We cannot plan our wedding in advance because we don't know when they will get their visas. Most states require 4-6 weeks to file the marriage license. So in reality we have a total of about one week to get our wedding underway and start another process. We don't complain -- we do it because we want our fiance, our future spouses, with us.


4. If the security measures are to protect U.S. citizens then why are they not implemented across the board? Why is it targetted to certain countries? I'm sure that all countries have terrorists or some form of terrorists group within them. By performing the complete clearance on all individuals we are only ensuring that no one gets in with terrorists objectives. This will also prevent terrorists from finding the loop holes in our system.


I am not alone in my quest for faster processing of the security clearances. I am a member of at least 5 discussion boards where these security clearances are major issues. The delays are numerous. Instead of protecting us, these new clearances are putting the US citizens' life on hold. Instead of preventing entry to terrorists, they are preventing entry of fiancés, spouses, and children of U.S. citizens. Is this how we handle threats now? I distinctly remember President Bush saying we should resume our normal lives – not be terrified to the point that we could not conduct our normal business. Yet, our lives are hold. While these security clearances are pending we are lonely, trying to make each day pass just a little faster because at the end of the night we convince ourselves that we are one day closer to being together. While you are enjoying dinners with your spouse and children, enjoying a movie, or going to the lake enjoying the hot summer days, we crying because we don’t have our partner with us to enjoy these simple pleasures.


The only thing we want in life, is what you already have. We want our fiance/spouses here so we can share our life with them. We can come home to our fiance/spouse, we can go to a movie with them, have someone we love share our meals, go swimming together, just sit and hold hands. Is that too much to ask?


One of the persons I spoke with at the State Department literally laughed at me saying I had not waited "that long". I ask you now, if you had to live without your spouse and children for 4 weeks, would you miss them? Would that be long for you? What if it was 6, 8, 24, 36, or 52 weeks? Would you miss them? Would each day seem long and tedious without the love and support of your spouse? Answer those questions honestly and then tell me I haven't waited long enough.





House Committee on Small Business

"The Visa Approval Backlog and its Impact on American Small Business"

June 4, 2003


Prepared Remarks of Mr. Robert J. Garrity, Jr., Assistant Director (Acting), Federal Bureau of Investigation

“The FBI’s goal is to have all requests completed within 120 days. Attachment C illustrates the current status of Visa Condor names checks, and Attachment D illustrates the same for Visa Mantis name checks. This status was taken on May 29, 2003. For example, for Visas Condor, the FBI has received 5,146 requests during the last 30 days. The FBI has resolved all but 143 of these requests, for a 97% resolution rate (See Attachment C). For Visas Mantis, the FBI has received 1,240 requests within the last 30 days and has resolved 1,054, or 85%, of them (See Attachment D). Most name check requests that are over 90 days old are the result of the time required to retrieve and review field office record information. Some delay has occurred at substantive analysts= desks, but this is to be expected. These analysts are assigned to the investigative divisions and are primarily assigned to the analysis of intelligence reports from around the world in order to support on-going investigations, or to support the flow of intelligence to the policy makers. As is well known, the FBI does not have as many intelligence analysts as we need, and they are significantly over-assigned in their primary responsibilities. These are the best professionals, however, to review information in our records and to then make an informed decision on whether a requester of a visa represents a threat to our homeland, or is interested in illegally acquiring our targeted technology. Nevertheless, the FBI=s resolves 99% of all types of visa requests within 120 days. The FBI believes these numbers are the best manner to appropriately determine whether there are substantial delays, both in time and in numbers, attributable to the FBI name check process of visa requests.”

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Hi Everyone,


First I wish to say to everyone that I am impressed with all the letters and the efforts of all. As Qun Ying and I are only just starting the K3/K4 process, we are very eager to have everything run smooth and in a timely manner. So I will now add my 2 cents worth in.


As you can see on my timeline stated below, I have only received #1 NOA about 3 weeks ago. :D


I am starting to feel good about every thing until I decide to look up my case status on the BCIS site. To my surprise :o the time suggested on the NOA I received in the mail stated 290 to 320 days. When I checked the BCIS site, I read a change now showing 320 to 345 days. :blink:


Needless to say a slow burn started deep inside me. :D So now that the beginning of frustration has now set in I have joined in with the letter and email writing going on. I now feel like I have something to contribute to this effort. B)


Last night I sent an email to Congressman Ryan, District #1, Wisconsin outlining my concerns. I also, as have many, invited him to Candle, to read the thousands of posts about the delays and frustrations of everyone. I don't know if it will do any good, but I figure it is a start for me and I'm sure many more letters to variouse parties will be sent by me.


This is only a small part in this campaign, but it is my contribution. I am sure that my contrabutions will grow as my timeline progresses. :)


Good Luck to everyone and Great Letter gail!


Bryan & Qun Ying

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Right you are, Gail. My letter writing campaign, coupled with inquires by my Senator, succeeded. My package is on the way to GZ monday or as early as today. I called NVC this morning and got the same generic response,"waiting for security checks". I asked to speak to the lady that asked me to call back today and she told me that she was busy. However, the gal I talked to was very uncooperative. I called back and got the same gal. I didn't speak and hung up. I called back again, a third time, and got a different gal. She put me through to the gal that was put in charge of my case. She told me that all the security checks were in and that it was going to be on its way to GZ.


hey r2d2, that NVC is that the same number as the DOS? 612 467-7028

You are (were) on the old procedure, so what can NVC do for you?


One more thing, there was a guy who reapplied, thinking he would fair better on the new procedure, does anyone know what happened to him?



congrats. that is two of you that i witnessed getting your security cleared after posting a letter writing blitz, you r2d2 and argyle. It looks like that is what it will take for me.

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Right you are, Gail. My letter writing campaign, coupled with inquires by my Senator, succeeded. My package is on the way to GZ monday or as early as today. I called NVC this morning and got the same generic response,"waiting for security checks". I asked to speak to the lady that asked me to call back today and she told me that she was busy. However, the gal I talked to was very uncooperative. I called back and got the same gal. I didn't speak and hung up. I called back again, a third time, and got a different gal. She put me through to the gal that was put in charge of my case. She told me that all the security checks were in and that it was going to be on its way to GZ.


hey r2d2, that NVC is that the same number as the DOS? 612 467-7028

You are (were) on the old procedure, so what can NVC do for you?


One more thing, there was a guy who reapplied, thinking he would fair better on the new procedure, does anyone know what happened to him?



congrats. that is two of you that i witnessed getting your security cleared after posting a letter writing blitz, you r2d2 and argyle. It looks like that is what it will take for me.



DOS is the department. NVC and CA are branches of that department. All go through NVC now for security clearances stateside. In the past, they went directly to the consulate and then the infamous security clearances were ordered. They used to be sent by Diplomatic currier. Don't you feel a lot more secure now, knowing that your package with private information is "Sitting on the Dock of the Bay". I know I don't. :lol: :lol:

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hello again r2d2


Thanks for your response but now I am more perplexed than ever. an I ask your timeline? If not is is no big deal, just my fiancee wants to know since Itold her about you and Argyle. And secondly what number was I calling before the 612 467-7028 one. When did that change? :lol:

thanks in advance



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hello again r2d2


Thanks for your response but now I am more perplexed than ever. an I ask your timeline? If not is is no big deal, just my fiancee wants to know since  Itold her about you and Argyle. And secondly what number was  I calling before the 612 467-7028 one. When did that change?  :lol:

thanks in advance



October 18,2002-6 months at NVC, 3 months at NVC :lol:

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Hi Luke,


You are certainly a good candidate for PJ's Black Hole focus. There are still too many of us who have been waiting more than one year, and that's just unacceptable.


We've seen a good bit of action taken on some of our long term cases, but we can't give up until everyone is cleared. We can make a difference in the on hold and pending cases, but only if we act together. Our strength is definately in our numbers.


Best Wishes

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Yeah Argyle, I have been patience for too long now. After seeing you and R2D2 getting your clearances my butt has really been burning. I sent another letter to my Congressman last week and still haven’t heard a response from them and today I sent off a few to my Senators and DOS. I am really #$%@%#$ at myself for being so patience at these fools.


Anyway thanks for your words Argyle, something will start cooking for us I feel. Right now I am celebrating my fiancée’s birthday and we are pretty happy but will be that much happier when we are finally together like we should be.



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Hi All,


I believe that our letter writing campaign has been enormously successful, but there is still much to do. So many of us now have our clearances and many others are finally reunited. Let's not forget the others who are still waiting.


I would like to nominate Luke as our next focus case.


Best Wishes

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Hi All,


I believe that our letter writing campaign has been enormously successful, but there is still much to do.  So many of us now have our clearances and many others are finally reunited.  Let's not forget the others who are still waiting.


I would like to nominate Luke as our next focus case.


Best Wishes

Sounds good to me. :lol: :greenblob:

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