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The Endless Wait, The Cube

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Dear All "on hold" guys,


I agree with R2D2 , get the prose ready for a request to Harty with the names of on hold people. Lets all sign it in behalf of these folks and FAX it to her. count me , i believe the group power will be much more stronger than the individual case.




Interview Nov.6 (CR1)

Joy & gongfuman


Hold by FBI for over 9 months

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I think this is great! I am glad that everyone is willing to help the unfortunate people who are still caught in the delays.


I know that case information is sensitive (just like my SSN and birthdate, I always guarded this info closely throughout the process). However, I think it has reached the point with the delays where we need to be able to trust each other. I think what we need is for one of the on-hold people to actually ask the others for case information and contact information, and share this info with members who are willing to write a letter on behalf of the on-hold people.


My thoughts are that it is one thing to send a general letter saying that we are concerned about the delays. It is much more effective to have a list of the case info and wait times and individuals stuck in the process, so that a politician who actually cares (and there are many out there that do, of course), could have factual information and a reference.


Who out of the black hole people would be willing to to actually ask the others for case information and contact information, and share this info with members who are willing to write a letter on behalf of the on-hold people? If you are, please get in touch with me, ptenn(-AT-)tampabay.rr.com, and I will post your Candle ID later as the point-of-contact, and specific instructions.


Inevitably, this will involve gathering a lot of sensitive data, like GUZ numbers and fiance/ee/spouse names, but again I think there needs to be that trust especially for the people who have been caught in this for almost a year now.


I think it would need to be an on-hold person who asks for and keeps track of the case/contact info ... I know that all of us do care, but it is always most efficient when interests are 100% aligned and you have a 100% personal stake in the success of the outcome. Sorry, I've been acting in a lead role for so long that I am starting to sound like a manager. :wub:



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We are really grateful of you here P.J. We will be ready for starting a new battle here!! :P


Well again as P.J. said we need everyone understand more that it is part of our trying if we could collect as much case info as possible

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My sentiments exactly, PJ. After the signatures are gathered-and they should be gathered and verified by the person FAXing and sending the letter. Typically, a confirmation of signature to the sender by direct E-mail. The sender then can add the specifics as outlined in your post. The person confirming the signature that is on hold can include the vitals in his or her E-mail to the sender. :D Hope I got that right! :P

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I think it would need to be an on-hold person who asks for and keeps track of the case/contact info ... I know that all of us do care, but it is always most efficient when interests are 100% aligned and you have a 100% personal stake in the success of the outcome.  Sorry, I've been acting in a lead role for so long that I am starting to sound like a manager. :P



Hi PJ,

Actually, I think we need a few "managers" here as the board often gets pulled in several directions at once.

Thank you.


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Orbitalpunk, Actually I have long felt that you and your wife have been some of the people who have had to wait the longest through this unfortunate situation. I was hoping that she would be able to gather the full information of anyone who is still on hold, and we could take a twofold approach,


1. send group letters


2. have a specific on-hold "feature" case, and take turns, where all the Candle members write letters on behalf of this specific case. I definitely feel that you and SBS should be the first ones, since you have been waiting for so very long.


Just my thoughts. I am hoping to be a catalyst for positive change and encourage more active help from everyone for those still on-hold. However, I do not think I could "manage" the effort. It's not because this cause is not important to me, I am just concerned about how the distraction of preparing for my trip would impact my effectiveness.


Actually if you and your wife could spearhead this effort I would be very grateful, and I am sure many others on-hold would be as well.



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Sitting at idle is like a car at a light. You are going nowhere. Write those letters to the media - one a day to a different media outlet. Support your fellow people that fought for you. Support the people that are ahead of you in line but have been waiting longer. In others words, use a little gas and get the car moving. :) :angry:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi everyone,


I am unpinning this topic, but I believe we should find a new topic to pin that pertains to the delayed visas and things we can do to help get the ball rolling.


Right now I am drafting a letter on behalf of one of my friends who has been on hold for far too long.





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Hi everyone,


I am unpinning this topic, but I believe we should find a new topic to pin that pertains to the delayed visas and things we can do to help get the ball rolling. 


Right now I am drafting a letter on behalf of one of my friends who has been on hold for far too long. 





The recent letter writing campaign to news organizations, politicians, and Government appointees has been working very well. I can see that there has been a great rush of movement from DOS. Congratulations to all that have gone through the door and for those still waiting, get back to letter and e-mail writing. B) :lol:

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