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The Endless Wait, The Cube

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I would like to say that I have taken a step back and reassessed the purpose of the Candle site and my involvement.


You all know the original reason that I created the Candle site. It was because of the visa delays that emerged from the security background check and that at the time I had a fiancee from China.


I have come to realize that in many ways, I have begun to lose sight of the purpose of Candle.


From the start, I knew Candle would inevitably evolve as the majority of the background checks were cleared. However, I also suspected that some cases would "slip through the cracks" and enter a perpetual state of waiting.


When I started the site, I figured I would keep it up and running, not only to evolve, but also to continue helping those who "slipped through the cracks".


And then the incident with my now ex-fiancee occurred. I do not wish to rehash the past, but as I am sure you can all imagine, this took a lot of my focus, thoughts, and energy to heal myself mentally and emotionally.


At this point, I am still following people's stories, and I feel very strongly that there are some cases that have been on hold so long it is ridiculous.


Moving forward, I feel strongly that all of us should lend our assistance to the handful of cases who slipped through the cracks. I know that many of you have your significant others' and families here today. But step back and think to yourself "what if it was me on the other side? what if someone pulled *MY* loved one's case off the pile in the random sweep?"


Here's what I propose. I propose that we take one on-hold person's case at a time. That on-hold person would need to provide their story and case specifics. All of us, individually, write a letter about our concerns on *this specific case* and send it to a government official. Once you have done so, please post the general information about the letter you sent and the recipient. I believe we would need that sense of accountability to make sure that this is actually being done.


As I have said, I am committed to making sure that *everyone* is able to be reunited with their loved ones. Even though I went through a very bad experience, I still would like to be able to help others. Perhaps it gives me a sense of purpose. For all those of you out there who have made it through and have had a happier story than myself, I hope you would like to help as well.


Recently, I saw this movie called The Cube.




It is a distrubing movie, very gory and violent. It is about several people who are trapped inside this Cube, that has numerous 14' by 14' walls. The overall size of the cube is goodness knows how big. Normally I do not recommend violent/disturbing movies, as I am one of the people with the weakest stomaches I know. However, for anyone who is caught in the visa delays, or who has a *HOLD* status on their case, I highly recommend watching the movie. If nothing else, at least fast forward to the part about the construction of the cube.


Substitute "cube" for "security background check", or any large, bureaucratic process that actually impacts people's lives. I feel it is important to understand just what you are up against. This movie has incredible insight on the nature of large faceless processes with no accountability.


Here is a quote from The Cube: "There is no conspiracy. Nobody is in charge. It's a headless blunder operating under the illusion of a master plan. Big brother is not watching you."




PS if anyone would like to talk with me personally, you can reach me,



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Some very excellent points and well thought out. Yes, the faceless society does indeed imprison people that they feel needs to be reeducated to their thinking. I saw some of this last night on FOX TV. The voices can indeed be quieted, with authority, and not given a chance to speak or raise sense. Placed in a cube. :P :o If folks stopped thinking about only themselves and helped each other, like you suggest, then we would be an overwelming force like we used to be. Each person here can contact their own Representatives, for help, but not those of another State or district. They will tell you that they will help only their constituents. However, if we asked them to help 'x', then they are helping you with 'x'.

:angel: :angel:

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Just got off the phone with Sen. Stabenow's office, D, MI. They are being deluged with combating legistration that is trying, even more, to put a damper on immigration, AOS, and deportable greencard holders. They, like us, have no idea where NVC sends out for lunch, much less where they send requests for security checks.... I hope someone in another cube hears my cries!!!! :P :angel: :o

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PJ, great ideas.


Let's get a list of on hold people, so we can have a combat plan.


For me:


Ju Zhang


P3 reach GUZ: sept 1st, 2002

Interview passed: dec 30th, 2002


On hold by FBI.


All on hold people, please reply to this thread.

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Hi PJ,

I had a similar idea a couple days ago - see "Petition of the week" idea. I think we need to do two things to get it going.

1. Identify 6 or twelve of the longest waiting greatest suffering folks who are still waiting.

2. generate a second list of those that are willing to take the time to help. You can put my name on that list.

Once these things are done, then we can get going!

Maybe somebody already has a list of those that re still waiting....


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I hate being on this list but here I am. We do indeed need to do something, anything. Perhaps climb a government building, stop eating, chain ourselves to the INS steps or pass around more email. When I call the DOS they say namecheck started in August, interviewed in Oct. It's almost a whole year! What do my fiancee and I need to be punished for? J-walking? The cube does indeed numb one to the hiprocracy.


sent a letter today, here is a quote;

I have written dozens of emails and sent faxes alerting you to this situation.  All those opportunities to act have been missed.  The lack of response appears callous and indifferent, motivating me to escalate my cause to a higher level.  I wish nothing more than to have a relationship with my fiancée instead of with you.  An immediate resolution to this matter would be the best solution.
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Hi, rfsun,


Sorry to hear your story. Your case has almost the same timeline as mine :(

Name check started in end of August, interviewed in November 2002.


"What do my fiancee and I need to be punished for?"

Probably nothing. Nobody deserves this at all. Hopefully once we go through this major hurdle, everything will go really smoothly!



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You know what I think what the "name check" really is? They have a list of everyone that contributed anything to the Bush 2000 election campaign. If you are on that list your name is cleared. If not, you get dropped into a black hole. ...Think about it! If they let more people in who will eventually vote against him then he's less likely to get re-elected. And, hey, if we'd had just a couple dozen more votes we'd have Gore in office. Right?


(Please, no flames. This is just intended as humor.) :(

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Thank you for your thoughts! And perceiving "The Cube" the way you did! :)


"There is no conspiracy. Nobody is in charge. It's a headless blunder operating under the illusion of a master plan. Big brother is not watching you."


How come I feel to have seen the movie :( . ?


I am ready to help and contribute Daniel

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Let's get a list of on hold people, so we can have a combat plan.

All on hold people, please reply to this thread.


here is the list i can get so far. My husband and I was trying so hard to collect as much info as we could on our on hold people. But we got disappointed. We always hoped all of our on hold people could stay together and make our voice louder.


on hold list


SBS/ Orbitalpunk CR1 N.C. since Aug. on hold Since Oct. interview Nov.18 (CA)

rfsun K1 interview N.C.since Aug. Interview in Oct.


rmistie (CA)

Joy&Gongfuman / Gongfuman CR1 interview Nov.


doqqie /Russ & Yan interview Sep.2


Jason (CA)

filatelist (CA)

christy interview Nov. 14 (Florida)


brian & ying interview Nov.

juz interview Dec.30

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Do, also, what we did in the past. Bring as many reporters to this site as humanly possible. There are many publications that are interested in Chinese immigration. I will name a few...Sacramento Bee, Los Angelas Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Chicago Tribune, Boston Globe, Washington Post. Contact a publication a day and voice your concerns to them. With enough requests for a story...they will print a story. Let us not forget AP and UP. Don't forget to ask Mark Fiore to do a political satire for the Washington Post and the LA Times that would be favorable to our cause. You can get all of the addresses for these and others on the net. They all have E-mail addresses. Mention the on hold by FBI ( I think it is just lost to a contractor and this is a canned response). It will take all of 2 minutes to contact these papers and tell your story and then hit send! :P :D :huh:

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