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The Chinese custom of removing shoes at the door..

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This is discussing the Chinese culture (behavior) of removing the shoes at the door of the home...........

In preperation of soon having my Chinese wife here to live with me - I wish I understood this culture? Can other members please explain the reason why Chinese people do this? And how important is it to continue this culture in the USA?

My problem is that my ex-wife had "OCD" and was a very mentally disturbed woman. She practiced this behavior for the purpose of keeping "germs" out of her house. I learned to hate this practice because I knew it was the by-product of her sick mind. I expect that I could have a difficult time continuing this behavior for the sake of my new wife. I want to please her and make her feel welcome but this behavior will always bring very bad memories to me!!!

Please make comments - I need to better understand so that I can learn how to deal with this issue.



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Guest ShaQuaNew

My SO explains it very simply. The streets of China are very dirty and all that stuff gets on your shoes when you walk. It's disrespectful to track all the crap that gets on your shoes throughout someone's home.....



....it is a good sanitary habit to have. I believe that my SO will bend on this, but I really have no problem removing my shoes when I enter my home, or someone elses. The best part though is you don't have to share your home with your ex wife...



Edited by ShaQuaNew (see edit history)
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The Chinese if nothing else are very pragmatic people. The reason of course is it is cleaner. The carpet will last longer and the house will be easier to keep clean. Forget the ex and dump the shoes at the door.

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When living in China I also got into this habit because the streets of China are filthy and covered with snot, spit and other by products of bodily functions. My husband will occasionally wear shoes in the house here because it's much cleaner. I got used to taking them off though, I think it's more comfortable and still continue the habit.

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My laopo has another variation in the apartment in China ... lose street shoes at the door and wear house shoes around the common areas of the apartment ... but barefoot in the master bedroom and bath.


Her position is simple when we discuss living in the US, "When in China we do it the Chinese way, when in American we do it the American way."



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My problem is that my ex-wife had "OCD" and was a very mentally disturbed woman. She practiced this behavior for the purpose of keeping "germs" out of her house. I learned to hate this practice because I knew it was the by-product of her sick mind.

:baby: :P


Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day.


Think of what you step in during the day. Then think of tracking it across the carpet inside your house.


Just because a person with OCD washes their hands before eating does not make good hygiene a by-product of a sick mind.

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no idea if it is cultural - most households from some part of africa/ middle east up to Asia have this custom.

I personally feel more comfortable at home without wearing my shoes - just relaxed and in terms of hygiene imagine this : a builder coming to visit your house with huge " not so clean " shoes walking around your house .

No no no , since I ask to people to remove their shoes when getting in my flat I am able just to lie on the floor without any worries in the world .

To put it simply : hygiene ( seperate the inside=warm and clean and the outside = whatever happens out there ) and I am not obsessed by it ( I can leave dishes not washed over night ) .

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If this will make your wife and my SO happy; why not? What a simple thing to make her happy. What a wonderful (logical) custom to assume. Forget the ex-wife ----wipe her out and enter the new era of happiness.


My SO also expects a shower before retiring and again upon waking up....even in the cold of winter! The one reprieve of water outages in NanNing in the Winter!!! If that makes her happy then pass the shampoo! I think that she made the compromise of showering together---and enjoying it!


smile and enjoy!



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