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Everything posted by skibum

  1. We were talking about the exchange rate last night. We still have not resolved the problem as to which country wins. The US wants the rmb to get stronger so that our balance of payments is better. We both agree on this. But, when we pay our debt to China, does either country win or lose? Me: We will pay back the $ we borrowed with $ so there is no change. She: But China has to buy things like oil with $ so China gets hurt because each$ costs more RMB. Me: But China pays for oil with $ so we repay the loan, the money goes to the Russians for oil so no problem. She: Yes, but the companies have to buy the oil from the govt with RMB. Me: No problem, just raise the prices to the consumer. She: You still don't get it!!! You need a course in economics. I am sure this issue will keep us going for a while but I do know that our next trip to China will cost more.
  2. This deal about staying inside for a month after birth must be pretty new. There is a woman in "The Good Earth" by Pearl Buck that is working in the fields, goes inside and has a baby by herself and then goes back to the fields. In China, I don't drink the tap water either!
  3. The only thing to do is to start our own old wifes takes. 1. Don't wear bras in the house if the husband is home 2. Don't wear anything in the bed...............
  4. This is part lf the culture that we all love in Asia. In Japan I had a hard time renting an apt for an extended time as "westerners always ruin the apt." In Guilin, I could not take Chinese citizens boat but had to ride with the Taiwanese at a higher cost. Just grin and bear it. It was not so long ago that business owners could bar people from their businesses here. We should not expect that the whole world advances socially as we do. They don't economicly so why socially? It may be distasteful to you but I think I make a pretty good minority.
  5. Where have you been lad??? I am not sure I get what you are asking. Teaching Chinese, English, teaching English speakers Chinese, Teaching British to speak English?
  6. I would not fly a dog in the cargo hold and I cannot think of taking care of one for that long flight. The dog may be happier in China.
  7. My wife worked for a govt company there and has been trying to get some money refunded. Her parents went to the compny and tried to get it but they said they needed a copy of her permate green card. Later they took a copy of that, and they said she needed to be a USC. If you are going to get a Chinese pension, you probably cannot become a USC. You may have to go to a consulate here and get a paper saying you are still alive and not a USC. Hardly seems worth the trouble.
  8. There are several vaccination that you got. You need to know what they are to know if you need bosters. I believe the Hep shots are given in a series. Take the list that you have to the Doctor just to be sure.
  9. When figuring the budget, you may want to ask her if she will owe a match-maker. It seems that some girls get obligated for as much as $6000.
  10. My wife came in through LAX and the official there wrote "Authorized to work " on the I94. She was K1. She never used it to work though.
  11. Putting your name on the house has nothing to do with the SS card. It was a simple matter for me. I went to the business supply store and got a Quit Claim Deed and filled it out, took it to the county court house and had it registered. Probably less than $10. It may depend on the state in which you live. I am glad I did it soon after she got here as it served as proof as to how long she had been here when she tried to get in state tution for college.
  12. I am amazed at how much the VO can do in a 30 second interview! If the Chinese govt would take back the Chinese illegals that we have detained, things might get easier. Meanwhile the so called Americans who hire and shelter illegals are probably the biggest cause of the visa problems that we have. Think how much better our country would be if no one hired illegals or used drugs........but Americans don't seem to care much about anything any more.
  13. Begining Jan 8, 2007, US citizens will need passports to visit Canada and Mexico. I do not think that visas will be necessary for USCs. As far as LPR, I don't know what they will require.
  14. You can change your name when you apply for citizenship - there is a place on the form to do that. You can use any name as long as you are not trying to defraud anyone so what is on the certificate does not mean much.
  15. If she is going to become a USC, she can wait until then to make a decision as there is a place on the N-400 form that asks if the applicant want to change their name. So, no rush.
  16. I would like to thank Chilton747 for taking time to PM me when he deleted my earlier post on the recommendation of a Mod. This courtesy should be followed when ever a post is deleted by someone other than the poster.
  17. Fortunately they listed Shanghai and I took the survey for my in-laws. This does not look like a govt organization but seems to be a lobby group.
  18. Just noticed that this forum includes immigration so I guess we can just use this for citizenship issues. Maybe we will be getting some old members back when they reach this milestone.
  19. Tine suggested in my other thread that maybe it is time to start a citizenship section. I agree. I mailed the N400 for Sweetie last week. One caution for everyone who files - don't go by just the directions that are printed out with the form. You need to read the Guide that is there also. Yes, the guide gives different info in the case of pictures but I figured out that they really want full face now. Also, you have to send in copies of your divorce(s) again if you have been divorced. Don't you think that after all the millions we have spent after 9/11 on computer systems, the DHS could access the DOS records?? As well as birth certificate, proof of relationship etc. It will seem like old times........ Tine, I did not look into the kids citizenship as we don't have one. Good luck. It seems like there will be less hassle with the interview than with the others as the Dept has a quota to meet! That is why citizenship was approved for someone on the terrorist watch list. Makes me feel so secure.
  20. It is obvious that the VO'S ex-wife ran off with a muscian! But, they are little gods and can do whatever they want without fear of losing their job. This problem is evident throughout our sick govt. If you read my post in "Visa for family" you can see that my in-laws were turned down because the VO thought we had a sham marrage. He never met us and ignored the fact that she had already gotten the K-1 and 2 green cards. These are sick people who work in consulates.........
  21. Robert, I think that a bond will not work. I think it is a logical idea but we are dealing with the US govt here! If you find out I am wrong, let us all know as I think most of us would try it.
  22. No brainer - get a lot more money AND the chance to leave Ca!!!
  23. I have not seen the movie but my wife can remember going to church at Xmas to see the celebrations. That was in the mid '80's. Bush did write the PRC govt but they were already in a slow process of allowing more religious freedom, IMO, I think that the Tianamnem Sq demostrations were the worst thing the students could have done. They starded as a memorial to Hu Yaubang and got out of control. He was a promoter of democracy who had been discredited by the CCP. At the time, Zhao Ziyang was primier and was very pro-democracy. He lost his job because of poor handling of the protests. This was helped along by Li Peng who took over his job. I suggest that everyone interested in this event read the "Tiananmen Papers". a remarkable book that gives an inside look at the Chinese govt and shows that it may be as poorly organized as ours.
  24. A history channel will be showing the story of Tiananmin Sq in 1989. It is on this Thur. Your SO's may like to see the "rest of the story"
  25. The museum in Nanjing is situated on one of the burial grounds and you can see the bones of the victims partly buried. It is not a great place to visit but is good to remind us of what some men can do. The city gate that is in a famous picture of the Japanese soldiers on it is still standing also. I have read that the Japanese were treated badly when they were kicked out of Nanjing at the time of the Boxer rebelion. Another factor was the fact that Jiang cut and ran taking his army with him and leaving the city unprotected. It was the capital at that time.
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