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Everything posted by eeyore

  1. Interesting ! I always thought of this difference in the men as true. So, I think that maybe Chinese casual is equivalent to the American business casual. Clearly the men prefer dress pants (although they might look about 50 years of wear), dress shoes, leather coats.... And the color of choice is BLACK ! In America, if you dressed in all black, your considered "Gothic" and possibly troubled in some way. I loved being in China since for once I could wear black everything and fit right in! (I'm nothing close to Gothic, I just tend to wear black items more than the average). I too like the way the Shanghainese dress, very stylish. In the summer girls use umbrellas on sunny days, its poetic.
  2. This is always such an interesting topic. Most Americans (men and women) I know tend to be more materialistic. Some American women would ask 'what kind of car does he drive?' A Chinese girl would want to know 'how will he treat my family?' Of course I'm generalizing and everyone is different but that is generally what I've seen. Some of the differences between my Chinese wife and American girls I've dated in the past is; My wife is a lot more loving and caring. She is thinking, planning and talking about our future together. The American girls have not been too worried about our future. They have acted like they don't really care if I'm around tomorrow, someone better could and have (in their opinion) come along. My wife is very loyal and other in the past have not been so. My remarks and comments are out of my own experience. I can not and will not speak for or against anyone I don't know. I'm only referring to my own observations and experiences.
  3. Last I heard, he was in charge of training VOs.. but I could be wrong... He is still there but he is in charge of training for the dept of redundancy dept in charge of training for the dept of redundancy dept
  4. Last I heard, he was in charge of training VOs.. but I could be wrong... He is still there but he is in charge of training for the dept of redundancy dept in charge of training for the dept of redundancy dept
  5. Looks like spelling is a little "haed" too. try the spill cheeker
  6. Don't ask, don't tell. If ya don't get the green card when they said it should arrive then I would call.
  7. My wife tells me that divorce causes shame for the whole family. She says that if she were to get divorced her parents would feel very ashamed.
  8. I'm sorry for adding to your pain. In a very large sense we are all in this together. I get upset, angry, elated, depressed, euphoric and catatonic on CFL every day myself... But I still do believe that if we keep hanging in there long enough we will eventually win. We will bring our SOs here and even if they are all spies I really don't give a damn... So close, you can see the finish line. It will be all over and just starting too. Congratulations ahead of time.
  9. GZ sounds a little scary esp when we have to go there with all the important documents.
  10. A girl was stolen??????????? Did they ever find her???????? Even the spill chucker could not help
  11. I think there are places in GZ that can put together a vhs tape for you (for a fee of course). I hope they do not pull that one w/me since I can not speak Mandarine (but my wife speaks English real well).
  12. Not the worst obstacle to overcome. Hopefully, this is the last curve ball they throw at you. You will have the visa soon!!!!!!!
  13. joray www.state.gov You can go to the INS website and find the forms/instructions you need. Most everything you need to know is explained there. In my case the p3 is the DS 230 that I should be getting from NVC. I can download the DS 230 but NVC will not accept it until p3 is received by petitioner.
  14. You are proclaiming you have constipation??????????? Ya, we all needed to know that..................keep it up and you will have 1000 post in no time.
  15. Funny stuff, where they dressed in old style Mao military uniforms or where they lots of airport security with dogs chasing you? As far as the rest of your post, we are all in this together.
  16. The only thing if I go to China it will have to be more or less for good because once I quit my job it will be highly unlikely that I can sponsor her. We are both considering moving to Thailand. If she does not have an interview date thats what we will do. I can't see making her wait for more than a year.
  17. Bahan, The more that I look at your time line, the more discouraged I get. The only thing that is close is the start date. Did you file with the Vermont service center? I can't look any more.
  18. Ya but you had your p3 4 months ago I'm still waiting. You will have your p4 soon our starting time is only 15 days different and your 4 months ahead of me. Well my k3 is the namecheck process but I'm still light years behind and NOT happy about it but there is not much I can do. If things are heading the way I think they are it just might time to consider putting the house on the market and move to China.
  19. Yes green tea is good, but China has many good teas such as Jasmine, Osmanthus, Puu Er, Chrysanthemum and on and on. I once found one called Five Flowers but haven't found it again, that was great! Rose bud tea is also good. There are so many. I really enjoy the tea shops and selecting the right tea (must watch not to get too high grade with high price). The tea trays that the tea is made on also come in so many styles. We are looking for what one we would like for our home. I like the ones of stone carved into a coiled dragon. But perhaps a polished wood one too for a change of mood. I have done Japanese Tea Ceremony but it is so stylized and rigid. In China the tea culture was relaxing and social. I have Chrysanthemums to add to green tea, I like to watch it bloom. I also like Chinese black teas too.
  20. Especially the consumation. What you never heard of cyber sex. Sure, on line photos of your so and a bag of cheetos.
  21. I hear ya, I'm still waiting for the p3. I can't believe that its taking so long. I called the NVC and asked them to mail out a 2nd p3 in case the first one was lost (which looks to be the case).
  22. If you want to try on line try www.orbitz.com or www.bt-store.com So far those are the best I can fine.
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