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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. Wahoooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  2. And now, as I watch from my cave, only myself and a very tall man making videos, I see why Sir Carl is my minister of propaganda. Good work Sir Carl. Soon all your efforts will be rewarded. Soon the powerless usurper of justice and all his newly named insurgent vermin will no longer be a threat to the dynasty. And then you shall reap the rewards of your efforts. And then the sweet charms of the once infamous china girl shall be yours-to do with as you deem prudent. Now on to more important issues. The Vice -Emperor--that is to say the Emperor in charge of all vice---has been declared missing!! I suspect foul place by the lying vermin, Sir Mark. This is a call to arms. I fully except all my loyal subjects to rise to arms to defeat these never ending attempts to demean your emporer. Friends-both of you-Relatives-this means you, my new niece and her parents. Rise up and defeat the infidel and all that would align themselves to him and his wicked neo-conservative trickle down hang-em high ways. To arms-and as many feet and hands. "E"
  3. Gheeeeezzzz!! I withdraw the question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now what was it this canteberry guy was trying to say??
  4. Actually, as a former English teacher myself, I would point out that the gramatically correct English construction would be, "I don't see." A former English teacher???? Was there a former English I haven't been made aware of?? How does it differ from the present English?? What happened to it?? Was it to difficult to learn?? Inquiring minds want to know!
  5. Ahhhhhh!! All goes according to plan. The loyalists are coming in droves to show allegiance to the empire. Sir Kim, squeal not for the evil and dethroned sir RMark. He would only serve to destroy the empire. Your first mission to the empire is to put together a cabinet of loyalists. This is a most important mission as we will seek to destroy the neighbors of those who have sought to destroy our villages. This strategy was learned by watching another great king of the modern era. Let it be known to all man----those who seek to do damage to the emperor and his subjects will have their neighbors destroyed by royal order of his majesty -Emperor Trigg. Sir Carl. It is now that the minister of Propaganda is needed most. Say to the masses the reason we destroy those who live nearest to our true enemy. Say this loud and often so that the less than educated masses will hear and believe you, therefore blindly believing in our cause.. To all loyal to the thrown---let yourself be heard. Cabinet level positions are now being filled by Sir Kim. Apply early and often. "E"
  6. Not to worry JP. the time to worry will be after february 28th--then your world will be changed forever and ever---good luck my young friend. Trigg
  7. To all who would listen!! Be afraid!!!! Be very afraid!!!! The Emperor wears new clothes!!!! or the Emperor Strikes back!!!!! "E"
  8. BuBbbu But h ho honey, some one has been impersonating me on the computer-honest they have. Long live the emperor
  9. Long process?? Adding two years??? I think not. Anyone who has applied for a teaching position has undergone an FBI criminal records check. Total time about one hour. Much like computers have made it easier for us to find our loved ones, they have made these types of check a piece of cake. Buyer Beware?? You can't mean that. How can one openly support the Patriot Act and say something as insensitive as this?? Do you really believe that this Chinese woman knew of anyway to check out her new mate ?? Would a simple disclaimer in the paperwork from our Gov explaining the negative possibilities and how to 'look for yourself' using computer technology be to intrusive??? Only if you have something to hide. Now, as I have stated before, time for talk is done--time to do is here. Trigg
  10. WHOA the wagons. Yes, those positions are potential playgrounds for perverts but I gotta believe that the vast majority of people who say they love kids really do. I coached baseball and football for many years and have never met anyone who fit the description of pervert. Extreme caution should be used when profiling a pedophile, as extreme caution should be used with trusting our children's well being to others. A little healthy paranoia is a good thing but screaming about the sky falling is a bit much.
  11. I have successfuly completed the K1 process and did so without a letter from my bank. I provided proof of income and that is all. Same is true for the I-864 for AOS, no bank letter was provided.
  12. Ditto, count me in. Tell me when and where to send $$$. Carl, i agree with you 100%. Time for talk is done. Time for doing is now!
  13. Good, then you understand my position. I am king of my castle as long as she allows me to be.
  14. Send him on down to TN. We have a name for people like him-Bait.
  15. Peerhaps they are the same person??? Maybe if she reads this? Oh Don, there you go again. You don't think for a minute that I allow her to use the computer do you?? Even if she could read, I still wouldn't authorize such a thing. Besides, I ain't scared of her (as long as I keep the computer in the closet and only use it when she is sleeping).
  16. RMark, publishing pictures of my futer ex-wife is expressly prohibited. She is kinda cute though, in a geriatric way.
  17. Fang Ling just had a four Kilo package of Chinese herbs/medicine shipped from China. no problem getting here but to me it looked like lawn and street sweepings--taste like it too. OH, by the way, all opiats and there derivitives are banned in China.-Go figure
  18. Many of usd have had the 5 question interview. Almost a let down after all the preperation. Congrats to you--soon life will never be the same again.
  19. Oh yes Frank, you forgot to mention that the stupid American husband should NEVER, I repeat NEVER, tell wifey that it sounds like a good deal or show any interest if the shopkeeper is listening. If you wanna get cussed in no less than two Chinese dialects, just do the above. Yet another lesson in cultural diversity learned the hard way by Trigg.
  20. Sorry to hear this. I'm not sure how to get divorced in China but I am sure it is a real marriage in the US. Good luck
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