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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. I gotta vote for Zhanjiang. Big enough to ahve everything but the air is breathable. The old part of the city,chicon district, has real character and the most beutiful parks in the world and the seafood in Zhanjiang is GREAT!!!!!!! And I love to ride in the three wheeled taxis.
  2. GZ could use some breathable air. I don't mind tasting air but when a chunk falls and gives you a bump on the head-it is time to clean up a bit.
  3. Did you send two seperate checks?? Possibley you sent one check. In that case you did overpay. Supposed to send one for I-485 and one for biometric crapola.
  4. Ok, JP if you re satisfied that your fragmented culture is as deep and enduring as a culture thousands of years old then stick with it. personally I am adding onto mine with a time honored proven traditional culture. You talk of European culture as if it were ours when 40% of Americans do not have a European background, Ethnocentric behavior at it's worst stop us from learning from and celebrating what others have to offer-much like bind patriotism it can do more harm than good. I'm out of this one. Trigg
  5. Distinctive culture?? Perhaps. But few of us are more than a few generations removed form another country and almost none of us are more then ten or so generations away from somewhere else. Hardly time to develop a culture with history enough to "marginalize" No one, not even the worst of Chinese bashers, can consider what we have as an ingrained culture as compared to that of the Chinese. At very best we are a collection of "new traditions". Americans are a very nomadic group who rarely stay still long enough to throw out that weeks garbage and certainly not long enough to have a lasting and rich culture. Nope, for me I'm taking the best of the US and marrying it with the best of an enduring, time proven culture. Then again, haven't we all?? Ethnocentric ideology aside. We are cultural Neanderthals when compared to our Asian counterparts.
  6. Tater Tots and cheese dogs. Thats about it. When you really think about it, compared to China, America has little culture. We are an infant country full of blends of so many other cultures that our has yet to fully materialize. It is very difficult for most of our SO's to participate in what little culture we have as the American way relies on many of the things that our So's do not have e.g. voting and driving. One of the things I truly love about being married to a Chinese woman who is seeped in and anciant and rich culture is having her share it with me. Much like roots by way of marriage. Sooooo, lay back, stop worrying and enjoy the ride. Your darlin' isn't trying to take what you have. Rather, she will enhance it and add to it.
  7. I've used all three. Fed ex is good but UPS goes to more places. I don't worry about the money as my son is the shipping clerk for his company and I get a HUGE discount. simple letter are ok through USPS-only 95cents I think-but very very slow.
  8. When I went over there, I thought I was so clever to take her something as American as a stuffed Snoopy. Imagine my suprise not only to see Snoopy on pillows in her sister's car, but to see stores dedicated to the guy. It's hard enought to accept $15 worth of stuff could cost so much to send, but be delayed for x-rays. I kept trying to find things that didn't originate there but finally gave up. I just can't wait for next year when I can spend the money on her and not UPS. I'm guessin' that if you read the label on the snoopy it will say MADE IN CHINA. Well, no problem as you will soon have a wife with the same label.
  9. Several is good. Pick out the ones that you think show a valid relationship. Pull the header page and a few lines from as many as you can. I think they will get the hint. It is rare that they look at emails but I sometimes think they weight them. My SO took only about 30 emails with her to the interview. That is probably not enough but they never looked at them anyway.
  10. Me thinks you need to burn that book. That's un-American. Holiday consolidation is a way of life in the trigg Household-er, um, at least it used to be.
  11. Way ahead of you. After an adequet time for the honeymoon-three days after she arrived. I hit the lake and came home with several croppie and bass and a few catfish. I put the cooler full on the patio and headed to the store for smokes. When I got home 15 minutes later she had almost finished cleaning them. She looked at me and said "Husband!!! These very good. You can get more??" Since then she has cleaned hundreds of fish-Actually when bluegill season came around she caught and cleaned hundreds. Ask Frank-he is still eating the little devils. Now guys, you just gotta love a woman who cleans the fish ya catch--and then begs for more. Even if she does mop the boat.
  12. You needn't be in a big hurry for the I-134. It'll be a while. Notorized-yup. Send it to her. She will take it to the interview with her. You don't stand a chance to get an interview before April 15th so be sure to use your 2004 taxes. Happy hunting
  13. How can she hold it against me when there are so many darlin' days? Feb 14th=American Valentines day. Feb 23rd=Chinese Valentines day. Aug 22cnd =woman's day. July 7th = lovers day and now my lovely understanding forgiving wife tells me that March 8th is some kind of sweetheart day and the 20th is her one year coming to America anniversary and the 24th is the wedding anniversary and I'm sure she has a birthday sometime and and and and and and and............. When do they find time to make babies if they spend all, their time making money for gifts??? No wonder Al Capone got a little upset on Valentines day back in the 20's. Gheeeez guys, we don't stand a Chinaman's chance in hell-do we??
  14. It is settled then. Even Don thinks it's a good idea----and he is neber wrong-A bass boat it is. But I already have two-no problem ya can't have too many.
  15. Tt takes more knocks than I care to remember but I ain't stupid. Grenades are out of the question. The steel plate in my head will fend off the cast iron skillet but it is no match for my wife with an explosive device. If the fishin' pole is thinking to small would a new shiny bassboat be better?? Me thinks so.
  16. hmmmmm, it's gettin to be fishin' season. Wonder if she would like a shiny new fishin'pole?
  17. She was in the jewelry biz in china so I can't fool her with the cheap stuff. Oh, hell i'll just give her a card and take my whippin'
  18. Just so I don't screw up and get in trouble-again, which Valentines day counts, today or the Chinese version???? When is the Chinese one??? What will she excpect?? What is the minimum I can get away with and still survive?? Too damned many holidays and decisions
  19. Depends on wherre. I use UPS and it gets there in 3 days. Fedex doesn't go everywhere.
  20. ypu only need make 125% of the poverty level. I wouldn't send anyhting just yet, you wuill need form I-134 fro support proof. Wait until,she gets the P4 then send everything in a hauling ass hurry. 2004 taxes.
  21. Jim-read again. His stuff left NVC and on to GZ on 1/7/05--gheeeezzz man-don't make him wait longer than he has to.
  22. That is the date they sent it to GZ. Yes, you should get an email from NVC. Soon you will get packet 3 (p3) from GZ-then more paperwork, do this ASAP- and send P3 back--then wait for P$-more paperwork and interviewwait- Likley be around 5-6 months more beefore you can excpect a visa. You have more paperwork and she has an interview-if all goes well she will get the visa the day after the interview. You have come to the right place friend. Ask away and someone will answer.
  23. I never got any pics. I'll bet when her college tuition is due she will remember Unkie Trigg.
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