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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. The last two paragraphs are dead on balls right on. I wonder, we are writing as a group and complaining as a group, would she consider a meeting with a group spokesman who could articulate the groups needs and therefore help her to better understand these needs. There is only so much that can be put in a readable letter but a face to face with a liaison from CFL may not only serve the immediate needs of the group but also assist her in the monumental task she has. How about this as an ongoing 'program evaluation' process so that she can consistantly improve her department? What greater role could CFL play in the Visa process?? Think about it. Trigg
  2. Yes, i'm gettin' gooder 'n gooder at this english stuff.
  3. Former???? How 'bout looking at the current one?????? Trigg: You needa work on you Engrish more better! I was say have now commander in cheef IS former cheerleader. Maybe he try get scholorship for shake pom poms!!! ha ha ha I crack myself up with that one!!! I didn't know he had a set. Uh of pom poms I mean.
  4. Former???? How 'bout looking at the current one??????
  5. Yea carl, we will wave hello to you but you really should let her do some of the driving.
  6. You can't do a K1 if you are already married---but you can do a K3.
  7. well then Rob, write away dude-write on dude-write righteously dude-what I am trying to say is stop working and get to work writing.
  8. Insane???? Insane??? Did someone mention insane????? Trust me, I have been throuhg the GZ process and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insaneinsaneinsane nsaneinsaneinsanensaneinsaneinsanensaneinsaneinsanensaneinsaneinsanensaneinsaneinsane:blink:
  9. Succinct is not necessarily short. I think the length will depend on the number of signatures. If only one person signs a long letter it will likely not be time efficient for her to read it. If a hundred sign it--she WILL read it. To the point but comprehensive with the most pressing issues first. Like the man said-tell them what you have to say-then tell them what you said. Hank, your wordsmithing is seeped in a literature model--perhaps if one of our technical writers does a rewrite of what you have written and then you add the flowers to punch it up. Best of both worlds. Although I'm way past the GZ thing, I'll be happy to add whatever credentials I have to the letter-i.e. signature etc.... Trigg
  10. Well Rob, you have put your foot in your mouth---so now do a succinct buisiness type of rewrite. have fun dude.
  11. I'd kinda like to wait for some more input and a few more revisions before you fire it off. It's good but anything can get better. When your done, I'll spell check it for you.
  12. With or without the pullring pin? Shhhhhhhh! Carl, all these new guys don't know 'bout my fishin' techniques. don't tell 'em or everyone will be practicing catch and no release. Then the price of handgrenades will go up higher than gasoline after a republican innaugaration. Trigg, Every guy knows what a woman wants. A good ole fashon' power saw! Something really loud and that has a lot of HP. Or? Nothing says "I lov" you like a subscription to playboy. ... Yea for her of coarse. You give her a 1yr "gift subscription." Your set. If she didn't like it, you would read it? for her right? No money waisted and everyones happy. See, Win Win. Trust me on this one Trigg. She will be melting in your hand. Bet you would probably even be willing to stay in bed a little longer Sunday mornings to watch the Nascar races with her. Fishn' with hangrenades isn't a bad idea either. Remember safety 1st , "Throw the pin, drop the grenade." Low blow too with the re-pelicans, I'm sure they didn't ask to be pelicans - again. ha ha I likes the way you thinks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. With or without the pullring pin? Shhhhhhhh! Carl, all these new guys don't know 'bout my fishin' techniques. don't tell 'em or everyone will be practicing catch and no release. Then the price of handgrenades will go up higher than gasoline after a republican innaugaration.
  14. Well Sam, I get a lot of response because everyone figures I need the most help. Unfortunaley, this time It didn't work. Someone mentioned the word San Ba. I modified it a bit and got mop slapped when I called the wife San Ba Po. Or just Ba Po. I won't do that again. Yet another linguistic lesson leanrned the hard way by Trigg.
  15. Hmmmm, wonder if my wifey would like a new fishin' pole????
  16. Depends on what day of the month the mortgage payment is due.
  17. Yup, but then again I'm San Ba whipped.
  18. Carl, I think the word your looking for is infamous---but you were close.
  19. OMG--Send help. Carl, does she intend on driving in TN????? If so pulease call me first. I'm underinsured. Soon she can drop you off at the bar and pick you up at closing time.
  20. Nu uhhh, I'm the boss 'round cheer. She doesn't scare me none. I'm the man. I'm in charge. I'm king of my castle, lord of all I survery. Numero uno. Lao bin. I wear tha pants by God!! Huh??? Uh-er wait a minute i'll be right back. uh the house is on fire, yea thats the ticket the house is on fire--gotta go Damnit, i'm comin' dear.
  21. Yea, I'll just act stupid. That'll fool her.
  22. The wife just chimed in and told me that I have to do all the house work and take her shopping today. I'm thinking this is her interpretation of the situation. If she thinks I can successfully do housework she is delusional. Shopping i can do, i simply take her to the mall-give her money and wait outside on the grumpy ole man benches they put there for those of us who are shopaphobic.
  23. Got it. All I have to do is give her half a day off and I have to go to work. Problem is she doesn't hve a job and niether do I. special dinner is no problem--wonder what she will make??? Thanks all, Trigg
  24. This morning I took the stepdaughter to school. She informed me that this is "woman's day" in China. Sooo, what is 'woman's day'?? is a gift required?? Or is this a scam to make me get her a gift???? C'mon guys, I gotta know in order to stay/get out of the doggie house that I seem to find myself wrongfully placed in on so many occasions. Trigg
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