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Everything posted by Trigg

  2. I've posted this before but here goes again. My wife refused to go to ESL--says because there are no other Chinese there. she has learned English from a Chinese TV program that is on for a half an hour every morning. Being a typical Chinese student she writes everything down and re-studies etc. I assist with the words that are not appropriate for TC. Long time ago I used to wish she could speak more English so we could talk. WATCH WHAT YOU WISH FOR--now i can't get her to shut up!!
  3. During my first trip to China wifey was washing my clothes ( in the hotel bathtub) She started singing a chinese toon. dude, the old gal has got a set of pipes. It was nice and then some. Later I sang for her. She has never asked me to sing for her family! wonder why??
  4. Chefy, I'd be very very careful. If it is one of the 'agents' that hang out around the consulate remmember that they will have all your identifying information. I'd pay a few more bucks and have a service in the US do it. I think Frank has mentioned a service that charges way less than an attorney.
  5. He he, See michael, i told you this #%#$R$#s would come through for ya!
  6. Great stuff---esspecially 'window 30' this is news to most of us I'm sure!!
  7. Been there, listened to the music. 8-9( in tre morning is the best time to call. Friday afternoon is the worst--unless you like the lame music!!
  8. DOS has a way of making things up. Call again Monday and it will all change. My guess is you'll be getting your P4 MUCH sooner than that. GUZ is closer to 2-3 months from p3 to p4. If nothing goes wrong look for a May or June interview. Recently they told someone it would be another 5 month wait for P4-it came a week later!!
  9. Uh Larry, she's here now and you are still at the computer?? I'll betcha you can find more important ways to spend the next few days!!! Take lots of pictures--we are all waiting!!
  10. Trigg, What is a tracer? How did you file a request with the USCIS? 195665[/snapback] If UCIS is X days behind promise timeframes and you have gotten no explaination for like 60 days. you simply call them and they will do the tracer thing. then they send you a letter saying don't contact them unless 30 more days ahve apssed without any reply blah blah blah!!
  11. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. She can indeed do this after getting her green card but...her son will go into the lottery blah blah blah. some think it is faster to wait the three years for citisenship then apply for the son as the chid of a US citisen!
  13. Coming to live with you is very different than coming to visit. There are a few ways for her to migrate to America--none of them fast. Perhaps the fastest way is for your wife to wait for citizenship then apply for her mother as a family member. Three years AFTER she recieves the green card she can get citisenship--then 8-12 months later to get mom here. Maybe five years total time. Ohters may know a better way but.......
  14. Thakns all. this should get him pointed in the right direction.
  15. I have a friend in new england--Rhode Island i think. anyway, he jsut got his passport and asked what service to use to get his visa for china--anyone remember??
  16. Wahoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. WAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And the TN chinese population doubles
  18. Yup. UCIS told us it was three years from the date of the green card (date of aproval).
  19. B2 visas are very difficlut to get. Common wisdom says that you will stand a better chance if you do indeed submit an I-134 with your application. However, this is NOT a requirement. Then again the I-134 is NOT a requirement with a K1-K3 visa either--but i'm guessin it would be tough to get one without it.
  21. Naww, we are never bored and if we are we are capable of self amusement. So, welcome to our nightmare-think you're gonna like it!! Getcha a beer, kick back and write on dude! Trigg
  22. You might want to read this--it's a quote on this matter form GUZ http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=15273
  23. If you are using the I-134 as proof of financial responsibility-then it is best that she brings them. The fact that you have sent things in with the I-129f is meaningless. You sent in pics then also, but they will want her to bring some in with her. Chances are they will never look at your tax returns but if they do-you will have them! You'll find that before your done with the process the department of redundancy department will rear it's ugly head several times times times times times..
  24. Mr. foundmyrib, here is the thing, i was looking under USCIS inadmisability factors, and i) who is determined (in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services) to have a communicable disease of public health significance, which shall include infection with the etiologic agent for acquired immune deficiency syndrome, You will need to move to China, now thats not too bad really. Having been there, its quite nice. You should consider if you ever contract HIV from your SO, you will probably not be allowed to reenter. Perhaps you should really think about it eh? ok good luck. 195491[/snapback] Won't be allowed to re-enter?? He's an American citizen I assume. I'm pretty sure he can re-enter the US if he choses to. I could be very wrong but I've never heard of a US citizen needing to have a physical exam to re-enter the US. Unless he is a LPR or something?????? If i'm wrong someone chime in!
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