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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. I used a turbo tax copy. They looked at it at the interview--no problems!
  2. No one has won the big prize--all of the links posted said "I dunno how". Sooo, does anyone know how to replace a lost Chinese passport WITHOUT needing to go to the Chinese embassy/consulate in person?? Be the first one on your block to answer this question and the grand prize and my thanks will be yours. Trigg
  3. Can you say closure?? I knew you could and ain't it Suweeeeeeeeeeeeet??????
  4. fiance visa and her daughter. K3 and K4 I think it is called ? K3 and K4 are for wife and her daughter. Fiance visa is K1 for you darlin and k2 for her daughter.
  5. If you have insurance why not get them in the US?? She will only need three shots. My wife had hers in GUZ but we could have gotten them for around the same price at our local health dept.
  6. I did two trips before the interview--no problems at all. Several have only done one with no problems. Multiple trips are not required but they do indeed look good to the VO. if i only did one trip I may be mildly concerned but not too much-two and no concerns!
  7. Michael, I guess I am in for trouble also, as Trigg and his lovely wife are(so far) the closest couple I have found to me. They live about 2 hours drive away, I would guess. I'm about an hour and a half from Nashville. Do you reccomend a pre-exorcism as a precaution? (Laughing) Steve Hmmmmmmmmm, just two hours away! Me thinks me sees a free meal in my future!!--Medium rare please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe you ought to offer up some of those choice steaks for the occasion. That is, unless ML has already chopped them up. I've got a 1,300 pound steer that is gonna meet his maker next month--Even she can't chop that much meat up for the wok!! Steve, medium rare please!!! What time should we come??? Gotta be soon so I can hand deliver a fresh copy of the Triggtioanary (price to be discussed later) I got the grill if you got the meat.....I live across the street from the hang gliding park just outside Chattanooga....great place to come hide out for the weekend...cabins and rv park onsite.... Steve Do I have to bring my own hang glider too?? Bring it if ya got it....maybe you'd like to try a tandem with an instructor? I don't know the prices, but you can check out hangglide.com for lots of info and pics...be careful, this sport can be addictive and ya might get sucked into the vortex and wind up a sky hippy like me..lol....really, this is a great place. The busy season is from April to October, with cookouts and parties at the clubhouse every Sat. nite....we had over 300 at the Halloween party last weekend...live band, kegs and kegs.....catered food...all for only $10 bucks..,,,,normal cookouts are $5 during the season, often with a keg or two in attendance.... Steve A keg of beer and a hang glider!?!? I LIKE IT!!!
  8. Michael, I guess I am in for trouble also, as Trigg and his lovely wife are(so far) the closest couple I have found to me. They live about 2 hours drive away, I would guess. I'm about an hour and a half from Nashville. Do you reccomend a pre-exorcism as a precaution? (Laughing) Steve Hmmmmmmmmm, just two hours away! Me thinks me sees a free meal in my future!!--Medium rare please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe you ought to offer up some of those choice steaks for the occasion. That is, unless ML has already chopped them up. I've got a 1,300 pound steer that is gonna meet his maker next month--Even she can't chop that much meat up for the wok!! Steve, medium rare please!!! What time should we come??? Gotta be soon so I can hand deliver a fresh copy of the Triggtioanary (price to be discussed later) I got the grill if you got the meat.....I live across the street from the hang gliding park just outside Chattanooga....great place to come hide out for the weekend...cabins and rv park onsite.... Steve Do I have to bring my own hang glider too??
  9. Michael, I guess I am in for trouble also, as Trigg and his lovely wife are(so far) the closest couple I have found to me. They live about 2 hours drive away, I would guess. I'm about an hour and a half from Nashville. Do you reccomend a pre-exorcism as a precaution? (Laughing) Steve Hmmmmmmmmm, just two hours away! Me thinks me sees a free meal in my future!!--Medium rare please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe you ought to offer up some of those choice steaks for the occasion. That is, unless ML has already chopped them up. I've got a 1,300 pound steer that is gonna meet his maker next month--Even she can't chop that much meat up for the wok!! Steve, medium rare please!!! What time should we come??? Gotta be soon so I can hand deliver a fresh copy of the Triggtioanary (price to be discussed later)
  10. Michael, I guess I am in for trouble also, as Trigg and his lovely wife are(so far) the closest couple I have found to me. They live about 2 hours drive away, I would guess. I'm about an hour and a half from Nashville. Do you reccomend a pre-exorcism as a precaution? (Laughing) Steve Hmmmmmmmmm, just two hours away! Me thinks me sees a free meal in my future!!--Medium rare please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Welcome to our nightmare--think your gonna like it!! Trigg
  12. Then your mother raised you differently. I was taught not to sugar coat. Offer the truth and be as objective as possible. Uh huh, then your mother raised YOU differently. I was taught to tell the truth but to show compasion whenever possible!
  13. Paula, you can't have this attitude of always blaming others. Ignorance of the law does not mean the law doesn't apply to you. That's rule #1 for the US. Because you don't know of such rules/policies/laws doesn't mean you won't have it applied to you. There are many people who didn't hire immigration lawyers for this process but they (we) all still researched about all this. Immigration is a HUGE deal. I don't understand why you didn't put more effort into researching about this entire process. Your question about the American embassy could easily be turned into: Why Chinese Notary Office don't warn Chinese people that if you they have a CCP membership (past or present) that it may be difficult to immigrate to the US? Why do you put the onus on the American side? It's your responsibility to know this process if you're trying to immigrate to the US. It's not for the US Government to say "Oh Paula, because you weren't aware of this, then it's ok, we'll just approve you." First you apologise, then you do it again. Albiet truthful, your post IS kicking someone who is down!
  14. Well, I totally understand all of this-which means I don't have a clue-which-means I maybe understand-which means I... MY HEAD HURTS!!!!!!!!
  15. No offense skibum but I hear this same flawed complaint whenever the news reports gas prices have risen by .25 and how much it is "going to impact the vacations for a typical family of 4 this year". Consider this if you travel 1000 miles from your home to Disney World in a car that gets 20 miles per gallon the total increase in the cost of fuel for your trip would be around $25.00. If your vacation for a family of 4 hinges on $25.00 you should not be considering this type of vacation anyway. As far as the rmb is concerned, on my last trip I took approximately $1500 US with me. If I converted all of it at the current rate of 7.88 rmb I would have 11820 rmb, if I converted it at the preferred rate of 8.00 rmb I would have 12000 rmb. I sure hope my next trip to China doesn't hinge on 180 rmb. I sorry if this respose sounds rude, but these minor currency flucuations are only important if you are trading large amounts of currency, as in millions of US dollars. On a personal level, I totally agree. Very little impact considering the modest decline. The RMB will continue to strenghten as China moves into closer compliance with the WTO regulations. The last thing China wants to do is go from a pegged rate to a floating rate overnight. It devastate the Chinese economy with massive unemployment and social unrest. It ain't gonna happen that way. If you look at the current rate, it has fallen nearly 5% from the old 8.27 exchange rate. Everything bought by the consumer countries is 5% more expensive now. For 5%, are they looking at other cheap manufactures? You bet and will look harder as their cost increases. And we are talking 5% of billions of trade dollars annually. The US and China will both need to adapt to this new dynamic. China will need to create employment for displaced workers in the export industry. Inflation will hit the US in the form of a price-push. If a company has to now pay $105 to replace a sold product they bought for $100, you think they are going to take the hit on their bottom line? If they want to stay in business, they will raise the price to preserve their margin. After all, you can't get rich when you take a loss on every sale by increasing the volume. But wait, there's more. My son's boss sells/buys from China. Recently he went to Beijing on business. He came back and told us that some of his business acquaintances in China are now 'outsourcing' some of there work. Imagine that--we outsource to China and they outsource to??? Seems soon the only manufacturing jobs will go to the poorest countries. Anyway, if china is outsources items that are manufactured for US companies who have outsourced to China, how long will it be before the US companies catch on and bypass the middle man (China)??
  16. verbatim from the N-659 Naturalization Interview Document Check List, item 3: ......An original IRS Form I722 listing tax information for the past three years.....or copies of the income tax forms you filed for the past three years. and the "or" was in bold on the N-659. But knowing how our gov't likes to make things difficult for us law abiding citizens, I'll probably do both and then just hope that in the next general election that we will actually have a choice. Ok, I stand corrected. I was going by what one of the expats in the link said--they said it was to verify that the info on the tax returns you supplied is correct.
  17. Nope, you didn't miss out on theprize--you and Mike both are winners and You need only PM Don as he is the one who is holding your cash prizes. I am sure he will be more than happy to deliver them live and in person! Thanks to both of you.
  18. Thanks Randy. That link answered my questions. It looks like the easiest thing for me (since I already have copies of my tax returns) is to just show them my tax returns. The wolfman shall go back into lurk mode now. Take care. I'm not so sure about that--I read it to say that the IRS form is to back up your tax returns. If it is then you need it in addition to them.
  19. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you are filing a k3 visa. if this is the case then you woud ave filed the 129f and the I-130-right?? My understanding is that it is always a race between the two of them--maybe this past notice is for the I-130. just gussin' and I'm sure several who know will jump in soon Yuppers, just looked at the bttom of your letter--says CR1--thats the I-130 one!! Oh, priority date doesn't ean squat--it's for others
  20. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you are filing a k3 visa. if this is the case then you woud ave filed the 129f and the I-130-right?? My understanding is that it is always a race between the two of them--maybe this past notice is for the I-130. just gussin' and I'm sure several who know will jump in soon Yuppers, just looked at the bttom of your letter--says CR1--thats the I-130 one!!
  21. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you are filing a k3 visa. if this is the case then you woud ave filed the 129f and the I-130-right?? My understanding is that it is always a race between the two of them--maybe this past notice is for the I-130. just gussin' and I'm sure several who know will jump in soon
  22. Why of course I believe you don, go to GUZ from the USA without a passport. Your logic is impeccable, --after all, you do work for the gov don't you.
  23. Welll DUH!!! I knew that much BUT-The consualte isn't open at night and my friends wife is Chinese and a friend of my wife's-Soooooooooooo, she wants to know NOW!!!!!!! No prize for you!!!! Oooooh! I'm sorry, I thought this was the same "Trigg" that claims to knows all about managing Chinese women? It is and I am 'managing' her quit well. some would say it is a true miracle that she has let me live this long--now that is management!!
  24. Welll DUH!!! I knew that much BUT-The consualte isn't open at night and my friends wife is Chinese and a friend of my wife's-Soooooooooooo, she wants to know NOW!!!!!!! No prize for you!!!!
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