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Everything posted by amberjack1234

  1. That is what is great about China. They have the same service here. You can pick things up outside of major stores by parking in a special zone for that or you can have someone do your shopping for you and bring it to your house but around here they charge about 20% for that. I can't interest the wife in any of that. I would really love to keep her butt out of those stores. Even with it being the law to wear a mask here only about 50% wear one. Most of these rednecks think it is a hoax perpetrated by the government. Our state is one of the top states for the virus but we have been lucky in our county as we only have 137 active cases right now.
  2. Thanks for paying us a visit. We have missed you and I hope that you and your family are doing well too. I haven't heard of anyone on this site that has gotten the CV-19. Come by more often you are always welcome. Larry
  3. My wife was in a very big business in China and she told me that she was trained to never do business with anyone that they didn't think that they could take advantage of.
  4. My wife too but she always orders some new things for me to put together or some kind of tool for me to work on something with. She just bought new manifold gauges for me to recharge the freon in the truck, a real spare tire and assembly for the Cadaliac and the underneath of the car has the place for the jack covered with very heavy plastic that has to be removed. I can't wait for that one. A new 35 gal gas tank for the lawnmowers has to be assembled and filled, 13,000 W generator that had to be hooked into the Load Center. Another good un. And the list goes on and the heat index here is from 101-115 all this week. I know you guys in Texas are getting it too. I had to rebuild a carburetor on one of the lawnmowers today. The grass is about knee-high because of so much rain. She wants it all done last week too.
  5. That looks absolutely fantastic.
  6. Many moons ago there was a coffee shop in the mall here and they had some coffee to die for. Of course, it was all fresh ground right in front of you. I sure was disappointed when they closed. I guess we rednecks don't appreciate great coffee.
  7. Fantastic shot. Wonder how long they waited for just the right time to take the shot. And that column of rocks. I would love to know the history of how they formed.
  8. 20 years ago having an American passport was the cat's meow but not as much anymore. I wish her luck on the N-400. I told the counselor a little story, after asking her first of course, and my wife never had to say a word. She was passed immediately without even one question. I have to say though I worked for the government for 29 years so I have a lot of insight into how they work.
  9. Holly crap how do such timid Chinese women do these things. Definitely not for me nowadays but beautiful to watch.
  10. Great, I could do that in about 3 days.
  11. Breathtaking but to close to the edge for me.
  12. My wife tried to mess around with this but I would not allow her but that was 20 years ago and now things have gotten a whole lot more strick. Better safe than sorry. Randy can help you with that much more proficiently than I can. Good luck. My wife still has her Chinese Passport but it went dead a looooog time ago. I think that she wanted it for a souvenir more than anything.
  13. Good read Erik. I agreed with everything except for telling Trump's bargaining techniques that might hurt us all in his future dealings, If it had been me I think I might have left that out. Just me.
  14. I wish I could hear this one. Yes, of the two of them he is the more aggressive.
  15. I just went completely deaf about two days ago. I hope some of it comes back. Just don't know. We can still type though. Good luck ole friend. We just ain't getting any younger.
  16. Howdy, my old friend, We miss you around here. But you do come by to see us at least. Not many of us old geezers left here. I wish only the best for you brother. Larry the old windbag.
  17. I think that all of these guys have become a pan of scrambled eggs.
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