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Everything posted by keelec

  1. I thought I would browse the Congressional Record about Immigration Issues. I didn't read it word for word, but what seemed to be coming up over and over again was "The Immigration Problem", generally referring to US/Mexican Relations and illegal aliens. Apparently there are approximately 10 Million (10,000,000) illegal aliens in the USA, mostly from South of the Border. And the INS has a backlog of nearly 5 million applications and petitions. It appears as if nobody in Congress even recognizes that we exist as a separate issue. Either that, or they are unwilling to support us due to a fear of poor publicity. I did notice in the Whitehouse Documents from 2 years ago the following: http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/usbudget/bl...rint/bud14.html . . . . To improve INS' focus on service and to reduce the delays in INS . . . . processing of immigration applications, the Administration proposes a . . . . universal six-month standard for processing all immigration applications. Ah, Here is an interesting article in the Congressional Record about the creation of the BCIS: cr25ap02H BARBARA JORDAN IMMIGRATION REFORM AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT OF 2002 , H.R. 3231 http://frwebgate2.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/w...action=retrieve And, I thought the Congressional Record was the driest of all documents.... It even has some humor mixed in..... Here are some quotes from the above: . . . . Some say INS stands for "ignoring national security" . . . . Others say INS stands for "incompetent and negligent service" . . . . The agency had a backlog of almost 5 million applications and petitions at the end of fiscal year 2001 . . . .Congress has increased appropriations to the INS by $4 billion over the past 10 years with little to show for it as a result.
  2. Welcome ahhming888m, I hope you find the support of others that you find here to be useful. Yes, It took a few weeks for me to discover all of the Jargon on the Candle when I joined. It seemed as if everyone just assumed that everything was self evident. --- K1 --- Fiancée Visa Application (K3 for Spouse) Petition Mailed: Date you mailed your I129F and G325A and other information. NOA1: Date when you received the official confirmation that your packet has arrived. Usually this is within a week (so some people use it as the official start date). Other times there is a delay as long as a month so some people list the date mailed and NOA1 seperately. NOA2: When your application is finished at BCIS / USCIS you will receive a notice in the mail that it has been forwarded to NVC. Some centers like Vermont (VSC) take 1-2 months to process the application. Other centers take longer. I presume Idaho will send applications to Nebraska (NSC) which often takes around 6 months for the initial processing. Texas (TSC) is similar to Nebraska. Forwarded to NVC: Same as NOA2 (above). The day the application left BCIS and was transferred to NVC. Approved by NVC: This is the date that the NVC approves your application. According to BCIS, they should send a confirmation letter, but most people do not receive it. It normally takes between 1 and 4 months for this phase of processing. I believe this is where the FBI namecheck occurs, although I have seen others that have noted that it occurred at other times. The NVC refuses to give you an "official" processing timeline. Arrived at Consulate: The packet is then mailed to China. It usually takes a couple of days to get to China, then it goes through customs….. It can take from 1 day to 2 months to clear customs… (usually short, but don't be surprised if there is a lengthy delay Packet 3: This will be mailed from the Embassy to your Fiancée…… This is the first thing you will have to mail back to the Embassy after the initial application. It consists of form OF-169, and generally includes information that you will have to gather for your interview including police reports for your fiancée, your own tax records, and an affidavit of support. You just have to reply to the Embassy with a confirmation of receiving this packet. It takes anywhere from 2 weeks to 4 or more months for the Embassy to send this information packet out (a recent topic of discussion on the Candle). Packet 4: I believe this has the invitation for an interview…. I am less clear on what else is included in this packet. Interview: Day your fiancée presents the police records and etc to the embassy and takes the interview. Visa received: Usually the same day or the day after the interview. However, occasionally there have been significant delays….. A year ago the Embassy did interviews for a couple of months, but did not issue any visas. It took them many months to finish sending out all of the visas (named the Black Hole group). Arrival: Of course, this is what we are all waiting for. The total time between sending in the I-129F and receiving the visa can be as short as 7 months or so. However, most people seem to be taking about 1 year, or just over a year. ----- Clifford -----
  3. I am trying to decide what to get Irina for Christmas..... I wish I could give her a visa and a plane ticket (actually, she already has the plane ticket), but that isn't my choice. As I have been hoping for the visa to come soon (for the last year), I have been reluctant to send anything BIG that she would want to bring back to the USA. When she leaves Russia, she will give her computer to either her brother or her sister. I am thinking of getting her a DVD+/-RW drive for her computer (assuming she can find one along with the disks in her city). That way she can back up some of her movies and other files. Is it best to send her the money to purchase the drive herself (so she could get it professionally installed if she wants, and would get programs and documentation in Russian), or to send her the drive with all of the "American" software? If I send her the money, I will try to find something else that is small which I will send with a few forms and documents for her eventual interview. Thanks for your advice, Clifford
  4. Great analogy Jerry, Except it feels much like finishing a Marathon, only to find the finish line was moved out another 26 miles. I was beat a couple of miles BEFORE the finish line in the last marathon I ran.... Pure willpower carried me on for those extra couple of miles, at which point my body completely failed me.... What if the line was moved? You would have seen me collapsed in the middle of the road a half mile away.... ------ Clifford ------
  5. Carl, Welcome to Nebraska!!!!!!!! Does Portland mail it's appliccations all of the way to Nebraska? Perhaps that is part of the problem, covering all of the terratory from the Mississippi to the Pacific......??????? The next chinese woman you marry, I would recommend moving to Vermont.... At least buying a house there and using that as your mailing address. Yes, I know your feeling...... I waited for 5.5 months for my application to clear Nebraska, only to be told that I had made a minor semantic error on my application..... Then, once I fixed the error, I was told that it could take an additional 180 days of processing.... Fortunately, it was fixed and forwarded on by 6.5 months. I was about 2 days away from driving across 3 states to knock on their door and ask what was happening when I received the acceptance notice. That was before I joined the "Candle". When I read that my application was accepted at BCIS, I was walking on water!!! Their notice makes it look like everything is DONE & Ready!!!! I bought plane tickets to go to Russia to pick up Irina, and return plane tickets for both of us...... I figured that we would have plenty of time to schedule the interview for when I was visiting........ I had a wonderful trip, but it hurt to leave her there, and return to the USA by myself (and pay the $200 to postpone the airline tickets). Welcome to the crowd....... It feels a bit like college initiation doesn't it..... You have passed the first hurdle, and only now see the full impact of the process...... AND TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH, ALL OF MY PATIENCE WAS USED UP 4 MONTHS AGO...... ALL THAT IS LEFT IS THE PAIN..... (and some wonderful new online friends). I definately don't want to spend another Christmas alone..... The only one I want to spend it with is Irina. ----- Clifford ----- P.S. I may try to look you up the next time I make it "home" to Oregon.
  6. WAY OFF BASE There are two types of connections: Friends / Coworkers / Mutual Respect Yes, these types of connections even exist in American Society..... What is the "you scratch my back, and I will scratch yours" in politics? Special Interest Groups and Campaign Fund Donations? Why does the DA hold more weight than the judge in traffic court? Lawyers? I am sure some of these connections also exist in the immigration process.... And, it would help the occasional person speed up one step, only to have to wait again at the next step. Perhaps someone with enough connections could get an isolated case quickly through the entire system... I am sure there are both Chinese and Americans reviewing the cases, but I assume that any final decision would be done by an American. But, I would assume that these are the minority of cases. As far as CASH????? There is a remote possibility that it would work..... But, make the offer to the wrong person and your case could be slowed down tremendously or completely rejected...... I wouldn't recommend it. ------ CK -----
  7. Nope, I wouldn't recommend the cash option (unless it is in a joke not directed to anybody associated with the Embassy). You could get lucky.... Or you could have your application immediately and irrevocably rejected. Even if it is not completely rejected, you would have a lot of explaining of cultural differences, would have your application thoroughly scrutinized for any additional illegal or immoral activity, and it would likely significantly delay everything..... It isn't worth the risk. ------ Clifford ------
  8. Carl, I have thought about politics off an on. I think I could do well as a politician….. Hopefully influenced by what is right and wrong rather than donors to campaign funds….. I am sure that I could fall asleep on the Pope….. And, I am sure that I could spell "Potatoe" However, I am not sure that I could deal with the loss of privacy. And, I don't have the smoothness of the politicians who can say one thing, do the opposite, and make it all sound like it was what he meant in the first place. I can remember Mr. Packwood's last campaign…. He ragged on his opponent for missing a couple of days in Congress….. The truth is that Mr. Packwood's record was virtually identical. I think he had managed to show up one additional day. And, the idea of fighting for women's rights in one forum and returning to the hotel room to take advantage of one's position and power is repulsive. I don't believe that power necessarily corrupts. =========================================================================== Anyway, I am getting beside the point. Any ideas of a good way to approach the idea of improving the flow of immigration applications? I am convinced that the restructuring would actually pay for itself, and perhaps even save a significant amount of money for the USA. Who and how should one approach the contacts? ------ Clifford ------
  9. Well, I certainly have no problem telling my boss I'm ill... 'cuz I'm my boss. That sounds like a good lead on someone to talk with inside the embassy. Thanks! robhon, Good luck at the Embassy. Perhaps you can convince them to dredge up some of the older applications, or have a meeting as some of the Black-Hole users have suggested. When I went to Moscow, the US side of the Embassy was most unhelpful. All they would do was give me a 1-900 phone number, and an e-mail address. They wouldn't give me any information about the visa, the visa process, or a name of a person that I could talk to. Irina and I should have gone to the Russian side of the embassy, but we were so frustrated that we just left. ----- Clifford -----
  10. Well, er, uh....... Is she still breast feeding? We might need to re-evaluate what keelec is really trying to say here...................... http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung0903/aetsch/cheeky-smiley-022.gif Dave, I think you are reading a little too much of your own fantasies into my note. Haven't you seen Irina's picture? She is very sweet.... (but, of course, half a world away)..... Perhaps Russian women aren't your type, but I still believe that she is the sweetest woman in the world!!!! Sorry robhon..... Not interested ----- Clifford ------
  11. robhon, Could you, perhaps add a little additional information to your list. This would help with the stats..... Perhaps we could also add some names from www.k1k3.com (without confirmations that blank users still being pending). Date of the 129/130 mailing or reciept, the date the packet left NVC, and the date the packet arrived at the embassy, if the info is known. This info would help indicate if the processing is FIFO, LIFO, or just plain luck of the draw. ----- Clifford ----- P3 Confirmations: ---------------------- 1) Frank and Jingwen (P3 sent 11/3) 2) JoeCool (P3 sent 11/3) 3) 215dave (P3 rc'd 11/5) 4) chinese lover (P3 sent 11/5) 5) Bobby (P3 sent 11/6) 6) Bob & Minglian (P3 sent 11/7) 7) JerryL (P3 conf 11/7) 8) kimnjake (P3 sent 11/4) No P3 -------------- Patrick&Li robhon Francine&gg karen&ivan keelec ... 129F 01/06/03, Left NVC 8/29/03, approx 2 wks to Moscow Stats
  12. Interesting...... Try the link: http://www.bcis.gov it redirects you to: http://uscis.gov/ While the case status page looks the same, main page looks very different. ----- Clifford -----
  13. Horses and Pigeons have been obsolete for delivery methods for a century and a half. The USA has been a leader in spreading network of phones and information lines around the world. Yet, we still depend on courier services for time-critical information delivery. We can transfer millions of pages of information instantaneously. Voice and images can make it seem as if someone half a world away is in the next room. All that is lacking is touch. We can communicate with our fiancées or wives within moments, yet it we wait for months for boxes of paperwork to be shipped around the world, arrive at the embassy, and finally get opened. I flew to Russia, had a wonderful vacation, and was back in the USA in less time than it took for the USA to deliver my application from one office to another. I typed in my application. A secretary in Nebraska repeated entering my information into the system. A second secretary in New Hampshire likely repeated the data entry, and a third secretary in Moscow…… There has to be a better way. Name one other country in the world where it takes over a year to get a visa to just enter the country…. Rumors have it that it may even be easier to get into Albania than the USA!!! There just has to be a better way. I think it is time that the bloated system be completely rewritten. ----- Clifford -----
  14. Proposal for "Streamlining" the K1/K3 Fiancée and Spousal Visa Application Process: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INTRODUCTION: ---------------------- Over the last few years, global political changes have forced the revision of policies of issuing visas. More and more requirements have been tacked on in hopes of protecting our boarders. Yet, it is unclear whether we have truly increased the security of or boarders, or just made a folly out of the USA. Other countries have dealt with terrorism for decades, but have traditionally allowed much easier immigration and travel. Some visa applications are hit so hard and overly scrutinized that it can take well over a year to issue a simple visa to enter the country. Other visas can be obtained in a matter of days. If you were to guess, which visa applications would be quickly obtained? The ones that are sponsored by US Citizens, and having a destination address, and multiple contacts, or those with no US Sponsors, and no address or destination? I have heard that visitor's visas (no contact info in the USA) are processed almost immediately while K1/K3 Sponsored visas force the applicants to jump through one hoop after another just for the fiancée/wife/children of American Citizens to enter the country. Yes, the K1/K3 visas are heavily weighted by American men marrying foreign women. The men are wanting to get married to find love and a better life. Likewise, the women are marrying for love and a hope for a better life. In many senses, they are no different than any other couple marrying for love and the realization that they would have a better life together than apart. As the love flourishes, like any other relationship, it is hard to find oneself half a world apart from the fiancée/spouse. Yet, we must patiently wait for endless processing. Birthdays, holidays, family events, summers, and winters are missed as we await the visa processing. Money is wasted as airline tickets are rescheduled. PROPOSAL OVERVIEW: -------------------------------- US Immigration could highly benefit from having an outside contractor come in and review the entire process to help reorganize and improve efficiency of processing. Presumably it would save the US money while improving efficiency. A realistic goal for processing time for K1/K3 visas would be sought. Most processing should be able to be completed in 2-4 months. The streamlining would include: 1) Necessary steps for visa processing would be identified and improved. Redundant steps would be eliminated. 2) Electronic Data Entry. Many of the applicants for Fiancée visas have computers and internet access. By doing electronic data entry, there could be a reduction in the effort for doing data entry, reduction of redundant data entry efforts, and improved data flow and data accuracy. 3) Electronic distribution of records. The flow of data would be smoothed tremendously with electronic distribution of records. It often takes 2 weeks, and sometimes well over of a month to ship records from the USA to the Embassies. 4) All records would be required up-front, rather than requesting additional records halfway through the process. 5) Parallel processing. If there are multiple steps that are required for the Visa application, they could proceed in parallel. Interviews could be scheduled while final name checks are being made. In fact this would have the advantage of making the applicant bring personal documentation (including police records and fingerprints) earlier in the process. 6) Up to date information about the actual visa processing phase would be distributed to applicants via the internet, thus reducing the number of information requests that would be received. How would the US verify that electronic records weren't forged? A confirmation letter would be required to be postmarked from within the USA, US Military base, US territory, a US Consulate, or US Embassy. One might even consider requiring the applicant's sponsor to personally come to a US Immigration branch office to register the forms.
  15. A year ago I had expected that it would take a couple of months to prepare a visa for a Fiancée, and a bit quicker to prepare a visa for a wife. Then I got the packet back from BCIS (70 - 90 day processing), and I was a little bummed that I would have to wait over 3 months, but I patiently waited….. As the months passed, birthdays, holidays, spring, summer, and fall all passed, I realized my error in expectations. I am now at a point where missing my fiancée is chewing me up inside. Yes, we can fix "holes" and "pits", late shipments, & etc. Yet, the problem is that the USA started with an inefficient application process, then tacked on more stuff to it without rethinking the entire process. I would like to see a complete reevaluation and streamlining of the visa processing methods. I have many ideas of what could be done to make things go smoother. Yet, I have no idea where to start, and who I could talk to in order to try to get something going. I could easily see it developing into a job, but I have no idea who to contact, or how to move forward. Does everything have to be voted on as "An Act of Congress"? Any ideas would be appreciated.
  16. Could I make a brief suggestion: Let's wait a week or so to let some of the dust to settle from this last burst of energy. Perhaps sending a couple of isolated e-mail messages with the concern. It is possible that there will be additional P3 packets that will be sent out over the next week or two. Over the next week, we could organize a response, then, hit them with both barrels!!!!! I am always glad to see speedy applications..... Those that have been arrived one day at the embassy, and left again the next day. But, I also know how much it hurts to see one's applications be passed up for no reason other than luck of the draw. I have noticed that the speed of the application varies tremendously throughout the processing. Some of the people breezing through the P3 Pit had submitted their initial applications over a year ago. Of course, I am stuck in "the other pit".... But, if the Chinese P3 packets dry up next, I will support you 100% even though my application is stuck in a different country. ------ Clifford -----
  17. Patrick & Li, I have seen two types of E-mails: 1 - We will send your packet shortly ...... 2 - We have sent your packet on X date...... If a person has a confirmation that it has been sent, I would assume that it has at least been routed towards the loading dock and should be mailed imminently if not already. However, the "will send shortly" sounds hopeful, but could still mean a run-around. I would presume that it means imminent processing, but Don, Mick, and others have described "shortly" as meaning up to 6 months ----- Clifford -----
  18. robhon, Your e-mails (China) are different than mine (Russia). Are you sure that they haven't lost your application? Perhaps you could ask the NVC to resubmit it. I try to restrain myself, but think a monthly status update is appropriate. September 4, 2003 (I was in Russia at the time, but couldn't find a live person willing to talk to me. NVC finished August 29). . . . . . According to our information, the case is on its way to the Embassy. . . . . . Unfortunately, we cannot schedule your fiancee's interview until the . . . . . case has been received here. --------------------------------------------- . . . . . Sincerely, Customer Service Unit Consular Section U. S. Embassy, Moscow October 8, 2003 . . . . . Unfortunately, as of today the additional administrative processing of . . . . . this case has not been completed. . . . . . Sincerely, . . . . . Customer Service Unit November 3, 2003 . . . . . As of this date, the case is still under administrative processing. . . . . . Sincerely, . . . . . Customer Service Unit . . . . . Consular Section . . . . . U. S. Embassy, Moscow
  19. robhon, FIFO ..... LIFO...... STACKS…….. HEAPS……???? Serial Processing...... Parallel Processing....... I was wondering if that would come up. The INS should be able to sort the applications appropriately. If you are sorting through a pile of applications, I can see how it would be easy to grab them off of the top. However, if they are dealing with file drawers and boxes, computerized apps, and etc, I can't imagine they would mess up the sorting so badly (unless, of course, they are relying on "temps", and haven't considered training them). The alternative is that they are truly being stuck in "Administrative Processing". I have never figured out where the FBI Namecheck occurs. Perhaps they do half of it in the USA, and half in the country issuing the visas. As I understand the FBI NameCheck, the great majority of cases are finished within 3 days. However, there is a portion that can get delayed up to 6 months. Apparently name confusion is common, especially since the anglicized form of Chinese names often makes them look more similar than the names actually are. What would happen if my Fiancée's father is confused with being some communist leader, rather than being a farmer? Perhaps a revolutionary? A Brothel Owner? Imagine what would happen….. The fallout could take months to unravel. Rather than asking for clarification, they may decide that it is better to seek the answers themselves while keeping the applicant in the dark. Anyway, At the moment, we can hang on and hope. ------ Clifford ------
  20. All sorts of things to consider....... Chinese_Lover, Do you have a migrane yet? I think the estimated tax penalty does not apply if there was not a significant Tax to Pay for the previous year (I'd have to read that again). Furthermore, the amount of additional taxes would be in the hundreds of dollars, and not the thousands of dollars so the penalty would be waved anyway. However, to get "real" W2 forms, you will have to file a W4 form, and probably be subject to "withholding" (especially the FICA witholding which is over 11 or 12%, don't forget both the employee and employer contributions). Ok, so there is a timing issue. If you return the P3 today, you will likely have the interview sometime between Mid-January and Mid-March...... If you aren't prepared, it will be sooner rather than later...... If you wait a week or two, that would shift the timeframe to mid-February to Early April. Is there an expiration date on the P3? Don't miss that. If you can gather the records quickly, you would actually be able to finish your 1040 form in early January and get it sent off. ------------------- Maybe, after all is said and done, it would be best to just find a co-sponsor as anything else gets very complicated very quickly. ----- CK -----
  21. ChineseLover, I believe that you can combine incomes and assets from yourself and your fiancée for the purposes of the affidavit of support. (Any co-sponsor has to be able to have adequate income to sponsor the immigrant without additional supplements). Someone (Don?) may help clarify that. You can essentially add 1/5 the value of your combined assets to your income. Usually the fiancée/spouse's assets are negligible, but perhaps you are close enough that they would make a difference. Income might be different because she will be giving up her job when she comes to the USA and may not be able to get a new job for several months. Look at her scholarship carefully. Does it pay tuition reimbursement? What about books and living expenses? What about "work-study"? If it pays more than just tuition, then you should carefully document it, and add it as additional means of support. Overall, you will be quite close (within a couple of thousand dollars). I don't think it said anything about "continuous employment", but it would be good to add something that you have not been relying on public support for the last 3 years (could that be part of the employer's letter)…… Hmmm, there was a section for Miscellaneous Stuff. Perhaps you could make an agreement with your friend that he could fill out an affidavit for you that would remain sealed unless your Fiancée is hassled about your income. Your fiancée would present your affidavit and information first. If they reject yours, then she would have the co-sponsor affidavit ready. It may save a couple of months of heartache if she had that ready incase it was necessary. ----- Clifford -----
  22. I am sure there are many different ways to assemble the packet. I assume that the BCIS / USCIS should be able to sort it out a bit. They will have their own things to look for. I used my "Personal Statement" as a cover letter, and listed all of the attachments on it. Of course, I am already 10 months into the process with no end in sight ----- Clifford ------
  23. Congratulations on clearing the first hurdle..... Now just 5 more hurdles!!!! (NVC, Customs, P3, P4, Interview). Perhaps the BCIS is the biggest and longest hurdle to overcome. Congrats, ----- Clifford -----
  24. Looking at the timelines posted at: http://www.k1k3.com It is amazing how each Embassy handles the visas so differently. Look at the posting from Johanesburg, South Africa: . . . . Consulate in Johanesburg was very nice and provided packet 3 before . . . . receiving anything from NVC. (I contacted them to ask for this) . . . . Everything was all taken care and ready to set the interview date . . . . before they received the packet from NVC. Keep on top of everything . . . . and it can happen fairly quickly. . . . . Submitted I-129 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/24/2003 . . . . Packet arrived Johnanesburg,. . . . 5/27/2003 . . . . Interview and Visa, . . . . . . . . . . . 5/29/2003 This is almost obscene.... Or, at least an example that in some places in the world, the system may still actually work. I have rumors heard that Russia sends a combined P3/P4. I am still hoping to pull a "fast one" on some of the people who are getting out of the P3 pit (and heading to the P4 Pit) while I have still been stuck in P3 "Administrative Processing".... ----- Clifford -----
  25. Well, this is the PITS!!!!! Everyone else is bailing on me..... I am stuck here..... It is getting LONELY downe here...... Perhaps some of you should just hold onto your P3 packets and not send them in yet...... Just to keep the rest of us company. Is it a coincidence that Robbhon put my name at the bottom of the pile? Best Wishes to everyone, and I am truely happy for those who are finally seeing some forward processing. ------ Clifford -----
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