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Everything posted by keelec

  1. Rob, GZ would probably ask if he was notorized..........! I think it would take about 3 years for them to finish the DNA tests on Sonny to prove the maternal and paternal relationships!!!!!!!!! Of course, you do have a passport and birth certificate. Why don't you get a nice notary stamp tattooed on his hiney!!!!!!!
  2. I think the formula calculates income and number of "dependents". I presume you would use your parent's combined income if they are married and living together...... Perhaps an exception would be made for those married and filing seperately, both with incomes above the "poverty level". Question 8 lists dependents. I am not sure how your aunt (father's sister) would fit in. If she is independent, you probably don't have to list her as a dependent. Question 9 lists people who have been previously sponsored. This would include your aunt. I presume there is not a problem with having previously sponsored someone, although I presume the INS will use it as part of their formula for dependents. Who knows, perhaps someone at the INS might wonder why your family is sponsoring 2 people from china. If your mother has been filing taxes seperately, and has an income of her own, perhaps she could sponsor your fiancee, and you wouldn't have to list your aunt, but I really don't think previously sponsoring someone would be a big deal. (of course, Don always has the opposite opinion as me, and usually has some facts or anecdotes to back it up). Oh, how far along are you in the visa application process.... If you are early in the process, it may take over a year to complete at which point you may be finishing graduate school with a new job (but, perhaps, not enough employment history to sponsor on your own). ------ Clifford ------
  3. Jerry, I like that..... First in line to get the P3...... Last to actually get the P3...... Because you were the last to get the P3, you will also be the last to get the P4..... Makes a lot of sense. Good luck for a speedy interview. ----- Clifford ------
  4. The big problem is that people aren't "Just Smoking Through the System" So much is based on the luck of the draw, and which line one seems to end up standing in..... Mine is invariably the longest!!!!!!!!!!!!! Texas Service Center / Nebraska Service Center .... 6 months for NOA2 Vermont ... 2 months, or possibly even less. NVC .... Anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 months. Ship to GZ, anywhere from 4 to 40 days. GZ to P3, anywhere from 1 wk to 120 days. P3 to P4 .....?????? P4 to interview ..... ????? Thus, with any luck, Dean will be receiving his I-129 - P3 next week (5 months from I-129 to P3). I am stuck at 3+ months waiting for my P3/P4 (Russian) Natrigon is at 3+ months waiting for his NVC approval. And, at any one step, the whole process can be ground to a halt for 6+ months by a minor thing like mispelling a name (generally by clerical staff). Generally, the things that stall the process have absolutely nothing to do with the individuals doing the application. Heck, I was stunned to hear that some people have had applications delayed for months only because they HAND DELIVERED THEIR APPLICATIONS TO GZ. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh, Here are some of the Moscow Interview Dates: http://www.usembassy.ru/consular/wwwhci10.html http://www.usembassy.ru/consular/wwwhcisk.html Visa Types: CR1/2, IR1/2, E1/2/3/4, F, K1/2/3/4 and V1/2/3 MOS2002218022 WAC-02-128-50494 23-Dec-03 (start March, 2002, NVC assigned number, August 2002, 17 months total) MOS2003782061 EAC-03-249-52004 13-Jan-04 Start in Vermont, September 17, 2003 NVC number assigned October 9, 2003 Interview Scheduled January 13, 2004 (4 MONTHS TOTAL WAIT Vermont to Interview) MOS2003802057 EAC-03-257-51577 22-Jan-04 Start in Vermont, September 29, 2003 NVC number assigned October 11, 2003 Interview Scheduled January 22 (4 MONTHS TOTAL WAIT, VERMONT TO INTERVIEW). MOS2003802060 MSC-03-298-61067 03-Feb-04 MSC, July 25, or Sept 13 NVC Number assigned on October 29. Interview Scheduled Feb 04 (5 - 7 months total, depending on start date). ----------------------- Heck, my application has been waiting for the P3/P4 from Moscow for nearly as long as the whole application process above, start to finish. See above for visa types.... These probably are not sponsored by US Citizen Husbands and Fiancees........ ----- Clifford -----
  5. Ok, So an approximate formula (for those dates beween January and September) would be as follows. Number of days since January 1 = (milddle 3 digits) * 7/5 -92. I.E. Approx 5/7 work days per week. 92 days in Oct through Dec. If the date is October - December, don't subtract 92, and use October 1 as your start date. ---------------------------------- There must be some holidays included in the calculation (Thanksgiving, Day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve, New Years Day)..... Plus, perhaps a few saturdays worked too ( not calculated above) --------------------------------- Thus, for me I would get: 075 * 7/5 -92 = 13 ..... This would be January 13. My NOA1 was actually Jan 6. For SeLang, 252 * 7/5 -92 = 261 .... This would be September 17.... NOT TOO BAD, his NOA1 was September 19. ------------------------------- Now, my question is that I have seen on the Moscow Interview schedule, dates that range up to: MOS2003802060 MSC-03-298-61067 03-Feb-04 Now, with my formula, that would give: 298 * 7/5 - 92 = 325 (November 20) which is impossible since September 30 is the end of the fiscal year, and the MOS number corresponds to October 29. However, for a 6 day week, one has 298 *7/6 -92 = 256 (September 13), or, using a 7 day week, it would be 298 - 92 = 206, (July 25). Thus, It is likely that the formulas vary slightly from service center to service center depending on whether they are calculating 5, 6, or 7 day work weeks. One wouldn't want to make it too easy to compare timelines!!!!!!!!! ----- Clifford -----
  6. Thank you. Ok, so I have to calculate the second number from Oct 1, based on a 5 day work week... doing something with holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas.....???? Thanks, Clifford
  7. Oh, Great..... Decelerating...... That isn't a good sign..... 6 months now, what comes next? Imagine how quickly Vermont would get burried if people actually had a choice of which office to use. ----- Clifford -----
  8. The code for the MOS / GUZ numbers seems so simple once one realizes that it includes the number of days since the first of the year + 500. However, the LIN number has been more of a puzzle to me: LIN-03-075-nnnnn Ok, I presume that LIN is for Lincoln Nebraska 03 is for the year. My receipt was on January 6, certainly not 75 days into the year, unless it is calculated from the 4th quarter, in which case it would still be off. Any ideas? ----- Clifford -----
  9. Hmnmm, What about tracking down a drive-in theater...... Somewhere. There must be one, somewhere, within a 500 mile drive!!!!!!!!! Oh, also, I've been meaning to see the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry sometime. ----- Clifford ------
  10. Perhaps I will have to track down a copy of Shogun, the book. I saw the movie, but it was many years ago.. One thing that I was thinking about was the differences in portrayals of the Samurai. Some movies depict them as extremely disciplined heroes. Others depict hem as Fat Leaches on society with nothing better to do than sit and watch the peasants work hard. Bullies that can take anything they want. One of the themes in this movie was the unification of Japan…… With warring clans somewhat like the warring clans of the American Indians of the time. ---- CK -----
  11. Best of luck for a speedy applicaion process. Where did you apply? California? Rumor has it that they did a major push to catch up a couple of years ago (using some questionable means), and are generally not too bad now. Good Luck, Clifford
  12. Mark, I forgot, do the I-129 and g????a forms ask for a Passport Number? I believe that most of the forms filed in the USA wanted evidence about the sponsor. I.E. a copy of the Sponsor's Passport. The stuff for the fiancee will come later at the interview. Anyway, you should have time to get the passport figured out. Perhaps you could find a travel agency that would be willing to schedule a trip for you to Hong Kong, and then leave the two of you on your own....
  13. I must admit that I haven't read much of his writings, but I see that he does have somewhat convoluted sentences with many dependencies....... And, perhaps, he, scattered, a few, extra commas, in, too!!!!!!!!!
  14. finenn, Hmmm, that is one law that seems to have changed since I was growing up..... I hope that doesn't date me too much. But, I thought most of my friends were applying for their SS# during high school. Anyway, reading the 2003 1040 Instructions, Page 19, it indicates that everyone needs either a SS# or an ITIN (from the form W-7). It is supposed to take a month or so to get the ITIN. If you have to declare world-wide income. I presume that you would also be able to deduct world-wide taxes paid. Reading the Instructions again, (1040 Instructions, pg 22), it referes to Form 2555, Foreign Earned Income. I presume you fill out the form witout referring to W2 forms. Best of luck..... I was hoping to claim my Fiancee this year as it would have saved me about $3K, but I guess that just wasn't in the cards. ----- Clifford ------
  15. I find this most interesting that the US Consolate can't deal with carrying in the applications. However, I can understand why from my experience in Moscow. I went in to inquire if there was anything that could be done with my application that I had thought was "approved" by BCIS, but still hadn't had an interview scheduled. Well, I went to the US Side of the Embassy. They hardly knew anything about the visa application process and couldn't give me any useful information. They couldn't even give me any names of people to talk to. I should have tried the "Russian" side of the Embassy, but I was so frustrated that I left. If the people in the embassy hardly know what office exist, I can hardly imagine interoffice memos. ----- Clifford ------
  16. Edgar Allen Poe, a famous American Author. Edgar Allan Poe And all my days are trances, And all my nightly dreams, Are where thy dark eye glances, And where thy footstep gleams — In what ethereal dances, By what eternal streams. Edgar Allan Poe The object, Truth, or the satisfaction of the intellect, and the object, Passion, or the excitement of the heart, are, although attainable, to a certain extent, in poetry, far more readily attainable in prose. ---------------------------- Oh, Perhaps in this context Eric is right (Port of Entry)
  17. Dave, Where does the dog sleep? Between you or on the side of the bed?????? :P :P I must admit that I have never been big on dog slobbers and kisses, nor do I think I would let the dog eat off of my fork while I was still using it. ------ Clifford -----
  18. Suvi, I believe there are several members of the Candle from Oregon. I have brought an older discussion topic back up to the top: http://candleforlove.com/forums/index....t=ST&f=1&t=3561 While I consider myself as being from Oregon, my visits have been limted to special holidays for a while. And, I am still waiting for my Fiancee to get here. ----- Clifford -----
  19. Mark & ShuPing, Good luck with the passport. It sounds like it is frustrating. Apparently there is a game that some officials play that if you don't "play the game", then you can't get the services. Does she have all of the documents that she needs? A birth certificate? Here is an intersting post I saw today by JimB. http://candleforlove.com/forums/index....=15entry41513
  20. If you are looking for places to come that is close to the USA, perhaps Cuba or Jamaica would be a good bet. However, for "tourism", there is probably a much larger group of countries that will allow tourism. Popular tourist destinations for Russians include Cyprus and Egypt. I believe Ukraine is also popular for Russians who want to go to the black sea. If you are looking for a country to tour, look at the net balance of immigration vs emmigration. Most of the "third world" countries have minimal immigration, and thus are receptive to tourists.... ESPECIALLY IF THEY BRING LOTS OF MONEY WITH THEM. I.E. If an "American" is traveling with the Chinese or Russian person, then it should make things a lot easier. Of course, the advantage of touring in the third world countries is that so many things are cheaper to do than it would be in the USA or Europe. ----- Clifford -----
  21. I was looking at a copy of the forms. It isn't very specific EXCEPT that names must be written in both Chinese and Pinyin. http://www.exit.com/~frank/Visa/ Since half of the instructions are in Chinese, I would assume that the responses could also be in Chinese. However, as a general rule, it is probably best to write all responses in English unless there is a specific question asking for it in the native language. ------ Clifford ------
  22. That is a Grandparent's thing. Just send the kid off to Disneyland with the grandparents, and enjoy a week to yourselves!!!!!! ----- Clifford ---------
  23. A year ago, I decided to go "by the book", apply for a K1 Fiancee visa, and wait the "70 - 100 days" for the visa approval........ Yet, I find myself still waiting, just thinking I have to be somewhere near the end of this %HIX%#@!!!!! Process....... If I had known how long and arduous this wait would be, I would have considered trying to get my fiancee here via "alternative" routes then applying for amnesty, or possibly even moving to Canada for a few years. But, I was also curious whether Canada would recognize a husband and wive's relationship when our own government fails to do so. I am so used to the freedom to travel to essentially any country in the world. I was wondering whether this would extend to a spouse traveling with a US Citizen, even before the US recognises the relationship. Too bad I don't have "free summers". It would have been fun to fly Irina to Canada for a summer camping & fishing trip, and I am sure that my parents would have made the drive up to Vancouver to meet her. ----- Clifford -----
  24. Chinadave, Thanks for the movie suggestion. It was quite a powerful movie with some very beautiful scenery. Perhaps a little too much blood too. Sometimes I wonder if mondernization is right for every culture. I am sure that Japan gained a tremoendous benefit from embracing industrialization. However, I can't imagine what they lost. ----- Clifford ------
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