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Everything posted by keelec

  1. Oh, I was just reading the fine print. You will like this one. Obviously some kind of a misdirected publicity stunt for him paid by taxpayers. ---------- Oh...... There is not even a stamp or postmark on the letter, just a copy of his signature.
  2. Actually most of Europe is rapidly approaching zero population growth, or even slightly negative net population change. The USA may be one of the few "civilized" countries that has such strong anti birth control sentiments in our government.
  3. Eric, I am sure this is old news by now. But, I was reading this and thought that it was one of the most increadible stories I have ever read on the "Candle". Others have been struggling with AP, and this may be one of the bright spots of something almost working (with a couple of tiny bumps). ------ Clifford -----
  4. Great idea, I think I will sit down and write a $100,000 check. It will bounce the day after he cashes it, but perhaps nobody will notice. I would hate to think that US Politics are degrading to the point where they ignore the "ordinary" citizens because we can't muster enough cash together to make a difference to their personal bank account. A half a dozen letters postmarked from Oregon won't make a big impact on a Missouri congressman. However, if we can get some radio station (or TV) news coverage of our plight.... Perhaps that would make some impact. ------ Clifford ------ P.S. Let's keep the comments clean.
  5. Well, I have been thinking about contacting my favorite Morning Radio Show. Right now, they are doing a Valentine's Day Wedding Contest which can be difficult to listen to. It would be the second such contest since sending in our visa application. I was thinking about whether they would record a conversation with the Moscow Embassy / phone service, and play it on the air. But, perhaps this thing about the Congressman would be just as good. If one could truely wake up a congressman to our plight (without pissing him off too much), then maybe we could make some progress. ----- Clifford -----
  6. Hmmm, A ring shaped IUD. It makes a lot of sense. In the USA, I believe that the "Copper T" is most popular as well as other T-shaped IUDs. I believe that there have been cases of uterine punctures from the T-shaped devices, so I would imagine that a ring would be safer. It would be interesting to see the different side effect profiles of the two devices. It may be easier to get a hinged T-shaped device in and out too. Anyway, in the USA, they always attach a string to the IUD. Apparently the string tends to stay in the cervix and thus removal of the device is quite simple, reach in and grab the string. However, if the string gets lost, it is much bigger operation to remove the device. Thus, it is often done in the OR. I assume in China, they have a special hook (or perhaps just a crochet hook) that they use to grab the device and pull it out. Without an ultrasound, a good doctor could probably reach in blindly and grab it. One of the big problems with an IUD in the USA is that the string can provide a conduit for infections to enter the uterous. It generally is not a problem in a monogamous relationship where both partners are disease free. However, they are not recomended for use with women that have multiple parnters as the risks of Sexually Transmitted Diseases are much higher, and thus the risk to the woman is multiplied. ----- Clifford -----
  7. James, Welcome to the Candle. I think I only sent 1 phone receipt and 1 picture to BCIS. We also described our encounter and feelings in the personal statements. My application has cleared all the way to Moscow (where it has been sitting). Irina should bring additional information with her to the interview, as well as pictures from my second trip to see her. There is quite a large group of Oregonians on the board. They have even gotten together for a group dinner. Here is an older topic you might browse. http://candleforlove.com/forums/index....=3561&hl=oregon I met Carl. He is very nice. But, unfortunatly I haven't had a chance to meet the rest of the crew. ----- Clifford -----
  8. Ok, Guys (and Gals), I have written a letter to send back to Congressman Clay. What do you think? Should I drop it in the mail? I am still trying to think of the correct salutation to use. He goes by "Lacey Clay", so I thought "MS Congressman" would be appropriate, but I am open to advice. Is this laying it on a little to heavy? Of course, I could be burning a bridge, but this one seems to be a bit rickety anyway. Thanks, Clifford
  9. Robert, Actually, I had never thought of how fitting of a gift a calendar would be.... You guys think of everything. But, you know what, it can help me organize the wait (and watch the months tick by). You think I should write back and ask for a 2003 calendar too (and definately request to be taken off of the list before 2005). What actually struck me the most was sending a form letter without my name on it saying: Ok, so even if they had done some kind of a mail-merge and put my name on it (an perhaps a topic line), it would still have been a form letter. But, if he doesn't think I am important to put either my name or topic on the letter, I certainly don't have much faith in anything else he said. However, what struck me the most about the letter was the signature: I am not sure why that dug directly to the heart like a dagger. Perhaps it is because it is the one wish that I want more than anything in the world. Perhaps it is because it doesn't even acknowledge the pain from seperating families throughout the holiday seasons. It is like sending a soldier off to Iraq, then writing "I wish you and your family a merry Christmas" I think I will write back to him thanking him for the calendar, the personalized note, and the holiday wishes to my family (and, of course, request my 2003 calendar). ----- Clifford -----
  10. Well, Today I was surprised to find my mailbox stuffed, an in it was a large envelope from Congressman Clay who I had contacted earlier about Irina's visa. In the envelope, I found a letter personally addressed with the one word "Greetings", and signed with "I wish you and your family many blessings in the new year". Of course, he also discussed how he values MY sharing MY views with him????? There was also a wonderful US Historical Society calendar with some very beautiful pictures of Washington DC and the Capital. Every Day of the year is marked with the major political events that happened 200 years ago in 1804. And, January 6, 1804 (200 years before the anniversary of my NOA1) marks a very important early immigration law "January 6, 1804: House of Representatives resolved that a tax of ten dollars be imposed upon every slave imported into the U.S."
  11. There are several steps in the INS Process (as we all know). BCIS (time only dependent on which office one applies to). NVC (May be slightly quicker for applicants from certain countries, but all applicants have this step) Ship to GZ..... GZ seems to be the only consulate that takes up to 40 days just to pick up the package. I think they are even slower than Russia/Ukraine. P3/P4/interview ..... This is where the biggest difference is. Some consulates will start processing the info before the "official" packet arrives from NVC so the interview and visa can be within a couple of days of the acceptance by NVC. Rumor has it that little things like getting married in Hong Kong can make a HUGE difference in the application process. God only knows what comes after the initial Visa.... Nor do I have stats of the AOS process from other coutries. I would assume that once in the USA, everyone is treated about the same. But, that may not be true. ---------------------- One of the biggest differences (I think) is that citizens from certain countries (Europe) can enter the USA without a "visa". Thus, prior to starting the process, the couple could tour the USA together. I would think that it would make a tremendous difference in relationships if the fiancee could come and visit for a few months prior to starting the whole application process. Of course, that is the reason why the K1-K4 visas are considered non-immigrant visas, and there is a second application process that follows it. They are supposed to be designed to facilitate a cultural exchange. Unfortunately, it just doesn't happen that way. ----- Clifford -----
  12. Yes, I know how bad it may be to think that a person may actually find love in another country. I wonder how many US Citizen Employees of the foreign Embassies actually get married to foreign citizens? And, how many of those get a fast-track green card with direct consular filing?
  13. If true, I think this is about as close as we'll ever get to a provisional file. Now, if they would only start processing in advance of the hard copy. I've been surprised that soft copies are not used more frequently. Perhaps soon the role of GZ will be reduced to scheduling and conducting interviews. When I called DOS in the USA a week ago, they had records on my case progress. Presumably this means that they are networked so that the initial data entry can be done anywhere in the world (perhaps in China where labor is cheap). If there is an eventual move to electronic records, then the primary thing left for GZ would be contucting a final review of the application and doing the interviews. Of course, the US Government has been trying to move to electronic records for quite some time. There has just been a sentiment that hard copies and "real" signatures are somehow better than the electronic copies. ------ Clifford -----
  14. Do they have special training classes on how to be unhelpful, and how to provide poor customer service?
  15. What do you mean? The BCIS Excels in making things cumbersome. They have an uncanny ability to make the simplest things complicated. And, they have exceptional skills in making work for themselves. :greenblob: :greenblob: :greenblob:
  16. Wasn't that Dave's Picture on America's Most Wanted...... First almost getting into a bar brawl..... Now, almost taking out an Official US Governement Agent!!!!!! -------------- Seriously, best of luck with the process. It is so much easier when there is a "real person" to talk to, rather than just sending the paperwork back and forth by mail. Perhaps the US Post Office has decided that they are getting put out of business by e-mail and are trying to increase their mail volume. Best of Luck, Clifford
  17. Be careful what you wish for. It has been theorized that an egg could be implanted in the gut of a man and be able to be sustained by the blood flow to the intestinal tract...... In a couple of decades, perhaps you can have your wish. Wasn't there an Arnold Schwartznegger movie with him carrying a baby?
  18. I am probably not the best at advice in this situation..... I am still waiting for Irina to get here...... But, perhaps you need to find a way to take a week or so off for just yourselves (drop the kid off with the grandparents). Then, find something that the two of you can enjoy doing together. You are in Nevada? Maybe try some of the Ancient Cliff Dwelling Indian Ruins in Arizona. Or, head off to San Diego for a weekend.... Just the two of you. Maybe let it all loose in Disney Land!!!!! If you leave town, perhaps some of the inhibitions of trying to present a facade in front of your friends would disappear and you would be more free to express yourselves. Of course, perhaps some of this would depend on how far along she is in her pregnancy. ------ Clifford -------
  19. Nope. Swapping keyboard and mouse, some machines work. Some don't, but in my experience, it generally doesn't cause this eratic behavior. Oh, and certain Logitech drivers will report errors under Windows NT when the mouse and keyboard are swapped. The last machine that was doing it, I even tried swapping from PS2 mouse and keyboard to USB, and the behavior continued. ----- Clifford -----
  20. Here is one of my favorite "Historical" computer problems..... Let's see who can remember working on computers a couple of years ago.
  21. Se Lang, The short answer is "Yes and No". I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Computer Science (and, well, other things). Maybe you will figure out why it is a BA rather than a BS. I have had some research experience in college, but have never been paid to do it outside of the academic environment. The nice thing about my current job is that I get so many "off the wall" computer problems presented to me that I am always working on figuring out what the heck is going wrong. Maybe someday I wil write my life's story, or at least a longer version of what brought me to where I am now. ----- CK -----
  22. Daniel, I wouldn't recommend leaving the USA without the proper paperwork in hand. See the discussion from a few weeks ago: http://candleforlove.com/forums/index....t=ST&f=1&t=4221 BCIS definately says not to travel before applying as bad things might happen. Perhaps one could travel before it was accepted, but I think that would be risky..... Don't want to start from scratch with the application process again. Here are the notes from the BCIS FAQ Sheet.
  23. Se Lang, BCIS does publish the stats for the number of visa applications approved of various types (I presume not including those refused). I don't think they are broken down by processing center, but they may be broken down by state where applied. If those stats don't exist, in theory one could write a bot that would pull that info off of the BCIS Website. I was browsing...... There are a LOT of I181, CREATION OF RECORD OF LAWFUL PERMANENT RESIDENCE applications. I can hardly find anything else. Maybe I will dig up some of the BCIS Stats again and publish them for you. ----- Clifford -----
  24. Oh, I forgot to include. Not only are K1-K4 visas put at the bottom of the "Non-Immigrant" visa applications at most service centers, they are also unable to apply for expedited visa applications with Form I-907 which is available only to applicants of E-1; E-2; H-1B; H-2B; H-3; L-1; O-1; O-2; P-1; P-3; Q-1; TN and R visas (which are supposed to have "Guaranteed 15 day processing" for a fee of $1,000). (I thought there was also Farm Workers included in the above). ----- Clifford -----
  25. I was browsing the BCIS web site today looking at the processing times for I-129F. https://egov.immigration.gov/graphics/cris/...rocesstimes.jsp What struck me as most interesting is that different service centers seem to prioritize the different types of I-129 (teporary) visa applications differently. Vermont: H-1C Nurses................................ 1 wk H-2A Temporary Workers ........... 1 wk K1/K2 (fiancee) ........................1 mo L Intercompany Transfers............. 2 mo H-1B Specialty Occupation ........... 2.5 mo H-2B Other Temporary Workers ... 3 mo H-3 Temporary Trainiees................3 mo O Extrordinary Ability .................... 3 mo P Athletes ..................................... 3 mo Q Cultural Exchange visitors ......... 3 mo R Religiious occupation...................3 mo Nebraska: H-2A Temporary Workers.............. 3 wks Blanket L (transfers?)..................... 3 wks H-3 Temporary Trainees ............... 1 mo P Athletes........................................1.5 mo H-2B Other Temporary Workers...... 2 mo O Extraordinary Ability.................... 2 mo L Intercompany Transfers ............... 2 mo Q Cultural Exchange........................2.5 mo R Religious Occupation.....................2.5 mo H-1B Specialty Occupation ...............3 mo TN NAFTA Professional.......................4 mo K1/K2 Fiancee ..............................6 mo Texas: H2A Temporary Workers ................. 1 mo L Intercompany Transfers ................ 2 mo H1B Specialty Occupation ..................2.5 mo H3 Temporary Trainees ......................3 mo Q Cultural Exchange .......................... 3 mo H-2B Other Temporary Workers............4 mo O Extrordinary Ability............................ 4 mo P Athletes.............................................4 mo K1/K2 Fiancee..................................6 mo R Religious Occupation ........................7 mo California: H2A Temporary Workers....................... 2 wks H3 Temmporary Trainees.......................3 wks L Intercompany Transfers.......................1 mo H1B Specialty Occupation........................2 mo H2B Other Temporary Workers...............2 mo O Extraordinary Ability............................2.5 mo P Athletes...............................................3 mo Q Cultural Exchange............................... 3 mo R Religious Occupation............................ 5.5 mo E Treaty Traders and Investors...............6.5 mo K1/K2 Fiancee......................................6.5 mo It is nice to know that in California and Nebraska, we rank dead last, and second to the last in Texas. However, in Vermont, we rank third. I think this is something that we should start writing to our congressmen..... Make our voice known that it is not acceptable to process the K1/K2 (and K3/K4) visas after ALL other types of Temporary Visa Applications. ----- Clifford ------
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