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Everything posted by keelec

  1. Yoyo, Your K1 visa is only good for a single entry into the USA. If you are not in the USA yet, you have up to 6 months to come here. If you are already in the USA on a K-1 visa, then you can not leave without "abandoning the process" and loosing the visa. You can, however, get an "Advanced Parole" (AP) which will allow you to come and go as necessary. You must apply (and presumably receive) the AP before leaving the USA. As with everything else, some processing centers are fast, some are extremely slow in granting the AP. If you have a local BCIS office, go there and ask if they can process the AP application locally, what info you need, and how long it takes. Best of Luck & Congratulation on your Master's Degree, Clifford
  2. Don, Thanks for the research directions. I have a lot of heavy thinking to do, and perhaps some world traveling this summer. Those of you applying for AOS will like this: I am sure that there is a mishmash of terminology and etc in Canada somewhat like in the USA, but it may be something to consider. I should be able to qualify for their "Skilled Worker Visa". The company I work for has a big office in Toronto, but I think I would be more into moving westward, Calgary or Vancouver. Maybe this is still in a "Dream Stage", and would take too much of a hassle to put together, but I have been utterly disappointed with the USA and Visa applications. The folly about not being able to make a decision on a visa application in over 14 months, nor even give any explanation as to why a decision would be possibly require delay, is just incredible. If allowed to progress to fruition, I have no doubt that the process would have taken 16-18 months, or perhaps longer. ------ Clifford -----
  3. Patrick, Any new news? I had intended to write that you should call up Linda Donahue and talk to her about he problem. I think you have the number from a previouis post. Unfortunatley, I can't find my reply so maybe I lost it. Good Luck.... And, invite all your friends from the INS over for a beer when your wife arrives!!!! ----- Clifford -----
  4. I've told myself that if something blew up with my visa application, I would definately consider moving NorthWest........ If that would help out. Does anybody know if an American could move to Canada on a perminent or semi-perminent basis, and sponsor someone on a fiancee/family visa? Any idea how long it would take? Once both people are in Canada, would there be any issues with touring in the USA?
  5. Ok, What is the point of a 3-year delay for AOS? Perhaps one should forget AOS and apply for citizenship.... It may be faster
  6. As far as I know, there is nothing that is requiring a drivers license, voting, bank account, and etc at the place you are applying. Nor would there be a time requirement at a residence (although there is a question where you have lived for the last several years, and for how long). It also asks about contact information where you work including the address, and I presume it would raise some eyebrows if you "reside" 1000 miles away from where you work. Realistically speaking, it could take you 2 or 3 months and several thousand dollars to establish a new residence in NY, thus you probably wouldn't save much time. Just apply with the rest of us in Nebraska and hope for the best. Or, find a job or get transfered, and move. ------ Clifford ------
  7. Mari, Always hold your Chin high, and everything will be fine!!!! Now, you will have to admit that Kim did join in on her thread in the RR. Actually, she posted a summary of names as the second posting in the topic. Best Wishes to both or you, ----- Clifford -----
  8. Uh, Oh, Du we have to unDu the "Du" thread before Jake finds it? Best Wishes, Clifford
  9. I have never heard of anything like that. I have had absolutely no issues coming or going from Russia. Who is asking the questions? Passport Control or Customs? If it is customs... Just answer that you were touring China for a couple of weeks, they don't need to know anything more. If it is passport control, then they would be able to see your passport full of stamps, and may ask you a question (which isn't any of their business). It is the INS who is supposed to determine whether or not you are being "paid off", in which case you probably wouldn't be doing monthly trips to China. US Customs/Passport Control should do their job and verify that you aren't a Iraqi terrorist and let you back into the country (you aren't carrying any automatic weapons through customs are you?) As far as the perception of wealthy Asian women trying to come to the USA..... where did he get that? As far as the Russians I have met, those at the top of the heap are perfectly content to stay in Russia. It is primarily those that are dirt poor that are trying to leave. Even those families that can scape together $20K to buy a marriage.... I have heard that it is mostly borrowed money which is expected to be paid back once the woman arrives in the land of plenty. There are two types of visas to enter Russia, tourist visas, and business visas. It is supposed to be MUCH more convenient for people traveling frequently to Russia to travel on a business visa. If the same is true with China, then the answer would simply be that you are a tax consultant traveling there on business (yes, I met a guy that deducted his whole trip that way, I can't imagine he had any conception of Russian taxes).
  10. TAKE THE CREDIT CARD AWAY FROM THAT MAN I was looking at one of the files from Tony's link: http://budget.senate.gov/democratic/charts...alsec022704.pdf It is terrifying to see the overspending that has been occuring over the last 4 years since Mr. Bush entered into office. The projections if he was to remain in office over the next 4 years are staggering. The best graphs show the increase of deficit spending and national debt over the past half century. The flat spots and dips show when the Democrats were in office. I am sure that Mr. Trump, Mr. Bill Gates, and the Walmart family need more tax cuts..... They definately need to build more personal wealth. We wouldn't want their retirement funds to be short a couple of billion dollars while we cut the rest of the people's social security benefits down to far below the poverty level. ------ Clifford ------
  11. Apparently she was naturalized and is a US Citizen (see above). There is a parallel V1-V4 visa system for perminent aliens which is virtually identical the K1-K4 system. It does sound reasonable that the K1-K4 visas are essentially an entry permit to the USA. Since he is already here, they need to apply for other family visas. My vote is to talk to the immigration attorney.
  12. I would have to agree with others.... Look for alternatives in the USA before returning to Cambodia. If they file for a K3 or a V3 visa, he could easily be stuck in Cambodia for over a year, perhaps 2 years before returning here. Is it possible to file for an extension of his visa? Do not mention anything about the new love in the application for an extension. Definately push through her paperwork as fast as possible. If he applies for an extension and it gets denied, things could get messy very quickly. However, I believe it still takes a few months to deport a person so he would have to be ready with the next visa application as a spouse. Talk to a good immigration lawyer. The lawyers don't help with "routine" cases, but may be helpful in the more complicated cases, and they should be familiar with the laws and amnesty programs. ----- Clifford -----
  13. Frank, Congratulations..... I can't wait until I add that line. ----- CK -----
  14. Hello Everyone, There is a new PayPal SCAM E-Mail that is now circulating. It looks so EXTREMELY authentic that it is very disturbing. Be very wary. (see post in RR). ------ Clifford ------
  15. I am not sure about the "Congressional Inquiry". I did talk to two congressmen.... Well, at least their congressional aids. Generally they would get a response back within a couple of days which was virtually identical to mine, but perhaps a bit more verbose. "Additional administrative processing". I think I may finally be making a little headway with calling DOS myself. ----- Clifford ------
  16. Patrick, Best of luck, Everything should be just fine, ----- Clifford ------
  17. Dave, Welcome to the second layer of HELL!!!!! I've been stuck here since September. I never got my P3/P4, instead Moscow sent my application back to DOS shortly after receiving it, and it has now been 6 months since I landed here. I am a little confused. When did the second name check begin? You returned the P3 around november 7, but your sig shows the second namecheck beginning on January 12th. What happened between November 7 and January 12? Any idea what caused you to enter the second name check? ----- Clifford ------
  18. Kim & Jake, Congratulations on getting the visa and getting away from GZ!!!!!! May you never have to return to the Embassy again. I am very glad that your wait is over and Jake is almost here. As far as the questions. I was wondering if they may have been more intense because you are a "minority" couple being an American woman waiting for a Chinese man. There could be a conception that Chinese men coming to the USA are a higher risk than Chinese women. I have read through some of your questions and wondered how Irina would respond, or how the questions could possibly lead to a rational decision about immigration. Be happy this is all behind you, Clifford
  19. Kim, Congratulations!!!!!! I am glad you had all your ducks in a row, and everything went well even if it was a terrifying experience with Jake. No matter how the interview went, the important thing is that Jake walked away with a "promise" for a Visa to be issued tomorrow. In a few weeks he will be stepping off of the plane into your waiting arms!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! ----- Clifford -----
  20. Don, Actually, a regular tile cutter (score and snap) can work with ceramic tiles although diagonals can be difficult. In my first house, I took 8" tiles, cut them all down to 4" (I liked the heavier look of the eights cut down. Then, I mounted them on a wall behind the wood stove on a diagonal. It turned out very nice. All done by scoring and snapping. I did just buy a new tile saw for my granite that I am playing with. It cuts the tiels like butter!!! ----- Clifford ------
  21. Carl, Of course, half of the problem with Medicare and Social Security is that half the national debt has been borrowed from the Social Security Fund...... I.E. The only way that Social Security can survive the Baby Boomers is if we pay off the National Debt. ----- Clifford ------
  22. CD I haven’t heard of the teacher’s retirement fund. It sounds interesting. I do know someone who worked on the railroad and they have their own retirement system too. My father taught at the University of Oregon and I am pretty sure he had Social Security taxes including the period working as a Post-Doc student. Both parents were members of Oregon PERS (Oregon Public Employees Retirement System). Many years ago the government decided to invest 10% of the income in a type of 401K rather than giving them an equivalent raise. The system did EXTREMELY well over the years. In fact, it did so well that all of the Oregon voters got upset and forced the system to reduce benefits even though the system was very similar to the 401K systems many non-government employees invest in. 401Ks, IRAs, and etc are the future. Those individuals who don’t build up retirement funds outside of Social Security will be literally left outside in the cold. ----- Clifford -----
  23. Dave, You must be a REPUBLICAN!!!! Very smart thinking..... Empty out the Social Security Coffers to pay for tax breaks for the wealthy..... Go around invading countries and spending more money..... Use up the world’s oil reserves as quickly as possible..... Why in the heck would we want to do anything about cleaning up the environment now?????? Don’t worry about anything, it will be our children and grandchildren’s problem. ------ Clifford -------
  24. Dave, Irina hasn't mentioned it. I was just thinking about one of Don's earlier posts. How to strive for equality in a relationship. - I earn "Middle Class American Income". - Irina is currently a college student in Russia. If she worked, she would be lucky to get about $20 / month for a half-time job. I have thought about getting a credit/debit card to her, but I have been sending her some help via Western Union instead. I just sent her some flowers and chocolates as well as a $300 Christmas gift. What if she wants to reciprocate with something simple. Something like logging into Sears and scheduling for a set of sockets to be gift wrapped and delivered would be extremely difficult for her. Or, candies via online stores would also be difficult for her. http://www.candyfavorites.com/ http://www.candydirect.com/html/eng/home.shtml Of course, there is always "snail mail". However, if one puts standard ground postage on the package, it can take up to 2 months to arrive. As we all know, Express Mail can cost more than the original package. As I mentioned, earlier the "Agency" had a program where a woman could send a gift of pictures at a low cost (suplimented by the man).... I thought I could suggest that the program be supplimented with giving mail-order chocolates or hand-tools. Perhaps it is a little strange to do so, but it would be a good way to provide a little better access to the woman. I just thought that creating the opportunity to purchase gifts in the USA would make her feel better by being able to (easily) reciprocate in such things. I don't need more screwdrivers or chocolates, but I would cherish the thought. ----- Clifford -----
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